Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Pop-Pop rankings

      14 33 2330

      Lets post here who we think the top 10 Poppers out there are... Im intereseted to know what everyone else thinks:

      8. : )™


      (This message has been edited by HoNu (edited 04-23-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by HoNu (edited 04-23-2003).)

    • Among those who've competed in tournaments:

      Texas Girl

      I'd also put cougar, andrew and... um... there's one other person whose name I forget. It started with a 'k' as I recall.

      'I still want to see a good linguistic analysis of the "was like" situation (and its distribution vis-a-vis "went").'
      (url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url)

    • (quote)Originally posted by Danny:
      **Among those who've competed in tournaments:

      Texas Girl


    • Oh dear, Shoes! It looks like the consensus is that you've been toppled!
      I think it might be worth pointing out that we have a nice 3-way between lumisa, shoes and myself with lumisa often beating shoes who often beats me who often beats her. At least, this was true at the time of the last tournament. I haven't played either (or anyone!) really for quite a while to check.

      What is still very interesting about pop-pop (for me) is that while I am becoming more sure that as the skill levels peak, the outcome is mostly luck, there is a definite different set of styles to gameplay. Some work well against others, and some don't. So a 'ranking' system is difficult, and often incorrect 😉

      IMHO, lumisa and shoes are probably one and two (not necessarily respectively, but looking that way at the moment!), but then the next three or four places are pretty much up for grabs among most of the names mentioned on your list.

    • presidente is #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • i would definitely put KOWE in the first place (no offence presidente :)), even though i haven´t seen him for a while - he always seemed quite unbeatable to me. nfm (i think that was his name) was better than me when i played him last - which has been a while as well. #3 then would of course be presidente.
      crono, you beat me more often than shoes does (which is only because he is out of practice because he has a REAL (!) job... 🙂 )but ryoko again used to beat me a lot more often than you did...
      one thing i am quite sure about is that there does not exist a player called HYOKO, at least i haven´t met him. but HYKO in my eyes he would definitely appear on top of the list.
      the last thing is that i think that squibix should be listed there - he is in my oppinion better than two or three of the players i can see there now. and texas girl of course (but danny already lists her..).

      crono i agree on that "luck-theory", and, most of all, do we really need a list like that?? most of all since it seem to start hurting peoples feelings already 😉
      honu, where is your updated "pop-pop awards"? i was trying to become "Most unsuspecting Pop-poper of the week"!

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-23-2003).)
      after this post i could probably easily become "most editing pop-popper of the week"...

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-23-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **i would definitely put KOWE in the first place (no offence presidente:) ), even though i haven´t seen him for a while - he always seemed quite unbeatable to me. nfm (i think that was his name) was better than me when i played him last - which has been a while as well. #3 then would of course be presidente.

      Yes, I remember nfm certainly as being good - though I did go several rounds against him that lasted around 6 mins or so, and I was also nowhere near as good then as I am now. So although he was markedly better, he was not staggeringly so. It would be nice for them to come back - I'd like to get the pants kicked off me by someone new for a change!


      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **crono, you beat me more often than shoes does (which is only because he is out of practice because he has a REAL (!) job...:) )but ryoko again used to beat me a lot more often than you did...

      oooooooooh, ouchies, lumisa 😛 🙂 and just what is so Unreal(?) about my job, dare I ask? 😉


      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **one thing i am quite sure about is that there does not exist a player called HYOKO, at least i haven´t met him. but HYKO in my eyes he would definitely appear on top of the list.

      Perhaps the next tournament will see things shuffle round a little more, but as I said, I think that although you and shoes are probably first equal, third place is really anybody's claim. I think really we have a first equal and then lots of people bubbling just under. It's good! 🙂


      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **the last thing is that i think that squibix should be listed there - he is in my oppinion better than two or three of the players i can see there now. and texas girl of course (but danny already lists her..).

      A couple at least of the people listed I haven't seen play for a long time, so there is no real way they can be on the 'top x players' list (regardless of ranks from previous tournaments, which is what I think this alternate list of danny's is based on). I think danny (squibix) is far too modest with his skill. He can certainly give me a hard run for my money and often beat me if I'm not on top form. These are more reasons why I refuse to romanticise how good nfm etc are until I've played them again now and had the chance to reappraise. Memory does funny things! 😛 I do hope they are still as good (or rather, still so much better than me) as I remember them as being.


      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **crono i agree on that "luck-theory", and, most of all, do we really need a list like that?? most of all since it seem to start hurting peoples feelings already;)

      I hope this hasn't hurt anyone's feelings. I don't think anyone takes the game so seriously as to honestly care that much who is really 'best'? 🙂 I do agree that Lish should not have been omitted though 😉


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      i would definitely put KOWE in the first place

      Yeah, he was the one I couldn't remember; he belongs on any list, if only for his past dominance. As for hurt feelings, I don't think anyone is taking this seriously... at least I hope they aren't! And I agree that it's hard to rank the top players, but I definately think there are a bunch who are a cut above the rest of us. But I don't know about our presidente here... playing him used to intimidate me so much I could hardly compete, but yesterday I actually beat him! I think, with all the work of running a company and all, he's letting his skills get a little rusty! 😉

      'I still want to see a good linguistic analysis of the "was like" situation (and its distribution vis-a-vis "went").'
      (url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url)

    • Yes, where is Kowe? - and nfm and Carson? They really were excellant players, especially Kowe, I had some brilliant games with him and several close encounters with heart attacks! At one point I could think of nothing else other than beating him. (You don't have to tell me, I know exactly how sad that is!) It would be great to see them in a tourney.

      Oh and there was a Hyoko, he/she did this face a lot: O_O 🙂

    • All of you just wait until us windows testers show up, and shortly after that the full flood. Then hopefully there should be lots of competition.


    • wow, I am flabergasted to see how many responses I got from this thread,,,,, um the weekly pop-pop awards are coming back soon,,,,: ) yeah, well hey I just thought it would be cool to honor those who taught us the game (for the newer guys that is) So if anyone's feelings were hurt, Im sorry...... really I am

      You gotta understand that every game that one of the newer guys gets to play against one of the masters of the game is SOO Exciting for us..... Like the other day I actually beat Crono one round!!!!! YEAH!!!!! Yeah I know it was only one round and not even a whole game,,,, for all I know Crono might have been practicing the eyes closes, no hands technique!!! And of course I got beat silly afterwards....But who cares,,, I was excited!!!! And I also beat Presidente one whole game the other day!!!! I think he just let me win cause he felt bad for me!! But who cares I was excited!!!!

      Heres something else Im interested in,,,,,,, lets list,, add to this list that is, all the registered players we know of,,,, maybe we could start a ladder league or something,,,, to quench our tourney hunger in between tournaments!!!!

      SHOES, Lumisa, Crono, Lish, Kowe, nfm, Carson, Presidente, Spill, Soda, Fredd, TylerDurdan, Nytro, Ryoko, Hyko, Honu, anklebiter, mikrisa, squibix, craust, : )™ ,,,,, ok someone else takeover.... : )


    • Quote

      Originally posted by HoNu:
      ok someone else takeover.... : )

      Texas Girl, Helix, msxgamesbox, Dingo...

    • (Tom/Mac/Win)Woozle?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      **oooooooooh, ouchies, lumisa 😛 🙂 and just what is so Unreal(?) about my job, dare I ask? 😉

      crono, i must admit i think about you all day long - and all night long as well, but in this particular case i wasn´t. 🙂 i was more referring to the time when shoes had more time to play and maybe a bit to my own "unreal" job.


      Originally posted by HoNu:
      **ok someone else takeover.... : )

      ..bigfatbass, flighbynight, lilo, silent bob...


      Originally posted by SHOES:
      **Oh and there was a Hyoko, he/she did this face a lot: O_O

      aah, now i remember - he used to drive me crazy with his faces... 🙂

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-24-2003).)

    • anklebiter would like to opt-out of any ranking systems

      With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **crono, i must admit i think about you all day long - and all night long as well

      uhhh - and you were thinking what about me exactly? What new and horrible torture have you dreamed up for me now?! 😛 😉


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      **uhhh - and you were thinking what about me exactly? What new and horrible torture have you dreamed up for me now?! 😛 😉

      meet me in the lounge. come alone - don´t bring anybody. i´ll show you. 😉


      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-24-2003).)

    • what the heck???????


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **meet me in the lounge. come alone - don´t bring anybody. i´ll show you.;)

      What an invitation! :-))
      Sorry I wasn't there to take it up. 😞

      "In this pod is either death or a date. Personally, I'm willing to take the chance" - Cat, Red Dwarf (OWTTA)


    • first of all, thanx HoNu for the 6th place!

      now, my 10 poppers:


      Originally posted by andrew:
      **presidente is #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      ah, impossible to join presidente's games... :rolleyes:
      so, no place for presidente in my Top of the Pops! 😄
