Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • pop-pop Pirates Are Retards

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      I am playing a newbie, being very nice and considerate, helped him learn all the basics. And then he ask me for a registration code. I took a screenshot for you all to see.

      Of all the people to ask, he ask me, the pop-pop web board moderator? I have an IP address, and if I catch this person on this web board, they are going to get a karma butt kicking from hell.

      I don't have the money, yada yada yada. Pirates suck.

      With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")

    • lol!!!

      Um anyone now why the game tracker is not workinG?


    • (clueless newbie)What isn't this share ware?? ;)(/clueless newbie)


      "Bush is a very stupid man. The American people are not stupid, they are very clever. I can't understand how such clever people came to elect such a stupid president." - al-Sahaf (Iraqi Information Minister)

    • I have also played this newbie - he goes variously by the names of nutdribble and dingleberry.
      The first time I played him, (as nutdribble) he told me he hated me and started calling me some other names. On being asked why, he didn't come up with anything particularly worthwhile. I was going to have a nice little rant on a random topic about society in general, but got distracted into playing someone else ( Either HoNu or :-)™, I think). Couldn't be bothered after that. I logged his IP though - arigato Crono-san ^_~.

      However, the next time I played him (as dingleberry), he gave himself away quickly enough with the standard 'I hate you' so I needn't have bothered. Later he asked me if he had played me the night before. Said I had, and he tried to be all clever and "letting me in on the secret" ::Ryoko smirks:: that he was nutdribble. I said I knew ^_~

      Anyway, he then tried to apologise for asking me for a registration code. I didn't remember him ever doing so, but told him he ought to pay ^_~ I'm rather amused though on reading your post, ankle-san, as to exactly who he did ask to get the code from. Dingle-baka...


      He then said he was 12, broke and couldn't afford it. After which he started talking about some of other personal issues he had, and how he was an 'anarchist' (which when I questioned him, he didn't know what it meant) and that he hated life. Said being an anarchist was the only thing that made him happy... Not sure how it can, since he has no idea what he is saying there. ::sighs::

      Whether half the things he said are true or not, I kinda felt sorry for him. He's also (apparently) only 12, and to be filled at that age with so much unhappiness and hate that you have to insult random people online is - at least for me - deeply depressing.

      I'd say if he ever shows up here, he needs friends and help, not karma slaps, but I'll be first to admit (give some of the things he called me) that he doesn't exactly go about it the right way. -_-

      ::Ryoko's thought for the day::


    • This is why i do not play unless invited on IRC/iChat. The game is good, the online experience sucks.

      Just pimpin' my (url="http://"")scandalous stories(/url),(url="http://"")voyeur cam(/url), (url="http://"")stuff(/url), (url="http://"")art tutorial links(/url), and (url="http://"")Sweet Sounds(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by dampeoples:
      **The game is good, the online experience sucks.

      i don´t share this impression - it´s true that there are a few very rude people , mostly newbies (who can quite easily be ignored after having behaved badly once), but there are much more nice ones and my good experiences outweigh the bad ones by far. but maybe i was just lucky.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **i don´t share this impression - it´s true that there are a few very rude people, mostly newbies (who can quite easily be ignored after having behaved badly once), but there are much more nice ones and my good experiences outweigh the bad ones by far. but maybe i was just lucky.


      I would agree there - I have actually only had one other 'bad' experience previously - it was one of the first games I played. Fortunatly I had been assured this was not the norm, so I was not put off. Probably the very fact that it had been so long is why this one wound me up somewhat. Then again as I said, I ended up more sorry than angry. Maybe I'm just lucky too, but I share lumi's view. ^_^


    • I last joined, looking for a game, when the game first came out. The tracker was filled with foul language (my kids play with me), and there were far too many retards and code-wanters for me to continue playing. I did play the other day though, I'm a little (ok, a lot) rusty 🙂

      Just pimpin' my (url="http://"")scandalous stories(/url),(url="http://"")voyeur cam(/url), (url="http://"")stuff(/url), (url="http://"")art tutorial links(/url), and (url="http://"")Sweet Sounds(/url)

    • I too have had the experience of being asked for a reg code. I explained to the offender that Ambrosia deserved their $25 and if they were really that broke they should just peel themselves away from pop pop for a bit and earn it...
      I think that for repeat offenders, there should be a few fake codes that we could give to people that would disable their game or do something really screwed up to their computer. 😉 Maybe the next version of pop-pop could have that built in! 🙂

      ps. It's interesting that Ioni is now weilding pistols... 🙂


    • Quote

      Originally posted by :redface::
      **I too have had the experience of being asked for a reg code. I explained to the offender that Ambrosia deserved their $25 and if they were really that broke they should just peel themselves away from pop pop for a bit and earn it...
      I think that for repeat offenders, there should be a few fake codes that we could give to people that would disable their game or do something really screwed up to their computer. 😉 Maybe the next version of pop-pop could have that built in! 🙂

      ps. It's interesting that Ioni is now weilding pistols... 🙂


      Never personally been asked for a registration code. Believe me though, if you did do something like that, which damaged a user's personal data in any way, you'd have some pretty amazing law suits coming your way. 😞 Shame, it's what pirates deserve 😉

      Although in some cases piracy isn't really a major issue, because you have to live with the fact that some people are always going to pirate you program. Sometimes it is best just looked on as free advertising. 😉 True, I'm more used to worrying about it where the software that sells around the $600-6,000 mark a license, rather than $25, but there are several issues that are similar. It's a case of assessing level of risk against level of effort to prevent. And also the amount you actually really lose when the software is pirated.

      I agree though - it would be funny to put a code in which next time they logged onto the tracker, made it come up with a message:

      Thank-you for connecting to Ambrosia HQ with your pirate pop-pop copy. We know your IP, your ISP, and now your name, address and bank details.

      Knock, knock, Neo 😉


    • i can´t take 12-year olds that try (!!) to get to play pop-pop (or anything else) for free that serious. i wouldn´t even want to give them the "honor" of being called pirates. nobody ever asked me for a registration code, but if somebody had, i would just have laughed and (of course) not given it to him/her.
      to be honest, i am not sure if i, quite innocently and without knowing that it was that "criminal", wouldn´t have tried that myself when i was 12 (i never did though - and i was far from owning a computer when i was 12). don´t get me wrong, i don´t want to support that kind of behavior, but, really, it´s just kids, and i don´t expect them to understand that there are people behind that game who deserve to be paid.
      i dislike the cursing and all that other bad behaviour much more and i think it´s much more inappropriate for 12 year olds.


    • i agree with lumisa: civility is important on games like pop pop, even with people who aren't exaclty civil with you. As for the false codes, Crono is right: screwing up computers isn't exactly the nicest way to deal with issues like this... I like the idea of some kind of creepy message though... maybe we could just say we were screwing up their computers...
      And while we are at it, we should use their internet connection to find their location, send out the Ambrosia Anti Piracy Chopper, (piloted by Hector, of course!), and BRING THEM TO JUSTICE!!

      or just relax because (in the unlikely event they succeed in their "piracy") it's not like they are actually going to be able to effectivly use their stolen $25 codes any way... 🙂


      (This message has been edited by 😮 (edited 04-23-2003).)