Unfortunately, it looks like you goofed the zip you uploaded, it was 0kb. I had to delete your submission. (and don't worry about not having Stuffit, in fact I'd prefer if everything was simple .zip, despite what the uploading instructions say).
BTW, comments on the latest version posted to this topic:
Oh, I just love the way you hid the super wave. Well, sure it's abusing a little the fact that you just have invisible walls to trace the limits of the secret zone (which I can't blame you for, btw, since bugs in the current release with custom level do not make this necessarily easy), but very well thought (thank God for the effect of the red gun). Perhaps you're abusing a little the unmapped space "feature" though.
Oh, also I do not revert to a normal orientation when exiting this zone, as a rule of thumb people ALWAYS put a "spin back" at the entrance(s) of a zone with spins, this way the player will always revert to default orientation when exiting the zone.
Some of the skull turrets disappeared when I killed the red triple turrets (too easy with the super wave!), except one. Normal?
A little (surely unintented) unmapped space behind the third ship.
Pay attention to the layers you put stuff in, especially in the Boss zone
Gah, I hit this invisible turret-holder again. Make it so that it's destroyed at the first shot that hits it once the turret has been destroyed or something.