Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How do you beat "Testing Facility"??

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      The topic name states it all, how do you beat "Testing Facility"? I tried it a few times, but I was always destroyed. The turrets are all too strong! Do any of you know how to beat it, or have any useful hints? Thanks in advance.

      -Captain Carnotaur

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

    • Do what I do. Run like a headless chicken. Don't try to beat the turrets, there are just to many of them. Get to the end transporter and get out. It's not the most gallant method, but it works 😉

      "Life is pain your Highness, any one who says differently is trying to sell you some thing"-Dread Pirate
      "Somtimes I think the surest sign that there's intellegent life out there is that it hasn't tried to contact us"-Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **The topic name states it all, how do you beat "Testing Facility"? I tried it a few times, but I was always destroyed. The turrets are all too strong! Do any of you know how to beat it, or have any useful hints? Thanks in advance.

      -Captain Carnotaur


      I had trouble with this level the first time also. Knowing how to SuperJump helps.

      1. At start run forward and hit the "on" button so it switches to "off". This stops some of the turrets from firing at you. Stay under the bridge, because when you step out a pair of UFOs are there to fire at you, along with two guards at the corners of the building.
      Pick one UFO, and send two missiles at it as quickly as you can, while moving constantly to avoid guard fire. If it's not dead use lasers to kill it the rest of the way. Repeat for the other UFO.
      Then, again while running forward and backward, pick a guard and hit it with a few laser shots - it should die with two or three direct hits. Repeat for the other guard.

      2. Here I SuperJump up onto the block to the right of the ramp, run up the ramp and jump over the gap and onto the platform. Run into the green teleporter.

      3. At the other green tele spot, run out of the teleporter field and up the ramp to the right, across the platform and jump into the hole at the end. You're now in a room with an on and off switch, and a blue wall. You'll be safe here - recharge your lasers if needed, or abort so you get a new life with missiles.

      4. Hit the "on" button to open the blue wall. Doing so releases two more UFOs from high above. If you run out the room and look up you can see them dropping. The button also resets all of the guards to fire on you, so keep moving. Take out the two UFOs as fast as you can. They're a bit speedier and more accurate with their shots - but the same principal applies - hit them with two missiles and then finish them off with lasers. If you can hit the "on" button under the bridge again the guards will turn off again.

      5. Walk back to the spot you reappeared after the first green teleporter. Where you turned right to go up the ramp is a bridge. Go to the left side of that bridge and SuperJump onto the platform, and walk into the Red Teleporter.

      6. Walk out of the red teleporter, and jump onto the white platform in front of you. IT will rise up to the top of the columns. Find the way to the Yellow Teleporter, and Mission Completed!

      Hope that helps...

      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%

      (This message has been edited by Taz! (edited 10-28-2000).)

    • Heh, I think I may remember this level, even though it has been at least two years....geez, it's been forever. I remember that I took this level VERY slowly. The toughest part (If I am remembering the right level) of the level is when you have to go around this corner and jump on some conveyor belt or something, while two guys are shooting at you. I beat it eventually. I think I beat the whole game, but I didn't register so I don't know whether I could play all the levels or not.

      And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches. Many were increasingly of the opinion that they had all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that the trees had been a bad move and that no one should ever have left the oceans. - Douglass Adams