Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • New pop-pop tournament web site

      9 42 2513

      EDIT: Its up! (url="http://"")http://www.foxchange...ppop/index.html(/url)

      Synotic was really nice and made up this web site. I will add in all of the content when I get some free time, and after that, attack everything to a domain name.

      Also on the drawing board, will be a pop-pop Tournament tracker program that I have been planning. While developing my next computer game, I have created a very flexible file format I call fuzzy script.

      The first version will be used for tracking tournaments, however, I will also be saving the files in a way that data can be used for other purposes.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust!

      (This message has been edited by anklebiter (edited 03-30-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by anklebiter (edited 03-31-2003).)

    • Looks sweet, I'm assuming the rules will be somewhere on this site as well...............right?

      ATTENTION: (url="http://"")Project Nova(/url) is expected to begin SOON. Project Nova is a text based game based on the story of EV Nova. Do yourself a favor and check it out!
      Note- It's currently being revamped, but you are welcome to ask questions and sign up!
      (url="http://"")"Office Space"(/url) anyone?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      Synotic was really nice and made up this web site.

      Really nice design Synotic. But the fontsize is hurting my eyes a little bit (Safari). Maybe You can increase the size a few px. and increase the distance between the lines.


      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      Also on the drawing board, will be a pop-pop Tournament tracker program that I have been planning. While developing my next computer game, I have created a very flexible file format I call fuzzy script.

      I am looking forward to admiring Your system. Is there any release date on the drawing board already? What will the tracker be able to?
      And just for completeness: did You ask other people before planning and developing it, if there are similar things in the pipeline somewhere? 😉 I learned that this is a rule, or not?


      Originally posted by Frisco:
      Looks sweet, I'm assuming the rules will be somewhere on this site as well...............right?

      Yes there are some rules already. And I have on question: Was really Evmeister the first who wrote them down? Besides that I nearley don't remember him i really don't know where this senctence (Special thanks to Evmeister for providing the foundation for these rules.) comes from... The first Tourney i played with these rules was hosted by Helix... I am really just interested in this and this is not an attack on evmeister or anybody else.

      And of course good luck for the next pop-pop related site 🙂

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Frisco:
      **Looks sweet, I'm assuming the rules will be somewhere on this site as well...............right?

      The tournament rules are listed under the tournament section, although I should re-arrange it so they are easily findable.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hyko:
      Really nice design Synotic. But the fontsize is hurting my eyes a little bit (Safari). Maybe You can increase the size a few px. and increase the distance between the lines.

      Adds to list.


      I am looking forward to admiring Your system. Is there any release date on the drawing board already? What will the tracker be able to?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      No, I don't have to ask. Mostly because this will be for the tournaments that I host. Also, I won't just say "ta-da!" and expect everyone to just pick it up. (Nor will I encourage people to boycott if everyone else doesn't use my stuff.) Lastly, this has been mentioned to others before planning and development have taken place.

      You still did not get it: I developed the system spontaneous in the weekend (two days!) and I don't expect what you say... it was an offer. In opposite to your behaviour I made no top secret thing out of it, i just did something. I am playing pop-pop since its release, and ideas for systems like that were born long before you did anything in this direction, I even never saw You playing or played against You, when the first ideas were born...


      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      (Nor will I encourage people to boycott if everyone else doesn't use my stuff.)

      And if You want to assume that i did anything in this direction than I recommend You to inform yourself a little bit and to be cautious not to become a liar.


      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **Evmeister claims credit and had asked to get credit, I also verified this claim to the best of my ability. If you have a disagreement, please email him.

      It was just a question...

      I really was not heavily involved in all this discussions, and I still can't understand from where You take so much hate against me... as I said once, nobody tried to break a jag out of anybody's crown!

      P.S. You can give me a further karma slap if it helps...

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

    • We love you Hyko! 😄

      But come on everyone, surely we can do better that this. There's only like 30 people playing pop-pop, so it's kind of silly to fight so much over who gets run things. If there's any talk of boycotting, it should be directed against anyone who starts taking things too seriously and starts getting all stuffy and complainy (and yes I'm guilty of that myself at times I'm sure!) It's fun to play the game, and it's also fun to think about infrastructure for tournaments and rankings and such like, so what's wrong with letting everyone do both to their heart's content? It's silly to imagine that this well 'fragment the community' or whatever: there's not enough of us to fragment! We all have to go where the games are.

      Oh and, nice site anklebiter! Do you plan on including results from the other tournaments some day, so we'll have a complete historical acount in one place, or do you leave that for someone else?

      'You know, if every major appliance in my home had a "bacon" button I'd be the happiest guy alive.'
      (url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url)

    • i have learned by now that you want to ignore things that you don´t want to believe, but still, again (sorry for repeating myself) i want to say: Hyko NEVER asked anyone to boycott anything - and it is soooo silly to say so, because he was one of the FEW players who showed up at the last tournament - so he was more of a strikebreaker than anything else...
      i´m sorry...but this really upsets me a lot!


    • Ugh.... PLEASE put this to rest you people. You're making too much of anklebiter's comments. Hyko, this "hate" you think anklebiter has for you is not hate at all, but frustration. He has taken it upon himself, voluntarily, to organize pop-pop tournaments for us all. The frustration most likely comes from people not showing up for tournaments, and taking attention away from what he's trying to do. Keep in mind, anklebiter isn't some sort of enemy, he's just trying to make pop-pop a little better of an experience for us all.

      Your ideas on how pop-pop tournaments should be played might be better received in a thread where you calmy, civily discuss what you think is wrong, if anything, with the current rules used by anklebiter, and bring up your suggestions. But, you must do this without making any stabs at anklebiter, or anyone else, and you must not prevent anklebiter from getting the pop-pop community together every once in a while for a tournament.

      Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming anyone for flaming or making stabs at anyone else, it's just a guideline for discussion if you want anything to change.

      Now, unless you want to be ignored, attempt to post in the future without involving any negativity....please!

      ATTENTION: (url="http://"")Project Nova(/url) is expected to begin SOON. Project Nova is a text based game based on the story of EV Nova. Do yourself a favor and check it out!
      Note- It's currently being revamped, but you are welcome to ask questions and sign up!
      (url="http://"")"Office Space"(/url) anyone?

      (This message has been edited by Frisco (edited 03-31-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Frisco:
      **Ugh.... PLEASE put this to rest you people. You're making too much of anklebiter's comments. Hyko, this "hate" you think anklebiter has for you is not hate at all, but frustration. He has taken it upon himself, voluntarily, to organize pop-pop tournaments for us all. The frustration most likely comes from people not showing up for tournaments, and taking attention away from what he's trying to do. Keep in mind, anklebiter isn't some sort of enemy, he's just trying to make pop-pop a little better of an experience for us all.

      Your ideas on how pop-pop tournaments should be played might be better received in a thread where you calmy, civily discuss what you think is wrong, if anything, with the current rules used by anklebiter, and bring up your suggestions. But, you must do this without making any stabs at anklebiter, or anyone else, and you must not prevent anklebiter from getting the pop-pop community together every once in a while for a tournament.

      Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming anyone for flaming or making stabs at anyone else, it's just a guideline for discussion if you want anything to change.

      Now, unless you want to be ignored, attempt to post in the future without involving any negativity....please!

      see (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000280.html(/url) (closed...)
      and (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000287.html(/url)


    • Very well...


      The pop-pop community doesn't have to be split. They just need to realize that I am not perfect, and they need to give me my space, especially during tournaments.

      I have seen several times where players didn't want to follow the rules. In the old rules it said the referee would tell who would play who. That never happened. I have tried at least once to have a 3rd round and that never happened even though I wanted it too.

      I didn't call anyone up on this, mostly because I really feel it doesn't matter. Everyone has having fun. Then things took a turn.

      The new rules were designed to fix all of the loop holes, because honestly, I don't like being shot at. Honestly, not too much has changed, just I put in some provisions to protect myself.

      It is always easier to destroy something then to build it up. And that is where we are at. I am just like an animal, I am pretty peaceful until I am backed into a corner. When you corner me, I have no where to go but past the person blocking my way. All I am doing is providing a time and place, its up too the community if they want to build the tournaments up, or destroy them.

      Its your choice, not mine.

      ATTENTION: (url="http://"")Project Nova(/url) is expected to begin SOON. Project Nova is a text based game based on the story of EV Nova. Do yourself a favor and check it out!
      Note- It's currently being revamped, but you are welcome to ask questions and sign up!
      (url="http://"")"Office Space"(/url) anyone?

      (This message has been edited by Frisco (edited 03-31-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Frisco:
      **Very well...

      if you answer by taking one out of plenty of posts, you will not show (or see) the whole picture. by the time your example was posted i was 99% behind the person who wrote it.
      i´m not saying it´s all anklebiters fault. i critizised both sides.
      what really upsets me, is that you are not allowed to say what you think here anymore if "the regime" doesn´t like it.


      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 03-31-2003).)

    • So, what do you want to say? If it's discussing tournaments, then why not just create a new thread, leave any other type of discussion out of it.

      ATTENTION: (url="http://"")Project Nova(/url) is expected to begin SOON. Project Nova is a text based game based on the story of EV Nova. Do yourself a favor and check it out!
      Note- It's currently being revamped, but you are welcome to ask questions and sign up!
      (url="http://"")"Office Space"(/url) anyone?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Frisco:
      **So, what do you want to say? If it's discussing tournaments, then why not just create a new thread, leave any other type of discussion out of it.

      there was a thread discussing the tournaments that was closed, and there is another one open now!! but you should understand that it is getting a bit frustrating - and you would if you had really followed it. there are to many things i could list here, so you´ll just have to read it yourself - or not. just to give one example:


      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **Now, for future games, I agree to let a second round happen anyways.

      so, since you are obviously very well informed, i´m sure you will know how many rounds the last tournament had!?
      there is no sense in discussing it here, if the ideas the players have are either being ignored, or "punished" by "karma-slaps".
      anyway, i will stop posting now since i don´t see the point anymore.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Frisco:
      So, what do you want to say? If it's discussing tournaments, then why not just create a new thread, leave any other type of discussion out of it.

      Frisco, thanks for the nice attempt to get this thing back on -let's say- a diplomatic track...
      But as Lumisa said already it is a little bit more complex and the problem has grown over time. You are right and I always thanked and respected Anklebiter for his efforts, but I do not accept that somebody is using a longer lever to seal the mouths of others who are discussing legal things and rules to have as much fun as possible in their sparetime which they partly spend with playing pop-pop.
      Although the type of game and some threads in the board are actually proving that this is a big kindergarten, which I joined with fun for a long time, I can't accept this behaviour. Sorry! I hope that we have normal "kindergarten climate" and the corresponding fun back again soon...

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

    • Hyko, Lumsia, maybe it would be best if we give each other a couple weeks. After some post in another thread, I no longer am sure what I can think.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust!

    • anklebiter, I am amazed that you have Karma slapped Hyko and Lumisa. Especially Lumisa, considering she has been so supportive of you recently. Not that I think either of them really cares about the slap, it's just the principle, they have always been good, decent, supportive Pop-Pop players.

      What with this needless karma slapping, recent locking of threads and general disrespect of board users / pop players, I think Lumisa is right -this board is like a regime, it certainly seems repressive. Perhaps when the 'coalition' has finished making a mess of Iraq they could come and free the Pop-Pop board!

      ankle-biter, give me as many of your gay Karma slaps as you want, I will go in search of freer boards if I must.

      Frisco, I hope ankle-biter paid you handsomely.


    • Quote

      Things are starting to smooth out, and if pop-pop must go on without you, then let it be. Its your choice.

      I was referring to this message board, not Pop-Pop in general.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      **I was referring to this message board, not Pop-Pop in general.


      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      Frisco, I hope ankle-biter paid you handsomely.


      EXCUSE ME?!

      Your best plan of action would be to edit such an arrogant, false, bull-headed comment out of that post. If I were a moderator/administrator you'd have just received another slap.

      It's that kind of jackass-attitude that pisses people off.

      anklebiter has no reason to pay me for anything, in fact I have never even spoken directly to him. The truth of the matter is, he has tried to let things go, and if EVERYONE did that then maybe we could all discuss our opinions on tournaments, which is what the majority of the community seems to want in the end...

      Heck, if I had the power, I'd start up a new thread, listen to what people had to say about these tournaments/get-togethers, and remove anything other than the focus of the discussion, but alas, I'm no moderator, and beyond that, I don't have the time to facilitate pop-pop tournaments.

      Maybe you people are simply hopeless. Sorry for trying, I promise not to make this mistake twice.

      ATTENTION: (url="http://"")Project Nova(/url) is expected to begin SOON. Project Nova is a text based game based on the story of EV Nova. Do yourself a favor and check it out!
      Note- It's currently being revamped, but you are welcome to ask questions and sign up!
      (url="http://"")"Office Space"(/url) anyone?