Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Tournament: Sunday 29th June

      9 27 2589

      Okey dokey. We'll be having an end of month tournament on, you guessed it, Sunday 29th of June starting at 1200 (noon) GMT, formal complaints notwithstanding. If you want to be in it, please register here! ( (url="http://"") ) (Many thanks to Hyko)

      Rules are here: (url="http://"")http://homepage.mac....arious/pop_pop/(/url)

      The final four will play off in the 1v3, 2v4 style because I feel like it.

      Now, for a special surprise...due to my extra workload lately, I've been given a bit of a cash bonus, so there will be a prize for the winner of the 'Kaisama Inu' tournament. (oh my!) The winner will have the choice of:

      Registration of the Ambrosia Software product of their choice


      One online purchaseable CD or DVD of their choice.

      Why? For the sheer heck of it. A bit much, you think? Well, it's not like I'm gonna send anybody to Tasmania. 😛
      Good luck and I hope heaps of players turn up!

      (anklebiter, if you could please announce this on the list, I'd be grovellingly grateful!)

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • Any prizes for 4/5th place? 🙂


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dingo:
      (anklebiter, if you could please announce this on the list, I'd be grovellingly grateful!)

      Sent. Thank you for hosting Dingo, karma++

      I am the fox, my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dingo:
      Good luck and I hope heaps of players turn up!


      I already signed in... Very much looking forwards to it 🙂


    • I'll probably have to leave early, but I'll be there at the start anyways. Unless there are hordes of people I expect I'll be able to finish out the first round, and as I have no expectation of advancing any further, things should work wonderfully! 😄

      'The My Fluffy Unicorn clothes horse horse clothes barn is more fun than a bare horse!'
      (url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url)

    • i´ll try and be there - as always: 99%.
      dingo: prices <-- great idea!!! (i wish it had been mine!!) and very generous too! 🙂 that´s definitely going to attract a few more players (no matter how much it is the game that counts). we should try and do that every time.
      see you there hopefully


    • (quote)Originally posted by lumisa:
      **dingo: prices <-- great idea!!! (i wish it had been mine!!) and very generous too! 🙂 I didn't want to do it so anybody else who hosts a tournament feels compelled to do the same, but because I'm in a position to do so and thought it would be fun. If things go well, it might happen again too. (Shoes, if I could give out Chupa-chups or Pocky to all participants, I would. They are great while popping.)

      squibix, I'm glad you can make it for as long as you can.

      ankle, thank you deep bow

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • I'm up for it, as always. I might have a big hangover though, since I've got a fully booked weekend of partying this weekend. On Thursday (Yesterday), it was my graduation day, so all the big celebrations are happening this weekend....

      Hopefully, I will be able to play better than the last tournament, as I pulled off an absolute stinker last touranment! 🙂

      C U at the tourney



    • Woah woah... Noon GMT translates into 8 AM Eastern time?!


      I have to be up by 8am? lol


    • There are currently 14 Players signed in and Dingo himself and lumisa are still missing in the list. Which means that there is a chance to have 12 or more players in the tourney today even if some will not show up. In this case we should think abeout splitting up the first round into two groups and let the first two winners of each group advance to the next round as usual.

      We should decide on it in a short term, but we can already think and discuss about it. It is just a matter of reducing the number of games to be played for each player. If we have 12 Players each Player has to play 11 games plus 2 each for those who advance... this can take some time.
      But the split-up in two groups has some disadvantages too. What shall we do if we have an odd number of Players? And how shall we distribute the players on the groups to keep it fair? One strong group and one stronger group? Or mixed groups of strong and stronger players etc.?

      In the end Dingo is the host of course... so he will decide 😉

      Looking forward to playing a great tourney with all of You.


      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂
      Hyko, who once was the great Offender 😉

      (This message has been edited by Hyko (edited 06-29-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hyko:
      **There are currently 14 Players signed in

      Sorry, I just had to sign out, because reality caught up with me. I'm very sad that again I cannot join, or better call it: I'm pi####... :frown:


    • Sorry to hear that mikrisa :frown:

      I know I wouldn't be able to wake up at 8am on Sunday morning for the tournament so I just never went to sleep Saturday Night. I've been doing well so far but it's 7:25am now, and I'm ready to pass out. :frown:

      I wouldn't be surprised if I fall asleep and miss the tourney. Or if I do make it up the extra 35 minutes I'll be playing like poop.


    • Helix orders an extra strong cup of coffee for penut


    • (quote)Originally posted by mikrisa:
      **Sorry, I just had to sign out, because reality caught up with me. I'm very sad that again I cannot join, or better call it: I'm pi####...:)
      have fun you all!!!


    • lumisa, that all depends on the price of the baby sitter and if you would win the tourney. If the price of a new CD/DVD is more than the price of a baby sitter you're better off hiring one and winning! 😄

      Only 15 more minutes... oh man that coffee is wearing off already! If I place my head down for longer than 15 seconds I start to nod off.


    • Is the tracker really laggy for anyone else? I login and it takes forever... then I only see 3 other people... 😕


    • Same problem here. I can't login anymore....



    • Tracker down!

      We can try to arrange it via iChat and IRC and direct exchange of ip-adresses. Mine is ...

      Meet you in aim room poppop or on irc

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂
      Hyko, who once was the great Offender 😉

    • Sorry folks, we're having some problems with the tracker. If you can go to the IRC #pop-pop room, we'll try to sort things out.

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • Sad to say, but the tracker appears to be dead. I apologise to everyone for the inconvenience, especially you hardy types who got up so early (or never went to sleep) especially for the tournament. Hopefully Ambrosia can figure out the problem; I wouldn't have thought that having 12 people on the tracker would cause such a drastic failure, maybe it's because of something else.

      Kaisama Inu is therefore postponed until further notice. I'm afraid it can't be next weekend because I'm interstate at a friend's wedding. Possibly the weekend after that OR if it's close to Hyko's tournament, we'll just combine with that one and I'll offer the prize to the winner.

      Again, gomen. :frown: I was quite looking forward to this tournament. Huge thanks to everyone who showed interest and I hope you'll come back when this is all sorted out!

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?