Yummator, on May 29 2005, 02:47 AM, said:
hey all,
Does anyone else have an issue that when they fire up a mod, any in-game text (instructions given to the player at the bottom of the screen) comes in as "Phrase not found: XXXX" where XXXX is any given resource name like "lostsoulsintro1"?
It seems like it's a resource is missing, but I've downloaded and tried every mod i can find and i have the same issue on all of them.
I did a search, I swear. I can't find anything else like this on the IV or ASW boards...
but if a resolution does exist, i apologize.
Thanks in advance,
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At this moment, if you want to change the text in the game, you will have to go through the following steps:
- Right-click or ctrl-click on Darwinia.app and click on 'Show Package Contents'
- Rename 'main.dat' to 'main.rar', and extract it with a utility like UnRar
- In the new 'data' directory, you should see a file called 'english.txt' -- this file contains all of the strings that the game uses. Replace it with a new file. In this case, replace it with 'strings_default.txt' from the StrickenSouls folder.
That should do it. Right now, there is no easy way to replace the strings. However, as soon as the patch is out, this will change. You will be able to create a text file called 'strings_default.txt' and leave that in your mod folder, and the StrickenSouls mod should work without difficulty.