Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I hereby claim this board

      5 9 2836

      in the name of #att...

      (URL= #ev3 does(/URL) something like this to this webboard. I also claim the creation of the first topic of Ares' root webboard.

      And it's late and I should be going to bed.

      Blah. Something confused it.
      ... I give up.

      This post has been edited by The Apple Cřre : 02 September 2005 - 01:05 AM

    • If you thought this was the first post to the Ares root webboard, you're off by (url=

    • Oops.

      I didn't think this board existed before admin shoved ATT into its subforum corner. I was here when they did that.

    • So was I. 😛

      I was going to throw that topic as a counter-argument, and then I realized what was posted there.

      Its best nobody looks, for your own protection.

    • Do not think your proxy void goes un-noticed, ye novices in the ways of Voidular BB code... 😛

    • Somebody had some spare time...

    • To one versed in ways of the Void, time is a commodity freely given, freely taken.

      Time has no meaning here. 😮

      I should make it clear that I have no wish to take this board as my own, or encroach any form of control over it. I merely extend a diplomatic greeting, and assurance of observation, from the other Voids that be. 🙂

    • (img=

    • (quote=Hamster2,Nov 5 2005, 07:24 PM)
      I should make it clear that I have no wish to take this board as my own, or encroach any form of control over it.
      But I!

      Muhahahaha! All Your Base Are Belong To Me!