Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • What do I need for multiplayer?

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      I've finally beaten all the solo Avara levels (OK, every one except 'Rescue'), and I intend to take my first few steps into the wonderful world of internet Avara. Just what do I need - in both level sets and knowledge? While I've downloaded a great many multiplayer sets (heh, I play them solo; not very exciting) and Avara Aftershock, I'm completely ignorant of the Avara culture and community, as well as multiplayer tactics. Anybody veterans willing to help me out here?

      "I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
      -Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

    • Well, you folks are sure friendly toward newbies. No replies - I wonder what that means.

      "Be quiet. I'm inspiring you."
      -my Spanish teacher

    • Quote

      ColdFusion wrote:
      **I've finally beaten all the solo Avara levels (OK, every one except 'Rescue'), and I intend to take my first few steps into the wonderful world of internet Avara. Just what do I need - in both level sets and knowledge? While I've downloaded a great many multiplayer sets (heh, I play them solo; not very exciting) and Avara Aftershock, I'm completely ignorant of the Avara culture and community, as well as multiplayer tactics. Anybody veterans willing to help me out here?


      There are a number of sets that contain a number of good levels. All of the AA collections, silverfox's sets, gzr sets, the AC#1 for original levels, and a few others.

      The best help I can offer is to concentrate on improving your grenade skills. I've found most of the newbies who've entered my servers rely too much on missle attacks, and often stand around with their ammo loaded, just waiting for a lock; a condition the veterans' refer to as "a hat" when you're killed with a missle loaded. Reset your keyboard so your grenades shoot as soon as you load them.

      Another aspect is to learn how to park your scout. While this is not useful in all levels, it does play a part if used correctly in some.

      Generally most of the older players don't want to take the time to coach new players, leaving them to group together and start sharing and using bad habits - the worst one I remember is the period when all newbies were crouching and shooting ammo. Works for some - not for most.

      On a personal note I will try to have an open server every now and then. Everyone is invited to join - especially if you're a newbie and want to learn. I'm not a great player, but willing to take the time to add another target to avara's ranks.

      However, please be sure to register the game if you've played it over the 30 day limit. You will not be greeted with any kindness if you are expired, hacked, or one of those "eternal" evaluation players. You know who you are.

      Avara is the best $20 I've spent on a game.


    • Taz! has some very true points about 'newbies'.. they do typically go for missile attacks, and don't know how to use nades very well.. his suggestions should help quite a bit.

      Personally, I never use my scout at all. Just for screenshots or looking at myself 🙂 I don't use it for a strategic advantage.. although everyone else seems to.

      Its good to know another player will be joining the 'true' Avara community and begin playing online.. hopefully you'll be treated well. Some people can really be jerks to newbies.

      Ryan "silverfox" Herriman
      Aftershock Project Co-Lead

    • Taz hinted at one rule but didn't actually say it. ALWAYS KEEP MOVING. You probably already know that from beating the solo levels, but it's important. If you stand still for any length of time, you will die. I'll happily charge somebody with unlocked missiles, laser guns, automatic pencils, or any other tool I happen to have on hand; if they stand still, they die.

      Silver- I never use my scout either, except for figuring out what's wrong if my HECTOR is stuck or for distracting an opponent (the thing can, after all, catch missile locks).

      If you start a server, make sure to register it on the tracker and to make room for people to enter, type a message that says "I'm a newbie, someone come help/play me," chances are someone (such as myself) will see it and enter. Then the games can begin. Do make sure to have at least AA Collection and Geriatric Ward before you start, though.

    • Quote

      Taz! wrote:
      **However, please be sure to register the game if you've played it over the 30 day limit. You will not be greeted with any kindness if you are expired, hacked, or one of those "eternal" evaluation players. You know who you are.

      Avara is the best $20 I've spent on a game.

      I seem to be in a bit of a conundrum, then. I downloaded Avara about a year ago, gave up after dying countless time in Fort of Bob, played EVO for a huge amount of time, then I rediscovered Avara about 2 weeks ago. And I can't register just yet - my brother insists I get Ferazel's Wand first.

      "Be quiet. I'm inspiring you."
      -my Spanish teacher

    • I had the same problem when I started. Didn't start playing until half a year after having downloaded it. I hate to suggest this, but in a case like that I think you'd be justified in deleting the Avara License in the preferences folder and restarting your thirty day trial period.

    • I'm thinking about playng again but I can't remember what server i'm suposed to connect to when I try to play over the net.


      I can bend minds with my spoon
      (url="http://"")Goomba's Page(/url)

    • Quote

      Fuzz Bucket wrote:
      **I'm thinking about playng again but I can't remember what server i'm suposed to connect to when I try to play over the net.



      What server? Any that is open... and you meet the server message requirements (fast connection... willing to send $50 to server owner...) stuff like that.

      IF you mean what address to put into the tracker to see what servers are up, it shoud be



    • Thanks

      I can bend minds with my spoon
      (url="http://"")Goomba's Page(/url)