Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • tournament?

      12 28 2215

      does anybody but me feel the extreme compelling and passionate urge for another tournament as well?

      (do i really have to offer to host it or would by any chance someone more authoritative, reliable, organised and mature than me really like to host?)


    • I've the same feeling, Lumisa!
      (What about starting Sunday 8:00-15:00 GMT?)

      Greeting from a hopeful Eno!


    • Indeed! It's been long enough now... I'm starting to feel ready for another marathon. πŸ˜„


      Originally posted by Eno:
      (What about starting Sunday 8:00-15:00 GMT?)

      Not 8:00, anyways: that's 4:00 AM or earlier for us here in the US! Though actually my Sunday is pretty busy, so starting at 8:00 or 9:00 GMT is probably about the only way I'd manage to play. Weekdays are actually better for me at this point, but I'm still pretty flexible I think.

      'I shanked your Jengaship?! We're playing Connect Four!'
      (url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Danny:
      **Indeed! It's been long enough now... I'm starting to feel ready for another marathon.:D

      Not 8:00, anyways: that's 4:00 AM or earlier for us here in the US! Though actually my Sunday is pretty busy, so starting at 8:00 or 9:00 GMT is probably about the only way I'd manage to play. Weekdays are actually better for me at this point, but I'm still pretty flexible I think.


      as always, starting between 8 and 9 gmt is best for me - no matter what day. still there is the question of volunteers to host...!?


    • Sounds good to me! I should be able to play later in the evening on Sunday which would also allow more US players time to play too.

      Good idea Lumisa. And yes I think you should host. πŸ™‚


    • (quote)Originally posted by SHOES:
      **Good idea Lumisa. And yes I think you should host.:)

      From my current point of view, I'll be available for playing on sunday at any time... nearly any πŸ™‚

      edit: oops, nice to see that my Carma is clean again. I think i have to work on my signature πŸ™‚ Thx to whom I have to thank for that πŸ™‚
      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚
      Hyko, the great Offender πŸ˜‰

      (This message has been edited by Hyko (edited 06-03-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **does anybody but me feel the extreme compelling and passionate urge for another tournament as well?


      I do as well have that feeling! Right now it seems as if I could join, what I would love to. But it shouldn't be much later as 9GMT, because that already makes it 11p.m. at my time and as everybody knows I'm an old woman and have to get my beauty sleep.
      Hopefully see you in the lounge πŸ™‚


    • I'll be around anytime during "normal" (8am-10pm) hours GMT time on Sunday, so count me in.


    • Yeah, me too! (btw. I'm a registered player now!!)


    • (quote)Originally posted by mikrisa:
      **I do as well have that feeling! Right now it seems as if I could join, what I would love to. But it shouldn't be much later as 9GMT, because that already makes it 11p.m. at my time and as everybody knows I'm an old woman and have to get my beauty sleep.
      Hopefully see you in the lounge πŸ™‚
      ps. congratulations hyko for your carma!! iΒ΄m very proud of you πŸ˜‰

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 06-04-2003).)

    • I wouldn't mind hosting a tournament.
      But I would like to get the chance to observe a tournament first to get the idea how much work a host has to do...


    • Cool, looks like there are loads of people going to play, I hope I don't miss this one.

      Good to see you have finally managed to save up the $25 for Pop-Pop Helix! It only took you a year! πŸ˜„


      ...because, as everybody knows, iΒ΄m not only very old as well, but very unorganised too and the thought of assuming responsiblility for a huge, important, worldshaking, dramatic, fierce and aggressive pop-pop-world-championship makes me sweat (in the least)!!!

      Lumisa, I think your false modesty is very funny indeed, well done. I look forward to seeing you being the first hostess on Sunday! πŸ˜„


    • SHOES - What's Hyko's tournament system all about? I logged into it, and all you can do on the site is look at the results of previous tournaments. I thought that the website helped the host along with the tournament..?

      Yeah - I agree with your other point. I should have bought pop-pop ages ago πŸ™‚


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Helix20:
      **SHOES - What's Hyko's tournament system all about? I logged into it, and all you can do on the site is look at the results of previous tournaments. I thought that the website helped the host along with the tournament..?

      It helps You along with the first round of a tournament if You have the rights to host a tourney in the system. A long time ago I wrote some words about the functionalities, if You are interested: (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...-25-200306:44AM(/url)

      Nice to see that You finally licensed pop-pop and welcome back!

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚
      Hyko, who once was the great Offender πŸ˜‰

    • So, what time is it all gonna kick off then? I'm more or less free all day on Sunday, so I don't really mind what time the tournament is....


    • If it's at a reasonable time for me, I'd be happy to host a tourney. It would probably save my sorry hide from getting whipped by you pop masters/mistresses. πŸ˜›

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • (quote)Originally posted by Dingo:
      **If it's at a reasonable time for me, I'd be happy to host a tourney. It would probably save my sorry hide from getting whipped by you pop masters/mistresses.:p )
      still, in case we donΒ΄t manage to arrange it at a reasonable time (there has been a "dingo-time-problem" once or twice, hasnΒ΄t there?) i will do it. yes, shoes, i will host. πŸ™‚ thanks for your motivating words.
      but then it would HAVE to be starting at 7 pm mst, latest 8 pm mst on sunday, because that is the only time i will definitely be able to make.


    • Sorted. All we need to do now, is agree on a time to start the tournament.....


    • Nice one Lumisa :). I suggest you start a new tournament thread with the actual time posted. 7/8pm GMT (not MST surely!) sounds good to me.


      (This message has been edited by SHOES (edited 06-05-2003).)

    • Actually 8pm GMT would be 9pm UK and 10pm in Europe, so perhaps that would be too late for Hyko, Lish, Nytro, Helix etc.

      How about 7pm GMT? That would be 8pm UK, 9pm Europe and around lunch for US players.


      (This message has been edited by SHOES (edited 06-05-2003).)