Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Longest pop-pop rounds

      7 10 1715

      Thought I'd start a thread off on people's longest rounds, mainly inspired by last Sunday.
      After the tournement I went for over 14mins in a single round on expert against lumisa.
      Sadly, it disconnected before we could conclude it - I think it was about 14:20 when the red arrows of doom appeared.

      In retrospect it was probably a good thing, as otherwise we might have been there all night 😉

      Anyone else have any marathons in 1.0.2?

      Edit: Crono cannot spell

      (This message has been edited by Crono (edited 05-21-2003).)

    • Went for a couple 30+ minute rounds with Pikeman a long long time ago.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by forge:
      **Went for a couple 30+ minute rounds with Pikeman a long long time ago.


      30+ mins on a single round (not game) on expert?!? Wow.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      **30+ mins on a single round (not game) on expert?!? Wow.

      Nah, I think it was on normal or hard.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      After the tournement I went for over 14mins in a single round on expert against lumisa.
      Sadly, it disconnected before we could conclude it - I think it was about 14:20 when the red arrows of doom appeared.

      that was the longest round i ever had. the next longest one i ever had was 10 minutes and something (crono, i think that was with you as well), but this one really felt like it would never end! i was sooo disappointed when it disconnected, i would love to know how long it would have gone on otherwise.


      Originally posted by Crono:
      **In retrospect it was probably a good thing, as otherwise we might have been there all night 😉

      what a exciting way to spend the night though! 😉


    • My longest rounds have been around eight or nine minutes, and I've had those a couple times. It gets kind of silly after about four minutes or so.

      'Guitar noise is way more real to me than the concept of nationalism'
      (url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      Anyone else have any marathons in 1.0.2?


      Interesting topic, but wrong way to start it. What do you expect us to reply, if your requirements are that enormous?

      I must admit, I never crossed the 5minutes so far... And that makes me feel sooooo inferior now that you remembered us how long rounds could last if we had reached the status of your true mastery 😉
      After all I´m speaking of expert mode of course. On normal or hard the challenge might be not to fall asleep before the round is over. Or imagine playing on easy. You might spend the whole week playing. Tourneys would last forever... like in the fifties the marathon dancing competitions...


    • When pop-pop came out, I think I did some long games (let's say 5 minute rounds in expert) but this year (2003) I think I got seriously beaten by anybody within 20-30 seconds max :frown: oh, well - maybe I'll spend some time tonight playing again 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      **Thought I'd start a thread off on people's longest rounds, mainly inspired by last Sunday.
      After the tournement I went for over 14mins in a single round on expert against lumisa.
      Sadly, it disconnected before we could conclude it - I think it was about 14:20 when the red arrows of doom appeared.

      In retrospect it was probably a good thing, as otherwise we might have been there all night 😉

      Anyone else have any marathons in 1.0.2?

      Edit: Crono cannot spell

      (This message has been edited by Crono (edited 05-21-2003).)**

      hehe - I beats you, Crono-kun:
      Posted Image
      and with your computer too, and now to add insult to injury, I'm stealing your webspace ^_~
      ...but... you don't mind... right? onegai?

      Edit: I won too - hurrah ^_^ though it was more a case that lumi-san lost.
      Domo arigato, it was a great game.

      (This message has been edited by Ryoko (edited 09-18-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      Edit: I won too - hurrah ^_^ though it was more a case that lumi-san lost.
      Domo arigato, it was a great game.

      yeah, just rub it in, ryoko, rub it in...! 😉
      this really was an amazing round and i still can´t feel my arm. that way the sentence "mummy is just going to play a quick round of pop-pop" gets a whole new meaning...
