Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I go to extreme lengths to fight only using hordes of darwinians

      7 23 3366


    • You are a horrible person.

    • Games do last longer, but they are so much more satisfying when you hear their screams of fear or joy.

    • Ok, so it's true that a Darwinian can never truly "die" (except in extreme circumstances) but we can assume that its painful when they die. It's generally been a good practice to use your squads for offensives, and keep your DGs in reserve for defenses. Except on a few levels.

    • Biosphere for the win.

    • Against centipedes, virii, and evil DGs, a horde of DGs following an officer is much better than a squad. Against spiders, spam, soul destroyers, and spore droppers, nothing beats a DG controlled battle cannon. DGs for the win.


    • Ooh rah.

    • Swoop noises! mrxak++

    • This is my favorite Darwinia topic ever. Discuss.

      Fun fact: My favorite Uplink topic ever was this one.

    • I haven't played Darwinia since July. That makes me a bad person.

    • @andcarne, on Dec 7 2006, 09:16 PM, said in I go to extreme lengths to fight only using hordes of darwinians:

      I haven't played Darwinia since July. That makes me a bad person.

      Yes. Yes it does.


    • Seriously though.

    • Darwinians running around on fire. Discuss.

    • I propose we construct force fields around the trees, because everyone burns the trees once they know they can. Darwinians need to be protected from this very real, and very serious danger.

    • Darwinians on fire makes me sad 😞

    • Darwinians running around on fire is funny. Almost as funny as children. Discuss further.

      Hamster: 😮

    • @prophile, on Jan 31 2007, 08:18 PM, said in I go to extreme lengths to fight only using hordes of darwinians:

      Darwinians running around on fire is funny. Almost as funny as children. Discuss further.

      Hamster: 😮

      What do you mean by "Almost as funny as children?" "Almost as funny as children," or "Almost as funny as children on fire?" Because the first is not at all funny, while the second is very, very funny.


    • I would like to reserve further judgment until I hear Anax's view on the matter.

    • Hamster:

      Posted Image

      Everyone else:

      Posted Image


    • Children running around on fire.

      It is funny indeed.

      In other news: