Admiral Darkk and I just finished testing a few different strats. We found a few surprises in Gaitori - namely, that full gunships isn't as hot as it seems - but found far less welcome information for Ishiman and Human.
As Ishiman, we found that no other strategy could beat a well-executed double carrier strat. Not all gunships, not all cruisers, not half of each, not two gunships per cruiser, and not one carrier and two cruisers per gunship. Double carriers beat them all, and not by a thin margin, either.
For Human, we found out what everyone who plays humans prettymuch already knows - the gunship is the only ship worth building, EVER. That includes carriers, which gunships eat for breakfast, and fighters, which gunships eat for between-meal snacks.
Now to the point - is there a chance that this will be addressed in the next update of Ares?
I think that making the Ishiman carrier turret more accurate - yes, more accurate, not less - would make it easier to dodge, and thus easier to kill carriers. Making human cruisers have something at least approaching actual maneuverability and firepower would help, and making cruisers useful would make carriers useful as counters for them.
Any thoughts?