The thing about ideas like scatter guns or cluster missiles is that they sound great on paper, look like they'd work fine, and usually either look just plain bad graphically or are difficult to aim. I don't think that more than 20 degrees of inaccuracy is acceptable, personally... I'm looking into the cluster missiles idea, I haven't really gone in depth... time to do that. The basic idea I have is this...
1. You fire the weapon. A 'cluster pack' shoots out.
2. The cluster pack travel a small distance - less than the range of a fusion pulse - and splits into 4 missiles.
3. These missiles home onto whatever there is around.
Problem with this is, the missiles usually end up locking onto one ship - you get a weapon that shoots 4 missiles instead of a anti-group homing weapon. One idea is to make the cluster pack instead be two cluster packs that shoot out directly left and right, but shoot missiles in the direction you are facing. Another idea is to make a pack with a high range that shoots missiles backwards - so it hits the enemy from behind, but requires a very specific range.
If you mean 'like javelin missiles' as in really like javelin missiles, sure, it would be simples to make ballistic weaponry with a missile sprite, or a weapon that accelerates like a rocket.
Let me run another idea I've had by you... minefields. Not just any mindfields, though... mines that do special things.
For example...
Gravitic mines: Suck you towards them. Used in conjuction with other mines.
Prison mines: Holds you motionless until the mine is destroyed.
Leaper mines: Self-directed, self-propelled - when they spot an enemy, they fire a weapon which is an afterburner, thus 'leaping' towards them.
Entropy mines: Suck away your energy.
Hedgehog mines: Have permanent laserbeam 'spines' coming out of them that cause damage - think the Audemedon carrier beam, but it doesn't disappear until the mine dies.
And, of course, your garden-variety damage-causing minefields. All the mines would cloak on activation, and would probably not be 'hated' - that is, enemy ships would not shoot at them. Perhaps the mines would activate themselves and change their base type into a very similar mine that is hated - so, each mine will not be shot by enemy AI ships until they spot an enemy and attack it.