@1purevengeance1, on 29 March 2014 - 09:25 PM, said in EVN - Delphi:
Any update master Delphi?
Most of the past few months have been a mixture of really boring math - I've probably logged at least 24 hours of time in the game JUST testing a single ship. Stupid "iconic" ships, having to be so perfectly balanced - writing, and brainstorming. See, the equipment in Delphi works a bit differently than the typical stuff you'd find in EVN. Many of the game's weapons are controlled in availability by bits that are bound to certain hull types. For instance, a missile frigate is restricted from buying the heavier Nichron cannons, but it can buy the lesser ones, while it instead gets access to a load-out of specialized missile weaponry, such as faster launchers and a higher maximum missile capacity. Missile ships can also purchase "manufacturing centres" that allow them to replenish their supply mid-flight, albeit very slowly, whereas these upgrades may not be available for a gunboat. In addition to all of this, outfits don't take up "mass", per se, because the mass system is instead interpreted as "CPU Load" on the ship's processor. Therefore, "mass upgrades" are actually "processor upgrades", giving your ship greater capability to handle multiple complex weapon systems. The outfits that typically would've controlled the ability to add more guns instead unlock certain bits, giving your ship cross-compatibility with other restricted systems. For instance, you could build a warship with two Artillery Control CPUs, and a Torpedo CPU, giving it supreme ranged capabilities, but its turret load-out will be limited; only light turrets appear unless you have an adequate control module. Conversely, a ship can install fighter systems that improve its ability to stock and launch heavier fighters and drones, coupled with a whole series of turret-based CPUs, increasing not only the number of turrets that can be installed, but also the heavier types of turrets that can be installed. Because these upgrades are worked right into the hull of the vessel, they cannot be sold once installed, so you have to pick your specialties carefully. You can try to make a "jack of all trades" ship, but it will likely suffer from the worst weaknesses of each category, or beef your ship up in the artillery upgrade path and then rely on escorts for close-quarters fire support. The preliminary testing I've done with this system is VERY cool, in my opinion, and its flexibility is unparalleled. However, it's also an absolute NIGHTMARE to structure in a fair and balanced fashion. Fortunately, the complete removal of mass and the bit-control of systems means that there doesn't have to be such a realistic measurement scale between systems; a Nichron Cannon can occupy two "processing slots" while a light turret can occupy one; they don't have to reflect accurate measurements of actual size. It's more about the installed system's complexity. I've also been sure to implement a system of "you can fix anything if you throw enough money at it": if you're really hard-up for additional CPU capacity, you can simply buy exorbitantly expensive upgrade modules that increase the output of whatever system you already have, giving you that late-game boost to really max your vessel out, or to help a critically-weak system catch up a little, if you have the money to spend.
With upgrades in mind, I suppose I'll talk a bit about missile weaponry. The Delphi universe is structured primarily around massive capital warships performing artillery combat, with the occasional heavy fighter sneaking in a hit-and-run strike. With this in mind, the concept of hurling volleys of missiles at each other is somewhat dated, so what guided weapons are present are either highly specialized or used in very limited capacity. Although missile boats exist, they fill a niche purpose and aren't seen nearly as often as gun-battery-toting cruisers, lobbing energy shells at each other. However, there do exist a few forms of guided ordnance, the most recently-produced being the NDC "Venator", a torpedo weapon.

The Venator torpedo is a slow-moving guided projectile, with an extremely potent warhead and advanced tracking systems that make it VERY difficult to jam; you'd need to be in possession of the actual launch codes associated with the original launcher to completely dissuade it. However, its low speed makes it a target for point-defense weaponry, so it's not impossible to destroy before it delivers its payload. It is equipped with a shield disruption system, allowing it to pass right through refractor shielding, delivering its entire payload to the enemy's armor. The torpedo body is massive, measuring 4 meters in length and carrying armor typical of a small fighter. The only real disadvantages to using the Ventator are that its launcher operates very slowly, taking several seconds to reload one of these massive devices, and it is far from cheap to purchase and restock. An even costlier variant exists that splits into a MIRV configuration shortly after launch, improving the device's effectiveness in combat against large craft and vessels with point-defense systems.
The launcher for the Venator is gigantic, occupying an entire bay-sized space in a vessel's hull, and as such, it cannot be carried by anything smaller than a cruiser, and its processor requirements are high. The launcher carries the torpedoes from storage a along a mag-lev track, before being dropped into the "chute" for firing. Though prototypes for the device featured an entirely sealed launch system, this open concept design allows technicians to inspect or modify the torpedo immediately before release, reducing difficult maintenance work and allowing the launcher to fire customized variants of the weapon without additional launchers being installed.

You'll only see this device fitted to the absolute largest NDC capital vessels, and purchasing one for yourself is a commitment to a costly future if you ever wish to reload it. However, you'll practically never find a superior fire-and-forget system, though its efficacy DOES take some of the fun out of direct combat.