Pallas was in charge of racial balencing (within each race, and each race against another), making the Pfhor, making the S'pht, and making the UESG. I'm not sure how much of the races are done, he should email me his stuff shortly. I'll probably take over balencing, and let someone else have the races, then make levels.
Oh, and your graphics have to be as good as mine, but not so good as to show me up
Why don't those who want to work on a race send me a sample image of something that they've done that looks similar to their interpretation of that race (I think the Pfhor might be done, so concentrate on the UESG). Sarg and I, the current team, will evaluate your submisions.
Thank you for your time.
"In literature as in love we are astounded by what is chosen by others." Andre Maurois