Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • [TOURNAMENT] Summer Challenge, July, 11th @ 19.00 GMT

      6 14 1823

      Hello pop-pop'ers!

      I am going to host a tournament on Sunday, 11th at 19.00 GMT. Please sign in to the tourney on the tournament-system (url="http://"") All Players including Newbies are welcome!

      I am looking forward to competing with all of you.


      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚

      (This message has been edited by Hyko (edited 06-30-2004).)

    • I'm game. Probably.

      "Music is the only thing in this world, with the exception of sneezing and looking at the sunset, that takes you to a place that's above the mundane. Everything else is just bull****." - Stephan Jenkins
      Mac OS X: Because making Unix user-friendly was easier than fixing Windows.
      (url="http://"")The Core Ascendency(/url)
      Courtesy of LawnGnome and Chad, (url="http://"")"nemo and Jshei"(/url) and (url="http://"")"The Lovers"(/url), respectively.

    • Count me in for now.

    • Yes, I'm sure I'll be there. I hope all the good and the great will be too - Lumisa, Ryoko, Eno (revenge!), etc

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      Yes, I'm sure I'll be there. I hope all the good and the great will be too - Lumisa, Ryoko, Eno (revenge!), etc

      That's great to hear!

      I hope Ryoko, Eno, Lumisa, calamity, 888, mikrisa etc will join too.

      But I heared Lumsia having a problem that pop-pop does not work correctly on her new G5 with Panther. The mouse seems to be to slow and the paddle is like beeing connected to the mouse with help of a rubber band!? Maybe there is somebody out there to help her. Lish ist not playing too. He also has mouseproblems with his microsoft mouse since he has updated to panther...

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚

    • Originally posted by Hyko:


      **But I heared Lumsia having a problem that pop-pop does not work correctly on her new G5 with Panther. The mouse seems to be to slow and the paddle is like beeing connected to the mouse with help of a rubber band!? Maybe there is somebody out there to help her. Lish ist not playing too. He also has mouseproblems with his microsoft mouse since he has updated to panther...

      Lumisa has a new G5?? ..... <drools in a Homer-esque fashion> πŸ™‚ .... in the meantime, I recently installed a processor & memory upgrade on my G4. Nips along nicely now, so I'm a happy little camper for the time being. Only waiting on my graphics card now which is on back order... can't wait to replace the Rage 128... mmmm

      As for the Microsoft mouse, I use one of those under Panther and I've had no real problems with it. Maybe it's a G5 thing? ...Has Lish tried downloading the most recent Intellipoint drivers from the Mactopia website?

      As for the tournament, I may be able to make it if I can get myself up that early (19.00 GMT is 05.00 Aus)...

      This message is brought to you by FOOTOΒ™ the Wonder Boot Exploder

    • I can't promise, but I'll try to join, at least for the revange, SHOES! πŸ™‚

      Enrico Enrco Enco Eno

    • Just found out that I may not be able to make it, but there still is a chance.

    • So who else thinks that they can make it? Helix, Paulina, Ryoko, and possibly Lumisa and Lish if they can get their computers to work correctly? And nemo, you said you might play, go ahead and sign up! Has anyone seen Neta or Lother recently? Does anyone know if zap will show? Squibix, is the time too bad for you? Eccles, come on, five in the morning isn't THAT bad! πŸ˜ƒ Maybe we can get at least eight or nine. Ten would be wonderful, been over a year since that! I'm trying to get one of my friends to play, but am not sure he will.

    • As it turns out, I'm out.
      I'll be in Oregon until the following Tuesday.

      "Music is the only thing in this world, with the exception of sneezing and looking at the sunset, that takes you to a place that's above the mundane. Everything else is just bull****." - Stephan Jenkins
      Mac OS X: Because making Unix user-friendly was easier than fixing Windows.
      (url="http://"")The Core Ascendency(/url)
      Courtesy of LawnGnome and Chad, (url="http://"")"nemo and Jshei"(/url) and (url="http://"")"The Lovers"(/url), respectively.

    • So who is left? Ryoko, Helix, Neta, and Paulina?

    • Currently six players are signed in. I hope that all will occur.

      Just to pronounce it again: as usual DEMO Players are welcome to the tourneys as well. Further more I heard of two very good players now who do not want to join because they do not expect to win there and therefore do not want to play. Apart from the point that I think you can't predict who will win, I want to make clear, that the main reason to play the tournaments is to have fun in playing with nice people.

      I hope to see you on Sunday!

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hyko:
      Further more I heard of two very good players now who do not want to join because they do not expect to win there and therefore do not want to play.

      :eek: Cowards! Quite funny though. πŸ™‚

      Where are all the PC players? I suppose we were expecting a bit much, they are after all... PC users!

      See you on Sunday.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      **Where are all the PC players? I suppose we were expecting a bit much, they are after all... PC users!

      I would be happy if that would be the point, but it is much simplier: there are no PC users at all!

      See you on sunday πŸ˜‰

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚