Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Tex's ability

      11 13 264

      Is it just me, or is Tex's special ability worse than the others? The shots are easy to avoid, and even when they do hit they don't usually do anything useful. I think that, to compensate a successful hit should drain your opponent's paddle of any energy that it was charged with. Does anyone else think this?

      MU* addict

    • Actually tex can be very usefull specially when your about to lose a well placed tex spam can bring you to your knees

      To think that I have built so much, so carefully, on a foundation made of quicksand
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Desert-Rat:
      **Actually tex can be very usefull specially when your about to lose a well placed tex spam can bring you to your knees


      I agree with this. Even I can get whooped hard by someone using Tex very well...

      One step beyond!
      pop-pop web board moderator.

    • A single use of Tex's ability is lame, yes. 5 at the same time when the bricks are just a few away from the line, no.

      (url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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    • Hmm. I haven't played online yet, so haven't seen more than 1 set of guns in action at once, but I think that they should at least stop you from using the magnet when your paddle is stunned (I'm pretty sure they don't) - I mean that would be quite nasty and there would be more motivation to avoid them then, probably as much as there is to not avoid Bombastic bombs!

      Anyway, on a complete side note, I've been suspecting, and have just confirmed, that the "no vertical movement" power-down is a serious power-up when facing Mini-T :)!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kelsan:
      **Is it just me, or is Tex's special ability worse than the others? The shots are easy to avoid, and even when they do hit they don't usually do anything useful. I think that, to compensate a successful hit should drain your opponent's paddle of any energy that it was charged with. Does anyone else think this?


      Personally I think Tex is pretty powerful, now if your looking for lame in my book it's Ioni and Zap, both useless

      Β“War does not
      determine who is right,
      war determines who is

    • ioni isn't bad if your opponent has a slow processor evil grin.


    • Zap helps when you have a green power ball in play and they use their ability, having the ball bounce all over the field and clearing most of the screen for you. Then again, it has a tendancy to countinually bounce off the wall and your paddle at the bottom which means little progress in destorying very many bricks. (when Zap is used right)

      "I hate that! Your answers are always short, precise, and utterly useless!"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Duckman:
      **If your looking for lame in my book it's Ioni

      When I first started playing Pop-pop this summer, I was working in a vision studies lab. Since I am now the world's leading authority on visual search and distractors πŸ™‚ I can tell you that Ioni's attack is very powerful because the centers of the flowers look like the ball, and multiple attacks can hide the ball all together. You're only defense is to use the magnet, but even then it can be tough.

      In the begining, there was EV. Single Player. Now, we have been delivered from isolation.
      (url="http://"") The Hideout(/url): Multiplayer EV!!

    • I think all of the pop's are pretty well balenced...maybe the people you've played (as that pop) aren't as good as you....

      When put in the right hands, any thing can be dangerous πŸ™‚

      has no signature yet

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ezra Drayce:
      **I think all of the pop's are pretty well balenced...maybe the people you've played (as that pop) aren't as good as you....

      When put in the right hands, any thing can be dangerous πŸ™‚


      Beware of the killer ducks.. beware of the killer ducks..

      One step beyond!
      pop-pop w(url="http://"")e(/url)b board moderator.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ezra Drayce:
      When put in the right hands, any thing can be dangerous:)


      Yes. People have been killed by sporks. Eeesh.

      "Some folks study long and hard to be idiots- and insist on proving it to everyone."
      -Chuq Von Ropach, Apples Software Gnome and Internet Tweaker, in reference to people who don't read the directions on how to unsubscribe from mailing lists.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dan-D-Man:
      I can tell you that Ioni's attack is very powerful because the centers of the flowers look like the ball, and multiple attacks can hide the ball all together. You're only defense is to use the magnet, but even then it can be tough.

      When I'm spammed with her flowers, I usually use the magnet to slow the ball down and try to get it so that I'm just knocking out an entire column of bricks; it's not super-powerful as far as getting bricks busted, but it does save me from the ball hitting the back wall (also, unless you charge your paddle every time, it's a great way to build up a lot of energy quickly, so that you can spam them right back).

      (url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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