Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Registration check error/Insurrection problem

      2 6 1972

      I'm moving this topic over from the IV forum, as it may be due to a Mac-specific problem--it's also mainly for xander, since it concerns his mod. 🙂

      To recap: I was playing Insurrection, having completed Discovery and having access to squads. I was playing Recruitment (with squads) when Darwinia quit with a "registration check error". When I restarted Darwinia, Discover was still complete (my squads were sitting on top of Mount Whatever), but my progress in Recruitment had been rolled back to an earlier point, and I no longer had the ability to make squads in the Task Manager. This regression of gamestate happened while playing the regular campaign when I got the same error, but as there was less reliance on scripted events, it was never a problem. As it is now, I can't do much else in the game until I can get around this issue--I can't restart Discovery, since the level is complete and the missions accomplished.

      My questions are this:

      1. For xander: What file or files do I need to change (and how) in order to have access to the squads again? I would imagine it to be a call or change to a script somewhere, but I'm not familiar with Darwinian scripting.

      2. For anyone: What causes this fatal error, and what can I do to prevent it from happening again?


    • @unmighty, on Jun 12 2007, 09:56 PM, said in Registration check error/Insurrection problem:

      My questions are this:

      1. For xander: What file or files do I need to change (and how) in order to have access to the squads again? I would imagine it to be a call or change to a script somewhere, but I'm not familiar with Darwinian scripting.

      You will need to decrypt game.txt from your profile's directory ( ~/Library/Application Support/Darwinia/full/(profile) ). If you search the IV forums for "redshirt2" you should find what you need. Once you have that decrypted, simply change the appropriate values. It should be fairly obvious what needs changing. You can then replace the old, original, encrypted version of the file with your new, improved, decrypted version.


    • @darwinian, on Jun 12 2007, 04:00 PM, said in Registration check error/Insurrection problem:

      You will need to decrypt game.txt from your profile's directory ( ~/Library/Application Support/Darwinia/full/(profile) ). If you search the IV forums for "redshirt2" you should find what you need. Once you have that decrypted, simply change the appropriate values. It should be fairly obvious what needs changing. You can then replace the old, original, encrypted version of the file with your new, improved, decrypted version.


      Ahhh...that's where I needed to look. I tried the game.txt in the Insurrection directory, and wondered why it looked like all the default values. I didn't think to check the one in the profile directory. Dumb oversight on my part, I guess. At any rate, that fixed it.

      Thanks again.

    • Hey xander,

      I'm having a Curse of the Generator problem now in the Station level. Whatever prevented the generator from going online in the regular campaign is causing the same problem here. I can't find a line that exactly matches what you posted in the other thread (not surprisingly), so I was wondering if you could let me know what string in the building definitions refers to the generator in Station.


    • @unmighty, on Jun 17 2007, 09:19 PM, said in Registration check error/Insurrection problem:

      Hey xander,

      I'm having a Curse of the Generator problem now in the Station level. Whatever prevented the generator from going online in the regular campaign is causing the same problem here. I can't find a line that exactly matches what you posted in the other thread (not surprisingly), so I was wondering if you could let me know what string in the building definitions refers to the generator in Station.


      If want to hack the game files, you need to find the building ID for the generator, and the level ID in which it resides, then make that building online in game.txt. However, I am currently 2000 miles away from the computer with all the files on it, and can't figure those things out right now. I will be back in Reno in about a week, and can post a again if you haven't figured it out. Let me know, one way or another.


    • OK, I figured out which line was the correct one by looking through a modding guide. For anyone else with this problem, generators are building type 14, and only one line in game.txt has that value in the type column (the fourth one). Changing the online value from 0 to 1 solved the problem--when I restarted Darwinia, I got Greenbrae's message that I could use Airstrikes. Similarly for going back into Station. The generator itself still shows a 0 value, but the objective was complete.

      (this took me a little while to figure out, and find a guide that I could make sense out of)