Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Spin Cycle

      Another map from PiSketch, Inc.

      Spin cycle is something that i thought up for fun and decided to try. Originally it was just the spinning bit, but i thought i could do better, and i did. The readme has a few tips on how to win in both easy and hard mode, so be sure to take a look. The spinning thing will probably be incorperated into my portion of Project Multi Sketch as a trap or something.

      Attached File (8.12K)
      Number of downloads: 14


      This post has been edited by PiSketch : 04 March 2007 - 05:47 PM

    • Nice little level. Can anyone beat 13 seconds on hard and 17 on easy?

    • You did Hard faster then Easy? Woah. I got 12 sec once. Don't remember if hard or easy.


    • :laugh: Marvelous level Pi! It runs as smooth as ever on my iBook G4 and you captured the rotation perfectly. I definitely think you should use this technique in more levels, I can see a great challenge where you have to break out of the pull and jump into another whereby you repeat the process again, swinging from loop to loop. (like the spinning discs in Scrap Brain Zone in Sonic The Hedgehog)

      3 seconds on hard, and I feel I could do better.

      This post has been edited by Silverwind : 04 March 2007 - 05:27 PM

    • Thank you, Silver. Good to know that it works on (relatively) slower machines. I definitly intend to use this in a few more things, including Multi Sketch. I can see a hallway filled with these, maybe lined with a few turrets. And three seconds? O_O I suppose that hard is easier to do fast then easy, but there's something i should fix. Namely that you could, in theory, hit the boss from the hall without even entering the spinner.


    • Quote

      but there's something i should fix. Namely that you could, in theory, hit the boss from the hall without even entering the spinner.

      I never even thought of that... I'll post up my new time in a few seconds...


      Yep, 2 seconds, I knew I could do better. 😉 However I don't think it's physically possible to beat it faster than that, so there's not much point in me trying.


      Waits to see Crono post his time of -3 seconds

      This post has been edited by Silverwind : 04 March 2007 - 05:48 PM

    • @ Silver: 😛 Try that with the new version. Should be possible, force fields should pull you in.

      @ FF:Excellent! Looks like it should run fine on most things now! What's the porcesson on an eMac again? I can put than into the ReadMe if you can tell me.

      This post has been edited by PiSketch : 04 March 2007 - 05:49 PM

    • Overall very nice level. Best time was 14 seconds on easy. And runs smooth on my dusty old eMac.

    • It's a 1.42 GHz PowerPC G4
      256 MB DDR SDRAM with 33.22 GB free.

      This post has been edited by FireFalcon : 04 March 2007 - 05:56 PM

    • Thanks. Adds to readme

      Also, i just got 2 sec without standing in the hallway.

    • Incase anyone out there doubts the mind boggling time that Pi and I have achieved, here's the screenshot.Attached File What_a_time_.gif (40.49K)
      Number of downloads: 21

    • @silverwind, on Mar 4 2007, 10:41 PM, said in Spin Cycle:

      Waits to see Crono post his time of -3 seconds


      Sorry to make you wait, I've been in Budapest since last Friday and just got back. I'll have a look at you level after work tomorrow if I get a chance. I have a sneaking suspicion I should have released my level earlier as the screenshot below makes the boss look it uses a concept I thought nobody had come up with yet that I had. ah well... 🙂

      EDIT - okay, had a quick try- couldn't resist - and it's not quite the same as what I had done which is good. Equalled 2 seconds (3rd attempt), but couldn't beat it. 😉

      This post has been edited by Crono : 04 March 2007 - 06:18 PM

    • It runs fine on my 400 MHz G4. Of course I'm running in 800x600 resolution in a window.

    • Yes, very nice. I'm no speed demon, but I figured that rather than try to actively aim, I'd just point in one direction and hit the boss once on each revolution. It was the only way I could ever land a missile, that's for sure.

      Oh, and Silverwind...I couldn't resist, sorry.

      Attached File(s)

    • Alright, as it doesn't seem like anyone else can find anything wrong with it, i'll be uploading it the the addons page soon.


    • Also, you havn't updated the Readme about the CPU speed. :huh:

    • I have in the uploaded version, no worries.

    • Upload approved.

      It is very interesting. And yes, it reminds me of scrap brain zone too, you just have to add a few nightmaring moving blocks and it will be just like it