Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Pop-pop tournament Sunday

      4 10 1421

      Since the other thread got closed down before I could post a time, I'll do so here. Anklebiter, you didn't give me anything to go by, so I will take

      7:30pm UK time

      as my choice as suggested by shoes. I hope that is okay by, if not I can change it.

      Everyone is very welcome to come along, whether it is your first time playing or whether you are a hardened expert! Just for lumisa, we will use Hyko's pages to keep score 😉

      Hope you can all make it - feel free to post time improvements / suggestions, but otherwise let's keep this topic free from hijacking...


    • Great, count me in.

      You forgot to add the URL for the (url="http://"")Tournament Guides(/url) and the URL for (url="http://"")Hykos Tournament scores site(/url).

      Thanks Crono. Hope loads of people can play on Sunday.


      (This message has been edited by SHOES (edited 04-03-2003).)

    • Just posting to check that the aforementioned time:

      7:30pm UK time on Sunday 6th March is okay

      = either 11:30am or 12:30pm MST, depending on just when you guys in the US change clocks on Sunday.

      8:30pm in Germany etc. Dingo, I can never remember how far ahead you are, please forgive me! 😞 I guess you may be the only one with difficulties if this is early Monday morning - let us know if some other time is better.

      Is this still okay by everyone then? Please feel free to confer here and decide Friday morning, as I'd like to firm up my own plans for non pop-pop related things over the weekend! I really don't mind when it is, as long as I know 🙂

      What?!? You mean there's life outside pop-pop! 😉


    • That time looks good to me. But I don't mind playing later or earlier of it helps other folk out though.

      Thanks Crono, I look forward to whooping you on Sunday. 🙂

      Now I better get some practice in...


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      7:30pm UK time on Sunday 6th March is okay

      perfect! 🙂


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      7:30pm UK time on Sunday 6th March is okay

      This time business is killing me! Is that 7:30 GMT or WET summer time? To make things even more confusing, we in the US switch over to our summer time Sunday morning...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Danny:
      This time business is killing me! Is that 7:30 GMT or WET summer time? To make things even more confusing, we in the US switch over to our summer time Sunday morning...

      7:30 UK time (which as we are now on British Summer Time is now GMT+1hr) so it would be 6:30 GMT

      Sorry! 🙂

    • Got it! Thanks. 😄

    • 1 hours 45 mins to go! 🙂

      I'm not feeling very confident after just receiving a serious kicking from Lumisa, but looking forward to it.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      **1 hours 45 mins to go!:)
      I'm not feeling very confident after just receiving a serious kicking from Lumisa, but looking forward to it.

      I've been kicked by everyone I've played today - so you should be okay with me! 😉

      45 mins and counting...
