Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Ioni's Bed and Breakfast (Bar)

      14 51 2229

      Ioni, after becoming the Pop-Pop Champion in the NPPL (National Pop-Pop League), used the proceeds to fund her own bed and breakfast. Downstairs there is an internet cafe for Pop-Pop Competitions, upstaris beds where people could rest after they collapse on their computer. Ioni's entrance into the Bed and Breakfast industry have also introduced new employee motivation methods like the Encouragement Whip and the Boquet of Poison Ivy.

      Passion rules

    • Ducky walks in and asks for some cheese, and a sinlge bed room.

      "I'll admit it, I was never good with people. Even as a child, my imaginary friend would go to play with the kid down the street."
      (url="http://"")House of Soy (My Homepage, duh)(/url)

    • Ioni comes to Ducky and says, "A Single bed is 5 powerbars a night, and what kind of cheese, Swiss, cheddar, whole?"

      -OOC- Were gonna run out of characters here soon.

      Passion rules

    • Quote

      Originally posted by jinx:
      **I think I'm going to have to have a discussion with my fellow moderators on this one. I, for one, don't think the whole "bar" thing is of any good - and as a moderator they become tedious.

      anklebiter - catch me next time I'm on the tracker and weigh in.


      What you mean you signed up to be a moderator here for a NEW Game, and you dont want to manage a bar? A bar is a long-held tradition of Ambrosia Games, and may forums across the world!

      Passion rules

    • See jalai -was that so bad?

      Ok- anklebiter has graciously agreed to bartend. You'd better thank him and give him the best seat in the house, and a huge bar tab.

      Have fun gang...


    • Quote

      Originally posted by jinx:
      **See jalai -was that so bad?

      Ok- anklebiter has graciously agreed to bartend. You'd better thank him and give him the best seat in the house, and a huge bar tab.

      Have fun gang...


      I removed the post warning of karma slaps, so not to confuse anyone. Carry on and enjoy..

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Anyway continuing on:

      "Will that be Cheddar, Swiss, or Whole Cheese Mr. Ducky?"

      Ioni whips out her notepad and paddlepen.

      Passion rules

    • --- Ioni is now hiring help, must have hand-to-hand combat training, Duckies and Bombastics need not apply ---

      Passion rules

    • Zap walks in and immediatly signs up. "I'll protect you from anything" he assures

      All hell that ends well -Me
      Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
      (url="http://"")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)

    • Mr. Man sidles up to the bar and signs up as well, keeping his silent peace for the moment, but with a very superior look on his face(and his arms crossed).

      Don't go to school to learn that 2+2=4. If you do you're missing the point. Go to school to learn how to add, then figure out that 2+2=4.
      (url="http://"")The Vortex Web Page!(/url) My upcoming TC plugin for EV Nova. (url="http://"")The Vortex Forum(/url)--Everyone is welcome to come, register, and post here.

    • "Well hello Mr. Man, would you like some Vodka, Brandy, Scotch, or Orange Juice to drink today, or perhaps some eggs with bacon to eat?"

      Turns to Mr. Zap and tosses him a broom "Get to sweeping the kitchen, and when your done the hallways too, pay is 3 powerbars an hour."

      Passion rules

    • Ducky says "I would like cheddar cheese, please,"

      He then runs to the closest computer to practice his mad pop skills.

      "I'll admit it, I was never good with people. Even as a child, my imaginary friend would go to play with the kid down the street."
      (url="http://"")House of Soy (My Homepage, duh)(/url)

    • A bar? A POP POP bar?

      Lequis Design

    • OOC - You have something against with Pop-Pop, we dont serve your kind around here.

      Serves Ducky some Cheddar Cheese at his Pop-Pop Fanatic Computer Console

      "I am declaring a ban on Bombastic, he and his damn bombs have made me lose for the last time, Mr. Man will throw out any Bombastic lovers asap."

      Passion rules

    • Zap, goes around cleaning, which doesn't take long as he zips around finishing in mere minutes. Zap orders some lightning with a side of electricity

      All hell that ends well -Me
      Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
      (url="http://"")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)

    • Ducky goes to take bath, with his own self-fashioned bright yellow rubber ducks.

      "I'll admit it, I was never good with people. Even as a child, my imaginary friend would go to play with the kid down the street."
      (url="http://"")House of Soy (My Homepage, duh)(/url)

    • Ioni gets out her loudspeaker, "Pop-Pop Tournament in 5 minutes! Winner gets a free bed for the night!"

      Ioni starts setting up her tournament with a Super LAN pack

      Passion rules

    • Mini-T walks into the bar, and orders some air.
      "Do you have any power bars?"
      Mini-T breaks into a sweat, and runs outside. After smashing his car, (made out of bricks) he happily re-enters, and orders his O2.
      "I'll be downstairs!" He calls behind his back.
      "Hey Ducky, you ready for the tournament?"

      If you attack this, I can securely say, that you are insecure. 😄

      (This message has been edited by Hamster (edited 07-20-2002).)

    • Ducky replies,
      "As soon as I finish bathing with my new rubber ducks, I will beat you with my superior pop-SKILLZ!"

      Mr. Flibble Is Very

    • "I see."
      Mini-T walks upstairs, and runs into Ioni, who is carrying his air.
      "Excuse me! Thanks."
      Loni is walking upstairs,as Mini-T finishes his air.
      "Aahhh. Hey, Ioni!"
      "I'm interested in employment here. I see you have a garden out back; how about a gardener?"

      If you attack this, I can securely say, that you are insecure. 😄

      (This message has been edited by Hamster (edited 07-21-2002).)