Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Biosphere

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      Two problems

      1. I was able to take over two islands with the trunk ports on them. However, when I try to invade one of the other islands I get stomped by the evil darwinians becasue I can't seem to produce enough good darwinians. How come the evil spawn points are producing armys of darwinians and my good spawn points are only producing a few guys here and there. I can't compete with the overwhelming numbers of evil darwinians.

      2. Over several sessions of game play I took over two islands and the main island with the spiders on it, and today I was going to continue and when I openned Biosphere it had reset and now I have to start from scratch. What's the deal? I'm very frustrated at this point and I'm debating whether to start over or just say screw it! Why didn't you just make a manuel save in the game like every other game other made!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    • JohnH, on May 1 2005, 08:05 PM, said:

      1. I was able to take over two islands with the trunk ports on them. However, when I try to invade one of the other islands I get stomped by the evil darwinians becasue I can't seem to produce enough good darwinians. How come the evil spawn points are producing armys of darwinians and my good spawn points are only producing a few guys here and there. I can't compete with the overwhelming numbers of evil darwinians.

      This might be because there's a limit to how many darwinians can be produced on a single island - but the corrupt ones don't obey this. Channel your darwinians off the islands where you're producing, and set up chains of officers to send them off directly from the spawn points. They will then continue producing new ones. 🙂


      1. Over several sessions of game play I took over two islands and the main island with the spiders on it, and today I was going to continue and when I openned Biosphere it had reset and now I have to start from scratch.

      Oh dear 😞 I read somewhere that it only saves when your engineer converts a building - I'm not sure that's exactly true but maybe don't do them all until you need them. Alternatively it might basically be a bug. In which case just give it another try...

    • As Michael B says, there are population locks, on an island by island basis. However, the reddies should obey the lock as much as the greenies. The problem may be that the red DGs are spawning on the island faster than yours, and locking you out. Again, as Micheal B says, once you get DGs off of the island, more can be born.

      As to the second point, the game should save when you exit the level, and I think that it is supposed to auto-save when you capture a control tower. However, there is only one control tower to caputure in Biosphere, making this method a bit hard. See what happens if you exit the level and re-enter it. This should also clear up any lingering souls, and might give you a marginal boost in FPS for a while.


      EIDT: oops... I should have read the original post a bit better. You were leaving the level and re-entering. Sorry, I was not of much use. At any rate, the save system seems to be a bit dodgy. I managed to beat most of the levels in one sitting, and they are pretty short anyway, so I never had trouble with having to start over. Sorry.

      This post has been edited by darwinian : 01 May 2005 - 04:53 PM