Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Balance suggestions

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      I have a couple ideas that might make mini-t less annoying and bomb spamming harder to do and less effective...

      Mini-t would have the power in his blow reduced TO, not by, 75% of his current power. I think this would balance Mini-t to be about as powerful as the other pops.

      Bombastic wouldn't be able to charge if he drops two groups of bombs. He can charge again when BOTH groups are COMPLETELY over. This would cut down on the Bomb spammers I'm sick of playing against.

      Any comments on these ideas? Any other ideas? Post em'!

      I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thok:
      **I have a couple ideas that might make mini-t less annoying and bomb spamming harder to do and less effective...

      Mini-t would have the power in his blow reduced TO, not by, 75% of his current power. I think this would balance Mini-t to be about as powerful as the other pops.

      Bombastic wouldn't be able to charge if he drops two groups of bombs. He can charge again when BOTH groups are COMPLETELY over. This would cut down on the Bomb spammers I'm sick of playing against.

      Any comments on these ideas? Any other ideas? Post em'!


      Mini-T isn't that bad when you are used to him, I can still whoop him. As for Bombastic, he can also he dealt with if you keep lots of power bars handy...

      (anklebiter evilly goes on the tracker as DEMOnewbie)

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • How exactly would you do this?

      All hell that ends well -Me
      Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Overrider720:
      **How exactly would you do this?

      I can't, thats why I'm SUGGESTing this!

      I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

    • I still don't see what the big deal is with Mini-T. Yeah, it's slightly annoying, any maybe I just haven't played against anyone who's really skilled with him, but you can get used to compensating for the down draft pretty easily. As for Bombastic, just magnet yourself the ball and play catch for a little bit.

      Now Zap might be a bit overpowered. If you get spammed with his sparks (as Magnus did to me the other night... may Hector spam you a thousand times for that 🙂 you'll have a hard time getting the ball away from your paddle at all, a most frustrating experience.

      Of course the best defense in pop-pop seems to be a good offense... rather than fighting against wave upon wave of your opponent's special move, beat 'im before he has a chance to get in a position to sustain the attacks.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Throw Box:
      **I still don't see what the big deal is with Mini-T. Yeah, it's slightly annoying, any maybe I just haven't played against anyone who's really skilled with him, but you can get used to compensating for the down draft pretty easily. As for Bombastic, just magnet yourself the ball and play catch for a little bit.

      Now Zap might be a bit overpowered. If you get spammed with his sparks (as Magnus did to me the other night... may Hector spam you a thousand times for that 🙂 you'll have a hard time getting the ball away from your paddle at all, a most frustrating experience.

      Of course the best defense in pop-pop seems to be a good offense... rather than fighting against wave upon wave of your opponent's special move, beat 'im before he has a chance to get in a position to sustain the attacks.


      I have had some complaints that I pin opponents to the wall sometimes, but consider this. When I play a game I don't know who I am playing, or what they are going to do (pin me to the wall?). And most the time, if someone can pin me to the wall, they will, this seems to be the nature of the game. (people are getting better, having certain knights in white armor posing a threat too me, so keep it up!)

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • I think all this talk about "tweaking" the powers is a bit premature.

      Some of you have been playing for less than a week. We beta testers have been playing this for what seems like forever. Everyone will find a pop that they like, and learn to use that special power - and everyone will have a pop that is their achilles heal - the one that can always do them in.

      Andrew Campbell spent a lot of time trying variations on powers, and at the end what you guys see is what was the best overall balance to the game.

      I'm not saying they won't make changes in the future, just that until you've played all of the pops, and played against all of the pops (is that 36 variations? or is it 64 variations... 2^6 or 6^2??) it's a bit too soon to go making changes.

      But - I agree on the special power overlap thing. Bombs should not drop from a second attack until the first one is finished.

      And if someone SpamBombs you -note their name and if they connect again ask them to pick a new pop. If they don't - disconnect.


    • 'And if someone SpamBombs you -note their name and if they connect again ask them to pick a new pop. If they don't - disconnect.'

      ---> Isn't this the nature of the game? The game is conceived like this so why not take advantage of it when you can. Up to you to decide which tactic to use to counter those Bombspammers (or flower or ducks or sparks or guns or sending a few Mr. man's accross the board).
      ---> I have no problems with that - even though I dislike those habits, I learn to defend and counter-attack them. With some training they will see their tactic is limited.

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • I have no problems with Mini-T. I just had a great game against 'Banana' who used him pretty well. I was able to fight back pretty effectively. In fact, I had more problems when he played as Ducky.

      I almost universally use Bombastic myself at the moment.

      The pops that cause me serious problems are Zap and Mr.Man.

      (url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
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      #evdev on for EV development chat.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mazca:
      **I have no problems with Mini-T. I just had a great game against 'Banana' who used him pretty well. I was able to fight back pretty effectively. In fact, I had more problems when he played as Ducky.

      I almost universally use Bombastic myself at the moment.

      The pops that cause me serious problems are Zap and Mr.Man.


      Have you played against Tex yet? Used properly, that guy can be deadly. (5 guns on the screen, that's 60 bullets flying around)

      And if you don't get rid of Mr. Man's bots soon enough, they'll be zooming down at with like 10 of the things.

      ~ Psalm 73 ~ "ba wah-i b w eh?" --Hudson ~ Generic (url="http://"")EVula(/url) link ~
      "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the
      impurities in our air and water that are doing it." --Al Gore