Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Favorite pop?

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      So who is your favorite pop to play as, and why?

      Who is your least-favorite pop to play against, and why?

      Inquiring minds want to know...

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • Favorite to play (so far) - Mini-T - He's got that bad breath
      Least favorite to play - Mr. Man - That brick robot forces me to focus on getting rid of those blocks, preventing me from using a powerup.


    • I presonally like Ducky.. mass ducks seem to irriate my opponent by bouncing his/her ball around in the unwanted (or wanted, depending on circumstance) direction.

      I dont like playing against Inoi (sp? Let the butchering of names begin :rolleyes: ), because the flowers always obstruct my view. The desired effect, of course.

      "I'll admit it, I was never good with people. Even as a child, my imaginary friend would go to play with the kid down the street."
      (url="http://"")House of Soy (My Homepage, duh)(/url)

      (This message has been edited by SoySauce (edited 07-15-2002).)

    • What if you like them all? 🙂

      -- fade to black.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **So who is your favorite pop to play as, and why?

      Who is your least-favorite pop to play against, and why?

      Inquiring minds want to know...


      You're probably going to think this is a supid question, but here goes...

      How do I play pop-pop if I can't download it?

      Psalm 73 ~ "ba wah-i b w eh?" Hudson ~ Generic (url="http://"")EVula(/url) link ~ { (url="http://"")sphere(/url) }
      "Why do you keep using that word? I do not think it means what you think it means."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mantaray:
      **You're probably going to think this is a supid question, but here goes...

      How do I play pop-pop if I can't download it?


      Soon, very soon.
      And I'll be looking for you on the tracker. Yay - Fresh Meat for the Grinder!


    • I love playing as Ducky. Massing ducks is a great way of driving your opponent nuts.

      I don't like playing as Ioni. The flowers are effective only when you cast flowers twice or more times consecutively.

      "Heaven is defined as an American salary, a Chinese cook, an English house, and a Japanese wife. Hell is defined as having a Chinese salary, an English cook, a Japanese house, and an American wife."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by jinx:
      **Soon, very soon.
      And I'll be looking for you on the tracker. Yay - Fresh Meat for the Grinder!


      Bleh, this web board color scheme! squints I need glasses badly.

      I like Bombastic the best, I use this pop all of the time. The best tactical advantage. Ducky and Ioni are total weaklings, if you play me using them ya best beg for mercy. Zap, Mr. Man and Tex are both a step above the Ducky and Ioni, but I will still kill you. The pop that I dispise the most is Mini-Vac, this pop blows paddle around, making life hell for me. While at first I totally was helpless against this pop, I have learned to adapt. That said, even now Mini-Vac won't save you from me.

      I am not saying I am the best player around, but I will sure take a bite out of your ankles! So when pop-pop is released this Wednesday, look me up and the tracker.

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      Bleh, this web board color scheme! squints I need glasses badly.


      You have to admit, the colors are pretty appropriate for pop-pop, though 😉

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **You have to admit, the colors are pretty appropriate for pop-pop, though;)


      Yes, I certainly agree too that! After some time on this web board, I am a lot more used too the color scheme. Speaking of suprises (ok, a really BIG one I did not expect) Jinx joins a game I am hosting and starts calling me a "fellow moderator"...

      presents salute to dutifully assist players, be good, and play lots of pop-pop

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • I STRONGLY dislike playing against Mini-T - especially when my oppenent won't let up, and keeps me under wind siege.

      That being said, Mini-T is also one of my favorite pops to play as, and I always keep that special power going full-time if I can! Of course, I also like playing as Zap, and Bombastic, and Mr. Man, and Ducky- Heck, I love them all!


    • I like playing as Mr. Man, but I hate playing against Ducky. Especially when I'm playing moki.... who conveniently places about 20 friggin ducks on my side of the playing field.


      "I think more people need to have quotes from me in their sigs." - forge
      Pikepics, Floozy's Pics •• > (url="http://"") (/url) <•• pike's #ev3 quotes, PP™
      (url="http://";=64&SUBMIT;=Go")Just Tech(/url): Whisky shot of the truly l33t.

    • I think pop selection has a great deal to do with one's opponent. Bombastic is an excellent newbie-basher (not that I'd ever dream of such a thing), but experienced players shouldn't be daunted by him.

      That said, my favorite all-around pop is Zap. He's fast--something I value above all else--and he brings out da funk.

      Posted Image

      Mini-T gets the nod as my least favorite to play against. Some of the other pops' special powers are avoidable (to some degree) or even destructible, but Mini-T's is a force of nature. Beat that!


    • I like playing as Bombastic, but I haven't tried all of the pops yet. I HATE playing againist Mr. Man, because he adds bricks like crazy.

      We've got mormons. I called the exterminator, but it seems they only deal with small-scale infestations. -Asc
      excalty, exacly, ecatly, whatever.
      Newly updated: (url="http://"")Evo Info(/url)!
      (url="http://"")My Site(/url).

    • Yes, lets talk about Mini-T. In the betas olden days, he used to be overlooked as a pop since Bombastic and Mr. Man's specials were much more powerful. Now that these two pops have been effectively neutered in comparison, Mini-T has become by far the strongest pop.

      This does not mean he's the most fun to play with and against. I'd say his special is so debilitating that its kind of cheap, so I never play as him-- except when a similarly skilled opponent chooses him.

      It'll be interesting to see how pop usage will be handled by gamers. I find it particularly annoying when an opponent only plays as mini-t because its just not fun for me to deal with his special game after game. Its the pop equivalent of camping.

      Hopefully a general courteous etiquette will develop in the tracker and this won't come to be a big issue. See you guys on the 17th.

      -mark johns

    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **So who is your favorite pop to play as, and why?

      Ducky, why? because it's fun sending 15 ducks over the the other side that never (well almost) go away, mwuahahahaha


      **Who is your least-favorite pop to play against, and why?

      Zap, used right this pop is DEADLY, beware his harmless appearence...


    • I love using Ducky. I send about 15 ducks at the other guy.

      I hate playing against Mr.Man because he swarms you with those block placers.



    • Ducky all the way. I love sending out masses of little squeeky ducks! 🙂

      I definately don't like playing against Ioni, 3 waves of those evil little flowers pushes me over the edge. 😉


      (Pop-pop rocks!)

      (url="http://"")a(/url) (url="http://"")b(/url) c (url="http://"")d(/url) (url="http://"")e(/url) f g h i j (url="http://"")k(/url) l (url="http://"")n(/url) m ... d'oh!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by grand admiral thrawn:
      **I love using Ducky. I send about 15 ducks at the other guy.

      I hate playing against Mr.Man because he swarms you with those block placers.



      I have found that Ducky's ducks are fairly easy to kill. You have to hit a duck 3 times directly. Also if you get a green ball, let the ball stay on your paddle and touch the ball too a duck, and then let the ball fly killing more 🙂

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Before the Hollow Brick policy change, Tex was my favorite Pop to play as. Why? I'm from Texas and nobody else ever picked him. I never used the power ups. I honestly prefer not to. But since the change you really need to as it is much harder to just clear your screen insanely fast. I play With Mini T now.

      "Italians don't have mohawks, Eric." - My dad