Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • What's your style?

      19 22 314

      How do you play pop-pop? Do you play total defense and save every last powerbrick for eliminating bricks? Are you a bit of both? Do you play total offense and save most of you're power bricks for using your power? How do you play?

      I do a bit of both, I play it so I even the amount of bricks and powerups I use.

      All hell that ends well -Me
      Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
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      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)

    • I'd rather people found out by plaing me ^^
      I need to play more peoples ^
      I like silly smileys too ^^
      He is flambytoes ^
      He can fly ^^
      uhoh ^

    • My style depends on the playing strategy of my opponent. This is why I tend to lose the first round when I'm playing against a decent player.

      "Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one"
      -Thomas Jefferson
      (url="http://"")The Source Cod - Nothing Fishy(/url) / (url="http://"") - Coming Soon(/url)

    • I'm a breaking as many blocks as possible before I "spam" with bombs or blows.

      you wait/ all day/ and we just/ waste away/

    • I'm usually a mix, but leaning more towards using a lot of power bricks quickly.

      Microsoft: "This place is evil, Timothy, but perhaps a necessary evil."
      -- Neil Gaiman, "The Books of Magic"
      One, Two, Three, (url="http://"")Pfhor(/url)
      (url="http://"")iDevGames(/url)... do (url="http://"")uDevGames(/url)?

    • I generally focus more on using my ability more than anything (which is why I don't use Ioni very often) but I can do the blockety-clear dance if I have to.


    • I ajust my style based on what my opponent is doing. I used to play as Bombastic against Mini-T, not I fight air with air. It seems pretty effective, especially against those campers. If the player isn't attacking me, I try not to attack a lot. And focus more on popping bricks. I have found that spamming from about any pop can be a pain. Tex has a lot more bite then one may realize, even worse then Bombastic when there are 5 of Tex's guns a blazing.

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • I generally play all-out defense, using every single one of my power bars to power up my paddle and smash more bricks. The only time I'll ever use my special attack is if someone hits me four or five times in a row with their special and I feel like a little retaliation.

      "One day you'll find your whole life has changed - act quick, be brave, your heart will show you the way"

    • My style depends on the opponent's style, but it's usually varied, or balanced, and if i get a chance, I WILL special spam... be forewarned.

      Mr. Flibble Is Very

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **I ajust my style based on what my opponent is doing. I used to play as Bombastic against Mini-T, not I fight air with air. It seems pretty effective, especially against those campers. If the player isn't attacking me, I try not to attack a lot. And focus more on popping bricks. I have found that spamming from about any pop can be a pain. Tex has a lot more bite then one may realize, even worse then Bombastic when there are 5 of Tex's guns a blazing.


      Very true. The only two pops that have the ability to completely screw the opponent if you do enough of them at once are Tex and Zap. 15 or 18 Zaps on the screen means they have no control at all.

      (url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
      The sub-l33t pop-pop player
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    • are 15 to 18 zaps even possible?

    • Offensive. If i'm not using my bars for specials, then i'm probably using them to pop bricks in the lowest row above the line.

      ...I wonder...
      ...will it take me under...
      ...I don't know...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by BaboonGuy:
      are 15 to 18 zaps even possible?

      3 zaps in an attack, meaning 5 attacks for 15, yea it is very possible...

      One step beyond!
      pop-pop web board moderator.

    • I'm surprised I haven't seen more people say this, but my style accords to the map that the game is played on. If the bricks are low, it's better to clear them with some powerbricks and send some hollow ones over. If the bricks are high, I start off spewing my special and switch to a more block-oriented mode when the screen is just over half-full.
      I suppose it also makes a difference on which pop you are against. Mini-T is for Mini-T, that is.


    • I usually play as Mr. Man.

      So, if the bricks are low, I usually concentrate on at least trying to get some brick bots to the other player to frustrate him/her, whilist I clear out the bricks that are an immediate threat.

      "I'll admit it, I was never good with people. Even as a child, my imaginary friend would go to play with the kid down the street."
      (url="http://"")House of Soy (Last update- 7-23-02)(/url) | (url="http://"")Event Horizon 2 Sign up Thread(/url)
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      "The Escape" -Coming to the EV Chronicles

    • I like to swamp them with Zap's special, then send over enough hollow brick to make them lose very very fast

      Welcome to the Matrix...

    • 15 zaps hardly fazes me any more than 3 do. which is very little.
      i play mr. man against all except bombastic and mini-t, whom i play bombastic against.
      i'm trying out tex, but not sure if i like him better than mr. man or not.

      mr. man's weakness is that he's very dependent upon the board you're playing. he's much more effective on denser boards than those that spread the bricks more thinly.

      and as for power management, i try to get about 1/3 of the meter and let loose 2-3 attacks. over 3 is spam, and i'm not about to do that =P

      --{MG} Bosk


    • I rarely use my special attack, I generally power up my paddle.

      Hand me the gun and say that again.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Zax:
      **I rarely use my special attack, I generally power up my paddle.


      I am getting old in the bones, everyone is starting to whoop on me 😉

      One step beyond!
      pop-pop web board moderator.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Gul Banana:
      **I generally focus more on using my ability more than anything (which is why I don't use Ioni very often) but I can do the blockety-clear dance if I have to.


      Interestingly, my style has changed completely since I posted that. These days, it is very rare for me to use special powers at all.
