Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Just one question, what does "Avara" mean?

      9 19 1380

      What does "Avara" mean? I mean, the things you drive aren't called Avaras, they are called HECTORs. What does Avara have to do with the game? Just a cool name?

      P.S. What does "HECTOR" stand for?

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **What does "Avara" mean? I mean, the things you drive aren't called Avaras, they are called HECTORs. What does Avara have to do with the game? Just a cool name?

      P.S. What does "HECTOR" stand for?



      Avara means wide open spaces, in I believe Finnish, although I could be wrong.

      Hostile Environment Combat and Transport Operations Remote unit, affectionately known as the H.E.C.T.O.R.

    • Whoa! Long name for a HECTOR!

      What country is finnish used in?

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

    • Finland, of course! Jesus, how could you NOT know that? shakes head

      Best Regards,
      Urban "Robin Hood" Weigl

    • Oh be quiet. I forgot about Finland.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Whoa! Long name for a HECTOR!

      You sure its not Ambrosia trying to slip in their mascot? 😉


    • Hey, Avatara, think you have enough posts on this board? I mean, you've only posted 1,066 messages. Hey, that's the same year that William I invaded England...intruiging...


      Web: [
      "Warning:](<br />
      ) Cape does
      not allow user to fly."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      **You sure its not Ambrosia trying to slip in their mascot?;)



      Wait - wait just a dog-gone minute... you think?


      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

    • Quote

      Originally posted by PatH:
      **Hey, Avatara, think you have enough posts on this board? I mean, you've only posted 1,066 messages. Hey, that's the same year that William I invaded England...intruiging...


      What's so bad with 1075 posts? I'm just trying to breath a tiny gust of life into otherwise dull forums. If you want me to leave, fine, I will.


    • No, I didn't mean anything bad. I was just pointing out your massive number of posts. Keep on, eventually you will catch up to the current year 🙂


      Web: [
      "Warning:](<br />
      ) Cape does
      not allow user to fly."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by PatH:
      **No, I didn't mean anything bad. I was just pointing out your massive number of posts. Keep on, eventually you will catch up to the current year:)


      Oh. Heh. 😄

      Well, it does help to be a moderator and post in 9 forums... 😉


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      **Oh. Heh.:D

      Well, it does help to be a moderator and post in 9 forums... 😉

      Um, Avatara, how can you post so much? I've been here longer than you and you have over twice the amount of posts I have!

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Um, Avatara, how can you post so much? I've been here longer than you and you have over twice the amount of posts I have!

      Lets see...uh...I post daily in:

      Ares's Officer Club
      Ares Trash Talk

      Avara (only if there is something to post about, without making pointless posts)




      with EV B&B; and Just Chat occasionally.

      I think that would clear things up...


      (This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 11-18-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      **The War Room

      Ummm, what's the "War Room"?

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Ummm, what's the "War Room"?


      that would be somthing to do with ares im guessing.

      (url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
      (url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by DeAdBoY:
      **that would be somthing to do with ares im guessing.

      Nope, I accidentially slipped up and mentioned it, but its in no way related to Ares or Cythera. I'm not giving it away and if you want to know, that's up to the Avara moderators.

      With war there is great amounts of death. Men and women make themselves known, doing dangerous feats in their attempt to become heroes.
      Some succeed, some don't...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      **Nope, I accidentially slipped up and mentioned it, but its in no way related to Ares or Cythera. I'm not giving it away and if you want to know, that's up to the Avara moderators.


      It's not a secret.

      The War Room is a place for moderators to discuss anything with other moderators. That's all - nothing more - nothing less.

      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

    • I don't know...... 😉 According to guywise it's where andrew and the moderators plan world domination.....of course, that's just guywise. 🙂

      The sentient Glue
      Bubble waves to

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taz!:
      **It's not a secret.

      Hmm... Ph33r password protected fourm 55 🙂

      Just stopping by... and I though the Cythera board was low-traffic! You only have four pages of posts!

      I am, in fact, a registered Avara user. I had quite a bit of fun with it a while back.
      One of my real-life freinds plays it still, I think.
      It's a shame to see the old guy dying :frown:
      I was surprised to find out that Avara had done so poorly. It deserved better.

      I'll just put a random number at 0008EC and see what happens.
      (Famous Last Words #-32767)

      Where do you want to (url="http://"")teleport(/url) today?