Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Next tourney

      13 36 2773

      Hi and Saluton!
      Some of you already know that I'm going to run the next tourney, of course with Hyko's tourney system.
      Every skills are welcome!

      First we need a date ...
      Following suggestions:
      1- Friday, the 9th April .. about 18:00 GMT
      2- Friday, the 16th April .. about 18:00 GMT
      3- Sunday, the 18th April .. about 17:00 GMT

      If you prefer one I'll consider it else I'll choose one by dice or whatever 😉

      Waiting for answers
      Eno 🙂

      Please correct me! I'm a pupil learning English.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Eno:
      **3- Sunday, the 18th April .. about 17:00 GMT


      Just saw that we had a Post Easter Tourney last year, too (2003-04-27 hosted by Crono)

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

      (This message has been edited by Hyko (edited 03-22-2004).)

    • Hyko> Yes, I saw that too. Therefore I didn't choose a name by now. Maybe it'll be a sequel 🙂

      Please correct me! I'm a pupil learning English.

    • I vote for Friday the 9th: I don't think I'll be able to play either of the other days.

      'It's funny because it's true.'
      (url="http://"")squibix web(/url) /(url="http://"")dan(/url)

    • I vote for 3- Sunday, the 18th April .. about 17:00 GMT

      But it would be a shame if Danny couldn't make it.

      Perhaps if it was later on the Sunday you could make it danny?

      (This message has been edited by SHOES (edited 03-23-2004).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      Perhaps if it was later on the Sunday you could make it danny?

      (This message has been edited by SHOES (edited 03-23-2004).)**

      I could manage it 19:00 GMT at the latest ...

      Please correct me! I'm a pupil learning English.

    • Friday, the 9th April .. about 18:00 GMT gets my vote.
      Sorry I couldn't play in the last tournament. I currently live in student flats and we have to share the phone line between 5 people. During most of April, I will be back home in Germany, where we have wireless broadband 🙂

      C U on the tracker



    • Hi folks! The tournaments sound like a fun idea & I'd love to play....but unfortunately for me, being an Aussie, the suggested GMT times translate to 4.00 and 5.00 in the morning. I know I'm in the minority here, but is there any other time that satisfies both hemispheres?

    • Ok, the 18th April is the next touney (if no one else host one in the meantime). Sorry eccles, it is nearly impossible to fit a tourney to all players all over the world. But maybe you'll host the next tourney, then you could choose a time suitable to your time zone.
      Dingo, Helix: If "about 17:00" is your problem, we could vary it ... I would really love to play you.
      I'll do a posting here, when I add the tourney in Hyko's tourney system. I'll do this in several days, if no more poppers have problems with the 18th or no one has a great suggestion.


      (This message has been edited by Eno (edited 04-03-2004).)

    • Count me in for the tourney (as long as I remember!).

      Eccles: When would the best time (in GMT) be for you? Perhaps if we had another tournament at about 8/9pm here you could play in the morning your time?


      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

    • I might like to join in but at the moment I don't have enough money to register. Is that an issue?

      (url="http://"") - Is it in you?™
      3 years on Ambrosia, isn't life insanely great?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taylor:
      **I might like to join in but at the moment I don't have enough money to register. Is that an issue?


      Nope, there is occasionaly one or two unregistered players on. You are more than welcome to play!

    • BTW, I think that I will be able to play. Count me in for now.

    • So will this be the "Post Easter Cup II" or what?

    • Fyrephin, 9pm GMT would be ideal for me since that would be 8am Aussie time (certainly a more respectable hour than 4 or 5am in the morning!). If a 9 or 10pm GMT tourney ever happens, then count me in 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by eccles:
      Fyrephin, 9pm GMT would be ideal for me since that would be 8am Aussie time (certainly a more respectable hour than 4 or 5am in the morning!). If a 9 or 10pm GMT tourney ever happens, then count me in 🙂

      That's actually a better time for me. So would anyone be up for a late night tourney, say if it was on a Friday or Saturday?

      I guess I'm offering to host it if there are enough people who would be willing to join.


      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by fyrephin:
      **That's actually a better time for me. So would anyone be up for a late night tourney, say if it was on a Friday or Saturday?

      I guess I'm offering to host it if there are enough people who would be willing to join.



      Probably I would in if it was on Friday or Saturday ..
      Maybe you should start another thread 😉

      Enrico Enrco Enco Eno

    • could you make it a bit later, like 7 pm gmt? i have guests that weekend and i´m not sure if they will have left by 5 pm... anyway, if it´s any trouble, (and sorry if i´ve missed a post stating that 7 is too late) i´ll TRY to be there at 5.
      otherwise, i wish every one great fun and good luck.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **could you make it a bit later, like 7 pm gmt? i have guests that weekend and i´m not sure if they will have left by 5 pm... anyway, if it´s any trouble, (and sorry if i´ve missed a post stating that 7 is too late) i´ll TRY to be there at 5.
      otherwise, i wish every one great fun and good luck.

      I could start it by 6 pm GMT at the latest .. Is this better for you, lumisa?

      Enrico Enrco Enco Eno

    • i just found out that they will be gone by 5 and in this case starting at 5 would actually be better than at 6 because then we might be done by "bedtime"... so - back to plan A....sorry for the "hick hack" eno.
      i´ll be there most certainly! looking forward to it!

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-10-2004).)