The squadron's fighters began powering up. A few minutes later, the docking bay doors opened, and the fighters left the station.
Mag walked back to his servicing bay and turned on his holo-screen to watch the performance of the fighters. He enjoyed watching the squadron in action, and it also allowed him to have an idea of what parts of the fighters were damaged before they returned to base.
"Okay, I have the coordinates of everybody's asteroids ready, so download them now," said Ortinus over the comm.
"Yes, sir."
The squadron split up, and each fighter headed for an asteroid. Off in the distance, a jumpgate opened, and the heavy cruisers came into the system.
"This is the ISN 8465732 and ISN 7495273 reporting in," came another voice over the comm.
"Glad to have you with us. I'm sending your coordinates to your ships' computers now."
The heavy cruisers engaged their superlight boosters and headed off into the asteroid belt. Everybody waited for about five minutes, and the pirate cruisers dropped out of hyperspace.
The cruisers engaged their superlight boosters and headed for the location that the cargo containers had been at. Wipto, the squadron's interceptor, found their comm channel and gave it to the squadron.
"I'm telling you, Ts'pt, it wasn't a good idea to keep our cargo near an Ishiman outpost station." (BROADCASTED FROM SALRILLIAN CRUISER)
"Shut up. What are the Ishiman going to do? For all we know, they could've abandoned that outpost." (BROADCASTED FROM GAITORI CRUISER)
"Guys, calm down. If they do have forces here, fighting'll just make it easier for them to stop us." (BROADCASTED FROM ISHIMAN CRUISER)
"Why does she always have to be right?" (BROADCASTED FROM GAITORI CRUISER)
"Not always. Remember that time when we had to tow here to the nearest civilian repair station because she tried to superlight past an Audemedon carrier?" (BROADCASTED FROM SALRILLIAN CRUISER)
"Hey, how was I to know those trazers could shred a cruiser up that fast?" (BROADCASTED FROM ISHIMAN CRUISER)
At that point, the cruisers began dropping out of superlight. They were right where the cargo containers had been.
"My scanners aren't showing them, guys..." (BROADCASTED FROM ISHIMAN CRUISER)
"Shut up, Ot Pom. I'm sure they're around here somewhere." (BROADCASTED FROM GAITORI CRUISER)
"Okay, now," said Ortinus.
The squadron moved in from their asteroids, and the two heavy cruisers began superlighting.
"This is Irto Squadron, along with the ISN 8465732 and ISN 7495273. You are under arrest. If you do not cooperate, you will be punished much more severely," said Ortinus.
"This is Captain Ot Pom, of the Jackal. Leave us now, or we will open fire."
"Okay, squadron, let's disable them. Irtos 1-4, take out the Gaitori cruiser. Irtos 5-8 and the ISN 8465732, take the Salrillian cruiser. Irtos 9-12 and the ISN 7495273, take the Ishiman cruiser. Got it?"
"Got it, sir."
The squadron accelerated towards the cruisers. The Ishiman cruiser moved up the belt, preparing to take the fighters from that side, the Salrillian cruiser moved down the belt, getting ready to fend off those fighters, and the Gaitori cruiser positioned itself between them, ready to deliver support fire.
Mag Steelglass set the holo-screen to show the view from Ortinus's fighter, Irto 1. Ortinus flew straight at the Gaitori cruiser, dodging missiles.
"Remember, if just one of those hits you guys, you'll be toast."
After sucessfully getting close to it, he began firing with his photokinetic beam cannon. It wasn't doing much, and the cruiser managed to hit Irto 3 with a missile. Luckily, it wasn't a very good shot, and the fighter was just disabled. Irtos 5, 7, and 10 were also disabled, and then the heavy cruisers dropped out of superlight. They began dogfighting with the Ishiman and Salrillian cruisers.
Suddenly, a massive jumpgate opened off in the distance. Three Cantharan gunships came out, and immediately headed towards the fighting ships.
"This is the Eyelid Marking of Zom. Hold your fire, and prepare to be taken into custody. You outpost will be dismantled, and you will be prosecuted to the full extent of Cantharan law for your raid three days ago on the pirate vessel Flamewave, which was under the employ of the Cantharan Order."
"Cantharans, we were only retaliating on that ship for raiding one of our convoys the day before that."
"I do not care about such trivial knowledge. Prepare to be boarded and to be held in our brigs."
"Squadron, forget the pirates, get ready to take these guys out."
"Hey, squadron leader. This is Captain Ot Pom, of the Jackal. Our pirate group would be willing to help you out of this situation if you agree not to apprehend us."
"We would only be able to do that if you agreed to not raid in Ishiman Stellar Protectorate or United Nations of Sol space again, and possibly to have to work under our employ for a month or so."
"Okay, squadron, I've negotiated with the pirates, and they'll help us out. Afterwards, us, the heavy cruisers, and the pirates will dock with the outpost for final negotiations and debriefings."
"Yes, sir."
The ships moved into formation, getting ready for the battle with the Cantharans. Soon, the Cantharans dropped out ahead of them. Irto Squadron moved behind them and started firing away, and the clumsy gunships turned to fire on them. Then the cruisers and heavy cruisers flew up to the now exposed backs of the gunships, and began firing with all of their weapons, just as the fighters began flying out of harm. Soon, all three gunships were disabled.
"I think we'll need our outpost's assault transport if we're going to try to take those things," said the captain of the ISN 7495273.
"Good idea. How long until it can be here?"
"Fifteen minutes."
"Very well. Have it come."
The squadron then moved into formation for sending messages, using various formations for different letters. They delivered a message to the gunships, "We have an assault transport coming in fifteen minutes to apprehend you. After you are taken back to the near outpost for interrogation, you will be released back to the Order in a transport. We will keep your gunships."
The ships flew back to the outpost, and the cargo ship came out, waiting for the assault transport to arrive.
"Oi, oi, oi, me got a hurt n here
Oi, oi, oi, me smell a ting is near
Me gonna bosh and me gonna nosh
An da hurt'll dissapear"