So there I was, talking to Shinobi about how different pops abilities countered other pops. I then mentioned something about how Ioni was deadly now, but when everyone is all experienced, she won't be as dangerous, because people will know where the ball will be going, and when to get their paddle there.
And then it struck me.
Blind Pop-Pop.
Yes folks, thats right. It's based entirely on the honor system of course. Shinobi and I both turned off our monitors and had a wild and crazy game (well, three of them actually) of BLIND Pop-Pop.
Sound can be on
Monitor CAN be on, but you must cover your eyes somehow
A Pop's specials can be used of course (haha, try to get one off after the's nearly impossible)
Don't peek!!!
It's hella fun, and it evens the playing field if you're incredibly awsome anyway
Post YOUR Blind Pop-Pop strategies here for all to see!
Blind Pop-Pop: Be a real man and give up your eyesight.
Some say he tripped on the lawn gnome