Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Vegeta's idea


      I'm not gone yet. Sorry for my quick reappearance and just-as-quick disappearance, I've been up to my nose in schoolwork as well as trying my hardest to get a social life gasp ๐Ÿ˜›.

      Here's the tru7h: Joe Blow plays Ares, quickly finishes the 20 missions. He then goes to netplay, which has so limited options and so few people playing it that he quits that as well. He then tries plugins, which are either A) too short ๐Ÿ†’ too difficult or too easy C) buggy or D) boring. He then forgets Ares and moves along.

      What we need to do, and what we can do, is that we all work together to forge one giant plugin that should be capable of holding anyone's interest for atleast 1 year. We're talking up to 100 single player missions, atleast 25 different net scenarios to play, ingeneous new weapons and ship classes, intriguing plot full of twists and turns and surprises.

      The reason why Ares plugins flop is because most of the time they're made by one or two people and there's one or two things in Ares that one person or group can't master- for example there's someone who's incredible at graphics, but when it comes to scripting and programming a mission they're simply an amateur.

      What we need to do is to merge all of our strong points and nullify our weak ones as best as possible. We're gonna need:

      1. Directors - people who would be very good at coordinating a big project like this.
      2. Writers - one group could focus on the storyline, others would work on ideas for missions
      3. Graphic Artists- people excellent at ship design, as well as interface and misc. work as well
      4. Engineers - folks responsible for new ideas for ships, weapons, species, etc.
      5. Programmers - the folks that make it all real
      6. Musicians - optional, but if someone is making music anyway (i.e. myself) why not contribute some new tunes to Ares?
      8. Testers - folks that not only tell us where a bug is in the plugin but also critique us along the way.

      Call me optimistic and idealistic, but I think this community is capable of doing it. If we have a large number of people, that makes the division of labor easier on all of us. I'm willing to donate as much time as I can as long as the rest of you are willing to.


      This is from the "Death of a Legend" thread in the briefing room. Sooo, anyone up to the challenge?

      Sign up for the Ares ladder
      GameRanger/MagChat SN: Col. Patrick (EL)

    • I'm up for number 8 and 2


      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) | (url="http://"")The Homeschoolers of GR (/url) | (url="http://"") Evula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"") BSIII Home Page (/url)

    • Hmmm... I know what you mean, but this sounds like a HUGE project! I am currently working on an add-on that will be challenging, interesting, and inventive, but it is very slow work (plus I'm not sure that it is exacly what I meant). I think could help with your project (if you can get it organized).
      I can write, do a bit of graphics (although there are quite a few who are much better then me, I can do decent graphics), I can test, I can also do the mission designing, I can do whatever. I'm sort of decent at everything, but not an expert in anything really. Anyways, Email me with what you have planned, I may be interested.

      (this space is left
      unintentionally blank)

    • There is a slight problem. If it's going to be a 100 mission TC with totaly new graphics, it would be sooo big nobody could download it. I think that you should cut that down to at most 30 missions.

      Now if we could fix this problem, i think that this is a very good idea.
      I will be willing to offer all my skills to this project. Im not a very good director, graphics and storyline are my specialty, and i can do a good deal of programing to.
      (If you want to take a look at my grapics work go to: (url="http://"")http://homepage.mac....hotoAlbum2.html(/url)

      So, what will be the story?

      How about some kind of lost human space colony?
      That finaly meet up with the earth empire agian, only to find out that the earth empire has gone sour.

      Anyway, thats my two cents.
      Truth is a double edged sword,
      with it the ignorant newbie is beaten,
      with it your mistakes are exposed.

      (This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 12-16-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 12-16-2001).)

    • This sounds alot like AE. Well, we all know how that went.

      There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

    • lol

      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) | (url="http://"")The Homeschoolers of GR (/url) | (url="http://"") Evula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"") BSIII Home Page (/url)

    • I would take on any of 1, 2, 4, 5 and some 8 (er, is 7 a secret?!)
      I think we would need at least 10 dedicated persons, with perhaps a few more on the fringes.

      Like any large project, once the core ideas are set out in concrete form we could then contract out small modules ship designs, weapons etc.


      Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

    • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8.

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only
      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

    • We are getting close to a critical minimum number of participants...
      Is anyone else interested in participating a plug collective?
      Glances in the direction of Slug...

      Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

    • I'd like to help with anything that needs doing. Just don't look to me for graphics...

      Listed in the top 15 Ares plugin developers by Brookeview Technologies Worldwide.
      (url="http://"")Screen shots of upcoming plugins and downloads(/url)
      Everywhere but the Macaddict fourms : Brookeview

    • Well here's what we have so far:

      1. Directors - Fearra, Anic, SA, brookeview, Vegeta, Patrick
      2. Writers - Jager, Fearra, Skyfox, Anic, SA, brookeview, Vegeta, Patrick
      3. Graphic Artists- Fearra, Skyfox, SA, Patrick
      4. Engineers - Fearra, Anic, SA, brookeview, Vegeta, Patrick
      5. Programmers - Fearra, SA, brookeview, Vegeta, Patrick
      6. Musicians - SA, Vegeta
      7. Testers - Jager, Fearra, Anic, SA, brookeview, Vegeta, Patrick

      I think that's close enough to critical mass. We might also want to see if someone can talk Cpt. Skyblade into doing some graphics for us.
      Ok, I think it would be simplest for there only to be one Director. Instead of bogging down the project discussing who it'll be, I'll just declare it to be me. (bwahaha now I'm a dictator, just watch out for the mass executions and kangaroo courts! ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

      Anyways, does anyone know if it's possible to set up a free or cheap($10-30 a year) mailing list? I think having a list would be a better idea than doing it on the webboards, but if you guys want to do it here that'll be fine.

      Before we start on the rest of the projects, we need to brainstorm up a reasonably believable and not-quite-that-horribly-cliched storyline. To do this plug justice, we'll need to do 4 separate plugs to evade the 26 level limit, and we might have to distribute our own copy of Ares with modified data files to get past the 16MB file size barrier like Slug or the M:Inv team were going to do.

      Here's some ideas i just wrote down out of my head now, and yes, they suck bad.

      ย• Humans take over the entire galaxy, find no intelligent life. Human gov't is disintegrating and now everyone wants a piece of the pie.

      ย•Humans colonize surrounding systems using STL travel. Earth later develops FTL and now wants the resources and riches of the former colonies for itself.

      ย• Aliens stumble upon the human race before we leave Sol. The brand-spanking-new FTL colony ship is the... oh wait this is ares itself nevermind.

      ย• Earth has expanded to dozens of nearby worlds, but now the colonies have split into multiple factions, all wanting the grand prize- Earth itself. The Sol gov't isn't going to take this lying down however...

      ย• Earth is devastated by nuclear warfare. A few survivors escape to nearby solar systems in top-secret FTL craft. In 50-100 years, as Earth struggles to rebuild, the warring factions decide to continue their fight from their new colonies.

      Sign up for the Ares ladder
      GameRanger/MagChat SN: Col. Patrick (EL)

    • )ย• Humans take over the entire galaxy, find no intelligent life. Human gov't is disintegrating and now everyone wants a piece of the pie.)

      Sounds too much like EVNova

      (ย•Humans colonize surrounding systems using STL travel. Earth later develops FTL and now wants the resources and riches of the former colonies for itself.)


      (ย• Earth has expanded to dozens of nearby worlds, but now the colonies have split into multiple factions, all wanting the grand prize- Earth itself. The Sol gov't isn't going to take this lying down however...)

      Agian, too close to the EVNova storyline for comfort.

      (ย• Earth is devastated by nuclear warfare. A few survivors escape to nearby solar systems in top-secret FTL craft. In 50-100 years, as Earth struggles to rebuild, the warring factions decide to continue their fight from their new colonies.)

      Hmm, I like that, in a way.

      • An alien race expands their influance to the nearby stars. They meet up with earthlings for the fist time. However the earthlings arn't as nice as it may seem. Earth seeks to eliminate the alien race.

      Methods of Communication:
      E-mail:you can get email for free at
      Instant Messenger: if you have netscape you have the AOL instant messenger.
      Gameranger:hey, it comes with ares. (this wouldn't be very private)

      OK, im out of ideas for now.

      Truth is a double edged sword,
      with it the ignorant newbie is beaten,
      with it your mistakes are exposed.

      (This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 12-20-2001).)

    • I voulenteer for:

      2; Everyone I know says I'm a good writer ๐Ÿ˜›
      3; I can do splash art and interfaces but I don't do 3d or sprites.
      5; I could do a few things here and there but programmign takes a lot of time... if you really need me though....

      -(url="http://"")Admiral Dennis(/url)
      (url="http://"")Admiral Dennis's Abode(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Admiral Dennis (edited 12-20-2001).)

    • Could I be a tester? I enjoy Ares, and any new plugs are a great welcome.


      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

    • I suggest email because if everyone gets the same emails... it would work ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyways email me at . When we going to start this?


      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) | (url="http://"")The Homeschoolers of GR (/url) | (url="http://"") Evula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"") BSIII Home Page (/url)

    • I'll take door #4. I've always enjoyed playing around with new ships and weapons. For example, when Hera was in beta, I found a way to make mines that would stay motionless in space (yeah yeah, all objects in space are in motion... motionless relative to the planets and objects of the area). An essential part of making a powerful plugin is making the new ships interesting to fly and command.

      Plot suggestion: Start the player out in somewhere small. For example, the player is cast as a general in a war between two colonized planets, and as missions progress the player's character becomes swept up in the larger war. You know, a rise to fame from backwater nothing to hero who changes the course of history. That would let us gradually introduce the player to the new ships and weapons without any plot conflicts of trying to explain why the enemy didn't just send in battleships to begin with.

      My email:


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Replicant:
      **I'll take door #4. I've always enjoyed playing around with new ships and weapons. For example, when Hera was in beta, I found a way to make mines that would stay motionless in space (yeah yeah, all objects in space are in motion... motionless relative to the planets and objects of the area). An essential part of making a powerful plugin is making the new ships interesting to fly and command.

      Plot suggestion: Start the player out in somewhere small. For example, the player is cast as a general in a war between two colonized planets, and as missions progress the player's character becomes swept up in the larger war. You know, a rise to fame from backwater nothing to hero who changes the course of history. That would let us gradually introduce the player to the new ships and weapons without any plot conflicts of trying to explain why the enemy didn't just send in battleships to begin with.

      My email:


      Sounds like a good idea to me...

      Listed in the top 15 Ares plugin developers by Brookeview Technologies Worldwide.
      (url="http://"")Screen shots of upcoming plugins and downloads(/url)
      Everywhere but the Macaddict fourms : Brookeview

    • I could probably do #'s 2,3,4,6, and 8. 3 and 4 would be the best for me, but I could also do any of the ones above. I'll tell u right now: don't expect too much from me, I'm a middle schooler :D, but I love working with computers. Putting me in as a programmer would be bad news, to say the least.


    • I could probably do #'s 2,3,4,6, and 8. 3 and 4 would be the best for me, but I could also do any of the ones above. I'll tell u right now: don't expect too much from me, I'm a middle schooler :D, but I love working with computers. Putting me in as a programmer would be bad news, to say the least.

      Idea:Instead of making 100 OP levels and 25 MP levels, why not just have groups of levels. Each group would have a certain # of OP and MP levels, so there wouldn't be any 14-hour downloads. we could also tell people about RAM disks

      when talking to or about me, please call me The, not Journalist.
      I'll send some level ideas soon.

      ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Some preliminary interesting ideas:

      - Aforementioned space mines. I'm pretty sure that they can be rigged so that the Zoom to Hostile setting doesn't give them away in multiplayer or when the computer has them.
      - Two-stage ships - a lot like Starcraft's siege tanks, they would have a mobile form and a stationary form, with the stationary form being deadlier. This would be accomplished by having the special weapon of the mobile version remove that version and create the stationary version, and vice versa.
      - A flak-type weapon that strikes an area. I've played around with this and it's pretty fun. It can be fixed so that the weapon is useless at close ranges to add some interesting strategy. Of course, the Ares AI doesn't understand the concept of weapons that require long-range, or standoff attacks, so it has to be given to the player except maybe in some special situations.

      That's my bag of tricks as far as interesting and new things that the player would not have seen before.

      Edit: It occurs to me that we're basically talking about making Ares II by ourselves. At that point, we might as well talk to Nathan Lamont about whether an Ares II is planned, and whether, much like ATMOS and Nova, we might end up making the scenario for it. Considering that this seems to have gone no further than a forum thread between strangers over the Internet, ascending to the status of design team is unlikely, but there's no harm in asking... and maybe finding out that there's going to be a resurrection of Ares later on with a sequel.


      (This message has been edited by Replicant (edited 12-24-2001).)