Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Problems with Avara...

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      I got a new G4 (I know I rule! ๐Ÿ˜› ) and even upgraded it to 9.0.4. I redownloaded Avara one day to find a problem with the keyboard screen. It was flashing and acting very screwy. :eek: I was wondering if there is something I should do to fix this or if Ambrosia needs to touch up on the holy code that makes such a excellent game. Anyone else had this problem?

    • It doesn't just hapen to you, it happens on my iMac. So what? It doesn't affect anything.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lightfire:
      **I got a new G4 (I know I rule!:p ) **


      P.S. As for your problem, I have no idea, I've only seen a G4 once.

      To Escape Velocity 3 and Beyond!

    • It's something to do with the keyboards. You need to remember that Avara was made LOONG before the iMac and its tiny keyboard and the Pro Keyboard. I know for a fact it works just fine with a normal Apple Extended Keyboard. It must be something about the keyboard drivers.



    • Quote

      Originally posted by KnightXTREEM:
      **It's something to do with the keyboards. You need to remember that Avara was made LOONG before the iMac and its tiny keyboard and the Pro Keyboard. I know for a fact it works just fine with a normal Apple Extended Keyboard. It must be something about the keyboard drivers.



      Really? Hmmm, I think it works fine from my G4/500 at work, but I'll check tomorrow and see if I have time.

      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

    • downlaod the update ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜›


    • Actually, the flashing keyboard configuration window "bug" exists on any USB equipped Mac. It is caused by the USB refresh rate. Donย’t expect Ambrosia to fix it, as itย’s only a minor annoyance and doesnย’t cause any problems.

      Best Regards,
      Urban "Robin Hood" Weigl