Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • pop-pop tournament results for 19/March/03

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      EDIT: Lumsia is the winner! (People, please email results to avoid confusion.)

      pop-pop tournament results for 19/March/03. Lumsia is the winner of this tournament! Good work! Lumsia came in second place.


      ROUND 1

      Eno 2/3
      Hyko 4/2
      LISH 4/1/1
      Lumsia 6/0
      mikrisa 0/6
      Soda 2/3/1
      TX Girl 3/3

      ROUND 2

      Lumsia 2/0
      Lish 1/1
      Hyko 0/2

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)

      (This message has been edited by anklebiter (edited 03-19-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by anklebiter (edited 03-19-2003).)

    • Also, please DO NOT argue with me when I am hosting a game.

      Lumsia had won all 6 rounds, the next closest person had won 4 rounds. There didn't need to be a round 2. Also, if I say there needs to be only 3 people for a round 2, please don't ask why not 4? The last thing I need is people questioning me while I am hosting a tournament.

      And lastly, no I don't participate in the tournaments. Why? Because there is a problem in pop-pop where the mouse moves SO FAST that I can't really judge where the paddle is going. It is very frustrating.

      I used to be one of the top pop-pop players, but when 1.0.2 came out and I got a new Mac, I was no longer able to play. I am sorry, but I am not going to play just to know I am going to loose. pop-pop is a very demanding game that allows no slip ups, and if I can't move the paddle accurately, then I have way too many slip ups to even dream of winning.

      Yes, I have let Ambrosia know of this bug.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **Also, please DO NOT argue with me when I am hosting a game.

      Don't change the rules during a tourney and no one will do ...


      Lumsia had won all 6 rounds, the next closest person had won 4 rounds. There didn't need to be a round 2.

      What are you talking about?
      YOUR rules clearly say: "The top four records will advance to round 2."
      No if-clauses or further conditions 'bout that as far as I can see ...

      Is this about checkin out who is best as fast as possible or are we doing this tourneys to play?


      Also, if I say there needs to be only 3 people for a round 2, please don't ask why not 4? The last thing I need is people questioning me while I am hosting a tournament.

      Sorry to say that but you asked for it:
      The last thing the pop-community needs are tourneys hosted like that!
      Calm down, man ...


      **And lastly, no I don't participate in the tournaments. Why? Because there is a problem in pop-pop where the mouse moves SO FAST that I can't really judge where the paddle is going. It is very frustrating.

      I used to be one of the top pop-pop players, but when 1.0.2 came out and I got a new Mac, I was no longer able to play. I am sorry, but I am not going to play just to know I am going to loose. pop-pop is a very demanding game that allows no slip ups, and if I can't move the paddle accurately, then I have way too many slip ups to even dream of winning.

      Yes, I have let Ambrosia know of this bug.


      Yeah this sucks.
      But why do you try to work it out during a tourney you are hosting?
      Couldn't you have made up your mind before?

      I asked you if your in the tourney.
      You agreed.
      Next is that you insist on playing hard although YOUR rules say, everyone has to play expert (except DEMOs).
      Last was, that you really unpolitely end our game we have after 2 rounds.
      Reason: frustration, as you said.

      Now who was acting confusing again???

      Ok, now to pick to pieces if you like.
      I don't bother.
      I won't criticize you again.
      It is your tourneys & your rules.
      But remember: it is only a game, so ...
      who cares ...


    • Semi-noob to pop-pop here, but anklebiter, have you tried lowering the tracking speed of your mouse? You can do this from that mouse panel in system preferences...

      Too bad I missed the tournament today. Hopefully next time

      Proud Owner of: (url="http://"")EV Nova(/url), (url="http://"")pop-pop(/url), (url="http://"")Coldstone Gaming Engine(/url), and (url="http://"")Pillars of Garendall(/url)
      Be Cool, Play (url="http://";=pop-pop+web+board&number;=67&DaysPrune;=365&LastLogin;=")pop-pop!(/url)
      Need (url="http://"")help(/url) with your plug-in?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      I used to be one of the top pop-pop players, but when 1.0.2 came out and I got a new Mac, I was no longer able to play. I am sorry, but I am not going to play just to know I am going to loose. pop-pop is a very demanding game that allows no slip ups, and if I can't move the paddle accurately, then I have way too many slip ups to even dream of winning.

      I used to have this bug with my Intellimouse (would never have bought the thing if I'd known about Logitech back 3 years ago ot so.... but that's history).

      In OS 10.1.x and some early 10.2's there was big problem in that when I woke my laptop up from sleep, the tracking would go crazy, and the whole GUI would hard lock when I opened the 'mouse' prefs pane. Could still do work if I ssh'd from another box (the kernel was fine) but the window manager had crashed so bad I couldn't even reboot from the command-line. Tsk, bad Apple. 😞 Anyway, that seems to have gone as of 10.2.3/4 (fortunately - yay, good Apple 😉 ) but I now sometimes get pop-pop refusing to recognise my mouse when a game starts (even though it moves the cursor fine) - which is infuriating as I can't tell it is going to happen until we actually start playing. Seems to happen most often if I switch to IE while pop-pop is loaded.

      Regardless, the tracking often goes awry, and the best way I've found to solve it was to make pop-pop a special case under the mouse driver's programmable interface, and drop the tracking speed there (as that overrides the OS one). Either that or (because I'm sure now that like all MS products, it is very buggy) disabling the extra drivers completely. Means I can't use the extra buttons, but that's a small price to pay for stability - and X gets the right button and scroll-wheel by itself anyway. 🙂

      Regardless (as Frisco says) dropping the speed in the sys-prefs (while irritating) will do the job. You can actually change it on the command line if you so wish. I'm not 100% sure if the UI will notice if you do, but if so, you can make a little script (and even make it double-clickable, if you don't like the terminal (in which case, shame on you, by far the best bit of X 😉 )) which does this and then immediately launches pop-pop. With a bit of unix hacking, you could even make it change it back again when pop-pop quits. 🙂

      Also, my ickle laptop frequently drops the fps randomly for a about a second while playing games. More often than not it results in me missing a critical ball, or falling foul of a v-lock. Yes, it drives me up the wall, but I just live with it - I'm actually more likely to whinge about quantities of down arrows than anything else. Unless the fps is permanently low (so totally unplayable) I just live with it, as Lish says (and is especially true for tournaments), it's only a game.

      Crono's random thought for the day

      P.S. 'grats Lumisa (I mean, Your Majesty!) - looks like you stole the show there!


      "I'm just very selective about the reality I choose to accept."
      -- Calvin & Hobbes


    • hi everybody. i just wanted to apologize if i seemed a bit unfriendly yesterday after the first round - it was just that i was really tired and ill, and it didn´t seem to move on, i did a lot of waiting - now i was told that the lounge wasn´t updated properly so nobody could see that i was hosting, and i couldn´t see other people host. anyway, no complaints here, i just wanted to make sure, you guys knew that i didn´t mean to be unfriendly and that i just got a bit impatient after a while. so if i seemed grumbly, i´m sorry.
      ( i had the impression that the atmosphere in general was a bit aggressive yesterday, and if that wasn´t just an imagination of my tired mind i hope it´s not going to be like this every time from now on.)

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 03-20-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      P.S. 'grats Lumisa (I mean, Your Majesty!) - looks like you stole the show there!


      thanks crono, to bad you, ryoko and even shoes couldn´t come - i´m sure everything would have ended differently if you all had.


      Originally posted by Crono:
      **(I mean, Your Majesty!)

      i hereby resign from any titles unofficially given in pop-pop, just call me Lumisa, please. 😉


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Lish:
      **Don't change the rules during a tourney and no one will do ...

      What are you talking about?
      YOUR rules clearly say: "The top four records will advance to round 2."
      No if-clauses or further conditions 'bout that as far as I can see ...

      Is this about checkin out who is best as fast as possible or are we doing this tourneys to play?

      Sorry to say that but you asked for it:
      The last thing the pop-community needs are tourneys hosted like that!
      Calm down, man ...

      I am just fine. The tournament rules were designed for 10 plus players, this number hasn’t materialized.

      Yeah this sucks.
      But why do you try to work it out during a tourney you are hosting?
      Couldn't you have made up your mind before?

      I asked you if your in the tourney.
      You agreed.
      Next is that you insist on playing hard although YOUR rules say, everyone has to play expert (except DEMOs).
      Last was, that you really unpolitely end our game we have after 2 rounds.
      Reason: frustration, as you said.

      Now who was acting confusing again???

      Ok, now to pick to pieces if you like.
      I don't bother.
      I won't criticize you again.
      It is your tourneys & your rules.
      But remember: it is only a game, so ...
      who cares ...


      The tournament rules were meant for a minimal of 10 players. That hasn’t happened. So I make changes as needed. No big deal, but not people start jumping on my back and crying. So when I get home today, I will add another rule, “Management reserves the right to change any rule for any reason without notification as management sees fit.” The point I was trying to make is people need to back off and just have some fun. I really hate it when I am trying to host a game tournament and I have everyone trying to tell me what to do – by what THEY what they think should be done. If you have a problem with management, don’t take it up during the tournament. Go to the web boards or write an email. Am I a God and perfect? Hell no. But I am trying my damn hardest to try and make sure that these tournament actually happen, and consistently. I also am trying to make sure that the unofficial pop-pop web site happens, and that is still in the work. I am trying to get a list of all bugs, so that just by a slim chance, we can get a version 1.0.3. I still have all of the stat sheets, so that I can post the results on the pop-pop web site once I get it online. As for me backing out of participating in the tournament, it is my right to do so. It is beyond frustrating when you fatally loose just because you can’t aim for the ball accurately. Now how much does this take? To moderate a web board, to provide technical support, and host a tournament for a game I can’t even play! I don’t get any rewards for this, just the feel good of making something happen.

      So please, management is far from perfect, but at least it is happening.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)

    • Have there ever been 10 players in one of these new tournaments? I also don't see anything in the rules which says anything about "these rules are for 10players, otherwise we shall use 'these/variants'" etc.

      Anyway, (sorry, Lumisa, but) perhaps looking at this topic it was a good thing I didn't make this. Hopefully it was just a one off, and confusions all round will be cleared up for next time.

      Just as a matter of interest - perhaps its worth holding the tournaments less frequently, then people would have more time to see them coming, and have more incentive to make them too. Just my own 2p



    • even though not everything turned out right, it was fun (especially the first round before confusion started, but even afterwards) and i´m glad i played, and i, apart from the long times of waiting, enjoyed it.


      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      So please, management is far from perfect, but at least it is happening.

      thats right. and nobody got so upset wenn number 279 didn´t show up AT ALL at the tournament he why now??
      so, anklebiter, thanks for hosting!
      and, most of all:


      Originally posted by Lish:
      **But remember: it is only a game, so ...
      who cares ...



      Originally posted by Crono:
      **Just as a matter of interest - perhaps its worth holding the tournaments less frequently, then people would have more time to see them coming, and have more incentive to make them too. Just my own 2p

      i agree.

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 03-20-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **thats right. and nobody got so upset wenn number 279 didn´t show up AT ALL at the tournament he why now??

      BTW I´m still curious why he didn´t show up. I don´t want to make a big thing out of it, and there always may be some emergency but I do find it kind of rude not even to give an explanation afterwards. Especially when somebody asks you as Danny did.


    • in my oppinion there should always be a second round as long as there are more than 4 players. it´s about chances for the others to catch up. (just a thought)


    • BTW If the whiners had read the rules, they would have seen it say "A person wins the tournament if they have won every single match."

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)

    • The input of all our members is greatly appreciated on these boards. That's what they exist for. This thread however, is just here to post tournament results. If you guys want to make a new thread weighing the pro's and con's of the different tournament styles, feel free.

      So, I'm ending this thread with a hearty congratulations to Lumisa, and thanks to all of our tournament and forum participants. Keep the input coming so we can make the tournament as streamlined and fun as possible. 🙂

      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Oliver Wendell Holmes
      (url="http://"")Slagblah's EVN Guide(/url)| (url="http://";=pop-pop+web+board&number;=67")Pop-Pop Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Download Pop-Pop!(/url)