Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
Now, for number 1, it's a frequent misconception that we don't have many ares players. There are lots of people on GR who have ares, scroll through their names and about 30% of them do. This means a truly large amount of people know of ambrosia and in all likelihood the webboards. That people aren't posting means that they're either frightened of posting, or that they have nothing to post. People, have you looked at the topics over the past few weeks? Nothing practically related to Ares' fun gameplay, no wonder people aren't coming here to stay. What do they see? Stuff that doesn't concern them.
Absolutely true. Right now we have an 11-member community scattered around 6 boards, making it just plain intimidating for newbies to come, sift throught everything, and post. I've been talking with Andrew Welch on this and he told me he's most likely to merge all the Ares boards into 2 boards, and maybe a chronicles.
Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
2, Ares is a little dated, but that's no bar to playing it. For plugin designers, that's no bar to making a plug either. You toil and sweat to make a plug, but you're work isn't wasted if no one appears to play ares. Port to EVN, you've done the hard work already.
Ah, but it is a bar. Here are 5 reasons to make a plug for Nova instead for Ares:
- Hardly anyone plays Ares anymore. If you have seen the latest plugins, they've had a few hundred downloads at most. Nova will be downloaded and played by many thousands of fans.
- It is much more difficult, as Hera is (in my opinion) buggier than EV-Edit
- Simply put, Ares has it's limitations. 256 colors, uneditable defaults, and non-flexible gameplay can only go so far. Nova seems limitless from what I've seen.
- More people will be around to appreciate a TC for EV3 than Ares.
- It is easier to make a great plugin for Nova than a good plugin for Ares.
Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
3 Ares has little replayability... if all you do is play single players and multies. Sure, it's fun to have a multi game, but the tactics for races have no really big difference, and ships are more or less the same for every race, the only thing different is whether a pulse will do 50, 100, 200 damage. This can be fixed by going into Hera and making arcade games, or getting a TC. Since currently the only TC's are in people's personal computers, getting them will be a little difficult. I know for a fact that if someone I knew on the webboards asked me 'Can I beta test SETR?' I would email him the next beta.
No comment.
Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
4, now it's kind of disheartening to see our mods (with the exception of Laguna) take little or no interest in the Ares community. Right now, the Ares community isn't run by mods, it's run by it's collective members. I suppose the mods are too busy looking at EVN webboards or the image gallery to bother with this old board. With the exception of a few isolated posts, Sargatanus and Sundered Angel haven't been seen or heard for a while, when the classic definition of a moderator is someone who, as well as moderating, is here at the heart of the ares community. I find it pretty disappointing all-round, and I advise them to stop neglecting their duty by actually participating more and help liven it up around here.
The sad part is, we don't really need them any more:
Noone is bothered enough to spam the Ares boards any more.
There are no more chronicles or newswires being released.
We haven't seen anything except previews for plugins that float in eternal beta for months.
There are, at most, two new topics a day on all of the Ares forums.
Andrew Welch has decided not to fill the 4th moderator slot.
Time is the best teacher, yet it kills all of it's students.