Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Well, because you've told me nothing about your problem except for the error messages (of which could be caused by many things), the best I can do is to say you should wait for beta 7

      Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.

    • I have gotten the same error about the sprite tables. I got it when I was trying to make my four player scenario. I had to reduce it to three players to get it to work.

      Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

    • o thats probably my problem too then...

      darn my plug needs 4 players. O well time to wait for b7...

      just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
      nickel count: 7

    • Uhh, question: how come, whenever I import the spites I make into Hera, they've got a little ring of background color on them?
      I followed all the directions in the guide, and I'm stumped. I can't post picts to geocities for some reason, so I'll email the sprites that does that.

      It might be my graphics program.

      Crud. I checked, and it's the anti-aliasing. I'm gonna hafta work with graffic converter some now, if I wanna have anit-aliasing AND produce something that doesn't have a funny green (or blue, or random pure Ares color) outline. F***

      William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
      Your cargo or your life!!!

      (This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 01-02-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Fleet Admiral Darkk:
      **Uhh, question: how come, whenever I import the spites I make into Hera, they've got a little ring of background color on them?
      I followed all the directions in the guide, and I'm stumped. I can't post picts to geocities for some reason, so I'll email the sprites that does that.

      It might be my graphics program.

      Crud. I checked, and it's the anti-aliasing. I'm gonna hafta work with graffic converter some now, if I wanna have anit-aliasing AND produce something that doesn't have a funny green (or blue, or random pure Ares color) outline. F***

      The way to get around this is to render the sprites with a black background and then use Graphic Converter or Photoshop to change the black into pure blue or another Ares color.


      (This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-23-2001).)

    • Yes. Blue and Green are the standard colors (White, Black, and Red will NOT work) Generally, use blue, but if the ship itself is blue, use green. but only after the rendering.

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      ThinkFish, and good things will come.

      (This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 01-02-2001).)

    • red works, the ships in obish vs elejeetian were entered in hera with a red backround.

      just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
      nickel count: 7

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Pyro:
      **red works, the ships in obish vs elejeetian were entered in hera with a red backround.


      Not 255, 0, 0. Other shades of red will work (provided they are not in the picture itself)

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      ThinkFish, and good things will come.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Patrick:
      **The way to get around this is to render the sprites with a black backround and then use Graphic Converter or Photoshop to change the black into pure blue or another Ares color.

      That's what I meant by "work with". I'm currently working on making the vanes NOT have bands that are too dark to see, making a ship with disconnected parts.

      William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
      Your cargo or your life!!!

    • White, Black, and pure red do not work as sprite backgrounds. End of discussion. Next question please.

      Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Slug:
      **White, Black, and pure red do not work as sprite backgrounds. End of discussion. Next question please.


      Interesting... this appears to be a point of difference between my (and Pyro's) version(s) of Hera and yours, Slug, since pure red does work as a background when I create sprites.

      Odd... but hardly interesting. What's the next question?

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only
      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

    • It's in the Hera manual.

      Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.

    • Actually, the Hera documentation doesn't appear to have changed since b1 or b2 (I believe that the NLB notes are still in there, but most have been fixed)

      -Pallas Athene of Dysian Beta, Obish Consensus Representative
      -Nieru Dast, {M}ilitia Aeriane
      -Danae Vernius
      ThinkFish, and good things will come.

    • Slug i have a question about ares and about the board:
      1:Is there any way to make a straight shooting tazer beam(Sarg said there was and you could explain it)
      2:Why does every one have that carma thing under thereName?

    • 1. no there is not!!

      2. um...

      just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
      nickel count: 8

      1. not technically, but I've found ways to simulate it realistically (no, not a rapid-firing kinetic beam thingie)

      Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.

    • I'd like to know too.


    • Make the weapon fire an invisible, silent, targetable pulse that upon creation makes itself neutral. Then a split second later, make it create an object-to-object beam. Since the pulse goes forward, the beam will follow it and if it's fast enough, you can do it.

      Of course, don't just make it fire one pulse, but give it a rapid rate of fire.

      Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.