Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Strange Darwinian Behavior

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      I've noticed a couple odd things that Darwinians like to do, and I'm wondering if anyone has any explanations.

      First, when a Darwinian dies, other Darwinians will release box-kite shaped objects that float up to the sky.

      When a living Darwinian is near a Darwinian soul, the living Darwinian will face it and rock back and forth, as if operating a machine. This can result in a prayer circle if enough Darwinians are around.

      Neither of these behaviors have affected my gameplay, but I'm still really curious.

    • They are the funeral rituals of the Darwinians. It looks like a prayer circle because it is a prayer circle.

      The swaying darwinians are mourning for their comrades, and they release box kites to light the way to heaven (the soul repository).

      It's part of their way of life.