Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • We've got to keep this board alive!

      17 28 578

      The Avara web board is dying! We need more people to be posting! What's wrong with posting? I don't see any problem with it! We have got to keep this web board alive! Post about levels you've won! Ask about how to beat certain levels! Set up multi-player games! Have fun! Visit the webboard! Post! Ask questions! Comment! Give suggestions! Ask for advice on levels you are making! Never give up on this board!!

      Come on people! Lets make this board ALIVE!!

      -Captain Carnotaur

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • A tumbleweed blows across the screen... 😉

      "I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      **A tumbleweed blows across the screen...😉



      I'm not paranoid, I just have really good reflexes.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **The Avara web board is dying! We need more people to be posting! What's wrong with posting? I don't see any problem with it! We have got to keep this web board alive! Post about levels you've won! Ask about how to beat certain levels! Set up multi-player games! Have fun! Visit the webboard! Post! Ask questions! Comment! Give suggestions! Ask for advice on levels you are making! Never give up on this board!!

      Come on people! Lets make this board ALIVE!!

      -Captain Carnotaur


      Quite frankly, there is no relationship with the thinking that this board is "dying" because of no posts. Someone always responds when a question is posted.

      While it is not as active as other boards, none of the other games that have boards are as old, nor has had as few registrations as Avara.

      If you think this board is dead, you need to change your thinking on the subject.

      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taz!:
      **While it is not as active as other boards, none of the other games that have boards are as old, nor has had as few registrations as Avara.

      Escape Velocity came before Avara...but it had many times more registrations. looks at the unregistered Avara on his hard drive under 5 feet of "system dust".

      Also, there isn't a whole lot you could chat about with Avara on these boards. I doubt debates would catch on, as people could easily go to a more frequently used board and post there. A bar? Maybe, but doubtful...and probably pointless. "Online RPGs?" Maybe, but why not just write chronicles about them instead? You could talk to another person over e-mail and alternate writing parts for a multi-part story. There isn't a whole lot to do here, so the board remains "inactive" (not dead) until someone asks a decent question.

      Avara is more active than you think, but only on or something like that. Not much of the news/chronicles/topics from there get transferred to here so Avara looks less-popular than it really is.

      "I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      Also, there isn't a whole lot you could chat about with Avara on these boards. I doubt debates would catch on, as people could easily go to a more frequently used board and post there.

      Don't forget Avara has a chat system built in. Not much reason to come here and talk about a game or a particular feat when you can go to a server and immediately talk about it.

      EV doesn't. Don't know about Ares - it never captured my fancy.

      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

    • I think this board isn't much to worry about..... it's more important to keep the game alive....

      Remember - it's never far from shot to kill

    • Quote

      Originally posted by EnglaBenny:
      **I think this board isn't much to worry about..... it's more important to keep the game alive....

      Exactly. If the game dies, the board will die with it. If the board dies, the game will still live on.

      No one is listening until you make a mistake.

    • I'd also like to point out that when questions or asked, or topics like this get started, they ussualy gerenate several replies. So for a board that is "dead" an aweful lot of people check it. I think Taz! hit the nail on the head. Avara has a chat feature built in. No need to chat here.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      **Escape Velocity came before Avara...but it had many times more registrations. looks at the unregistered Avara on his hard drive under 5 feet of "system dust".

      Ahh- you're right. I remember now playing EV for a few months, then hearing about Avara and grabbing it the first day.


      **Avara is more active than you think, but only on or something like that. Not much of the news/chronicles/topics from there get transferred to here so Avara looks less-popular than it really is.

      I think you're mistaken when you say .org is more active, especially when talking just about Avara. Sure- they generate (or at least did generate) some discussions when they were working on (err- still working -ooops- not working on any more) AfterShock, but I don't see that much more activity there.

      Actually, the most talk is about the endless efforts to "make an Avara2"... and I'm not going to even go there.

      If people choose to post their stories at .org, that's fine. They can post them here also if they want, but I'm not going to go to their board and start whoring stuff for this site. I'll let people from there do that here...

      But- just to be clear - any story concerning Avara is welcome in the appropriate area (chronicles)

      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

    • With the new "views" catagory, we can really track just how alive these boards are. People must regularly come in and check; this thread alone has 47 people who have checked it.


      "Get with the krizapee taste of Rocket Fuel malt liqueur. Rocket Fuel's got the upstate prison flavor that keeps you ugly all night. So when you wanna get sick, remember: Nothing makes your feet stank like Rocket Fuel malt liquer. Damn! it's krizapee."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by rebelswin_85:
      **With the new "views" catagory, we can really track just how alive these boards are. People must regularly come in and check; this thread alone has 47 people who have checked it.


      Slightly less than that. (I guess about 30) I've been counted there 4 times at least, seeing as how its the total number of times this topic was loaded, not how many different IP#s access it to look at it.

      "I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

    • after 2 months i've returned to the ASW boards. As always the avara board doesn't have enough topic to fill even half of my screen. I announced that i was working on a story a while back(oops. looks like that topic and all my others were erased-most of them were spam anyway :p) but due to the fact that there wasn't much to build on I'd just like to say that my story is pretty much dead.

      a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.

    • Well, so far, I'veplayed up to the "rescue" mission in the orriginal Avara. In AS, ive gone absolutly nowhere, cause I cant seem to get any one to play with! So, I've just been putzin around, makin different levels and such, and just experimenting with the whole LD process..... Any one wanna play?



    • deleted

      (This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 01-07-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Avatara:
      **Go on, I believe you were saying something funny...;)

      looks at David's topic and sees no comments


      Here's something funny:

      When are you going to add something helpful to these posts, or are you just going to continue making wisecracks?

      I haven't added any comments because I haven't reviewed it yet.
      I haven't reviewed it yet because I've been away for a few days.

      Now, think very carefully before you post here again Avatara...

      I'm sorry - I can't argue with you. I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

    • I have to side with Taz again. The reason I only commented on David's post today was that I have been (and am still on) vacation. I only check email infrequently and I check the webboards less so. Even in general I post far less often then Taz, who deals with most things before I'm aware of them. However, I wanted to assert a few things here. First, regardless of whether this board is "dieing", Avatara, comments like yours don't help it. I don't think that I'm the only person who knows the rule "if you don't have anything nice to say..." Second, Avara is an old game, it has a built in chat system. So people don't need the board to chat. It has a few single player levels, but those are fairly striaghtforward, so people don't ask questions that often. It came with good doc's so people don't ask questions about gameplay that often. However when people do ask questions they are usually answered quickly. Maybe David's topic didn't get hits fast enough for you, but a) it was posted when many people are on vacataion. 🆒 it concerns a FAQ, which is not that exciting a topic. I imagine many people would skip a subject talking about a FAQ, I know I would if I were not a moderator.

      Just saying my piece.


    • Hi, I doubt anyone will remember me, but that happens when you quit playing your favorite online game for 2 years. I know what your are thinking, "WHY?!" (or more likely 'who?')
      Anyway, My only access to Macintosh gaming was (and still is) cut off completely. Damn the University and their gaming policies! Anyway, is Uno still around? Is he still insufferably obnoxious when he wins? (joke, but true, lol) what about Redcap? arrakis? Saracen Prince? (tyrant), what about Vox? am i merely showing my age? when was the last time anyone saw Keel?
      I was just curious as to the status of my all time fav game. I'd hate to see it die.
      Anyone have any ideas on how to get Avara to run on a PC? I cant seem to find an emulator that can tackle it yet, and i definitely cant afford a mac.
      Anyway, if any of my old tribe, or old friends are still alive (and i havent found you anywhere else) my icq # is 78496642
      I miss the game, and I miss the friends I made in it...and the enemies too
      Until I win the lottery and get a mac,
      §hogun §amurai

    • Quote

      Originally posted by §hogun §amurai:
      Hi, I doubt anyone will remember me, but that happens when you quit playing your favorite online game for 2 years. I know what your are thinking, "WHY?!" (or more likely 'who?')
      Anyway, My only access to Macintosh gaming was (and still is) cut off completely. Damn the University and their gaming policies! Anyway, is Uno still around? Is he still insufferably obnoxious when he wins? (joke, but true, lol) what about Redcap? arrakis? Saracen Prince? (tyrant), what about Vox? am i merely showing my age? when was the last time anyone saw Keel?
      I was just curious as to the status of my all time fav game. I'd hate to see it die.
      Anyone have any ideas on how to get Avara to run on a PC? I cant seem to find an emulator that can tackle it yet, and i definitely cant afford a mac.
      Anyway, if any of my old tribe, or old friends are still alive (and i havent found you anywhere else) my icq # is 78496642
      I miss the game, and I miss the friends I made in it...and the enemies too
      Until I win the lottery and get a mac,
      §hogun §amurai

      Just get one of the original Bondi iMacs. They're only 600-700 dollars, and have 200-some megahertz. That's my suggestion.

    • Shogun, nearly every player you mentioned has either left and come back, or has never left. And about uno being a jerk when he wins, still does it. It's even worse now, cuz the few elite players that are left can beat him (he jumps aorund too much, easy to hit him...), so now when he wins, he gloats about the 1 win 🆒 And I would just cough up the dough and get an iMac like skippy suggestead. Laterz

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing