Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Novice, , Pro, Master.

      4 5 437

      I think there should be a ranking somewhere between novice and pro. I've been playing on N+ almost since I started playing pop-pop, and don't think I'll ever really advance to pro, but it does seem kinda funny to keep calling myself a novice, even an elite one.
      I think an intermediate rating would be nice, although it would perhaps give too many ratings in the game.


      If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy floating by

    • Although your idea of an intermediate ranking is rather interesting, I belive that that is what Novice + represents, and intermediate ranking.

      But thats my opinion.

      "I'll admit it, I was never good with people. Even as a child, my imaginary friend would go to play with the kid down the street."
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by benightedbastard:
      **I think there should be a ranking somewhere between novice and pro. I've been playing on N+ almost since I started playing pop-pop, and don't think I'll ever really advance to pro, but it does seem kinda funny to keep calling myself a novice, even an elite one.
      I think an intermediate rating would be nice, although it would perhaps give too many ratings in the game.



      These ratings are just you using your best guess. Nothing more. People's own ratings will vary, some more liberal then others. Just take your best guess.

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **These ratings are just you using your best guess. Nothing more. People's own ratings will vary, some more liberal then others. Just take your best guess.


      Yeah, I know it can only be a subjective approximation, it's just that I don't really consider myself a novice (after 2 days play, oh the arrogance ;)), so even with the little plus beside the name it's still the big N that stands out to me.

      I guess I'm coming from the view that there is a huge jump from novice to pro, while pro to master seems like a more natural progression.

      If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy floating by

    • Quote

      Originally posted by benightedbastard:
      **I guess I'm coming from the view that there is a huge jump from novice to pro, while pro to master seems like a more natural progression.

      I'm kind of the opposite. I found the step from novice to pro relatively easy but would hesitate to put myself up there with the masters. I reckon I'm about middle at the mo, hence the P or P+ games are usually challenging but fun too. Occasionally I'll take on a master just to test my luck.

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?