Well, I've decided to keep a progress log, so you'll know how far away it is to completion. All dates prior to now I don't remember.
Well, when I first came up with the plug, I was going to call it Terran Wars. I've recently decided that War In The Void has a nicer ring to it, so that's the name. It will be rather huge. My current plans include 160 ships per "race", with 8 "races". I'll also be having 30 missions for each "race." I'm not planning on any branching of the missions. As far is difficulty goes: yes, it will be difficult. However, I'll include a few training missions for each side to update you on the new concepts and get you in shape to play it. There will be loads of new styles of weapons and ships, and I'll try to keep them as realistic as possible (for instance, cruisers are big, destroyers are small, etc.). Many new concepts and skills will need to be learned.
Progress Log Entries:
A long time ago: Decided to make a really big plug. Really big.
Still a while ago: Began brainstorming new ship classes, and did a few graphics.
A while yet: I got tired of working on it, and quit for a while.
Not as long ago: Started working on it, but completely scrapped all but a few graphics, which were renamed.
Recently: Began working a lot on graphics for it. I've also been brainstorming all sorts of new things which will be very nice for it.
1/25/01: Made a progress log. I also have most of the graphics done, and should be ready to start working with Hera in about 2 days.
"I think I have discovered the problem with humans. It is not entirely stupidity, as I once thought. It is their pigheaded and baseless philosophy: "If it isn't me, then it's opinions, feelings, and life do not matter, and it was meant to serve me." They also have this ability for creating excuses that are pointless, but they get others to believe it. A few examples: "It's only some savages. It's only five acres of rain forest. It's only one semi-truck. It's only fifty gallons of toxic waste..." After this realization, I marvelled at how humans, and the rest of the planet, have survived for so very long."
- Me