Despite the lack of posted updates, this last month has not been without progress. I've been trying to fix a bit of a flaw in the Nova engine, which is not really so much a "flaw" so much as a difficulty of scaling. You see, the original Nova ships, while capable of being very powerful, are more or less assembled from the same basic scripted components. They increase in size, armament, and mobility on a fairly linear scale. The Heavy Shuttle is slightly better than the Shuttle, the Fed. Carrier is better than the Fed. Destroyer, the Anaconda is better than the Viper, etc. In the world of the NDC and the Enclave, many ships are built with specific purposes that don't fit this scale. A science vessel is a poor contender to bring alone to a firefight, but its expanded shields and support capabilities can make it useful in a fleet engagement. Likewise however, the mighty Alexander and Cyphus class NDC "Dominants" are actually NOT good at taking on fighters, because their armament is designed to handle similar-sized ships to themselves. Beyond this, all military "platform" ships (artillery-carriers) are blind to their aft because firing through a large ship's impeller wake is a very bad idea in the universe of Delphi. Not really in the Nova engine, of course, but I'm trying to keep to my original writing here, so the limitation is placed accordingly.
The biggest issue I was having is that I wanted to have ships that are customizable, but only to within a certain degree. I know that Qaanol's whole pitch is the idea of pushing a shuttle to its extremes and using it to defeat every mission in the game's storyline, and I just can't have that. It breaks the gameplay experience when you can customize a one-pilot shuttle to take on a capital-ship mission in which every script mentions your ship and your crew as though they were large things. I came to the realization that the biggest problem is Nova's "mass" system for weapon and outfitter upgrades. You see, mass is a fairly recognizable term, especially when measured in realistic figures like tons, and so I could either make a shuttle that only carries a few tons of systems and Dominants that carry thousands upon thousands, or I could create an entirely different system and a creative set of limiting factors that adapt the system to work for both ships large and small. Here is that system.
Memory modules. Every ship has a computer system, and just like a modern computer can be made better or worse through the addition or removal of short-term RAM, the ships in Delphi can have the same effect applied to them, either unlocking the ability to use bigger weapons, or customizing existing systems. The Nova engine playing the plug would mention "Memory" in place of mass, but the effect would be the same, with a bit of tweaking. Remember how the Gamecube and the Wii measure storage in "blocks" instead of KB and MB? The idea is that a ship in Delphi always has a certain number of available memory sectors to manage different systems. You could, for instance, purchase a basic shuttle with 5 blocks free and then either upgrade it to carry an extra gun (3 blocks) or enhance the manoeuvring system (2 blocks) and add a self-repair module (2 blocks). If you are willing to, you can also sacrifice a portion of your ship's existing capabilities by simplifying systems to free up computer capacity. As such, you could either have a fast shuttle that turns on a dime and enters impeller space very quickly, or a slow cumbersome vehicle with extra guns and enhanced shields. Armour and other physical upgrades would be kept completely separate from this system and would instead take up cargo space, said measurement being the general capacity of remaining space on your ship. It never really made sense to me that you could "convert" cargo space to weapons, as if you could just tear hull and pop a new gun out of the nearest cargo bay whenever you simply wanted to. Instead, assume that the mounting hard points are already there (the ship's gun and turret max), and that its simply a matter of adding the necessary systems to drive those extra guns.
Now here's where it gets interesting. Each time you purchase a ship in a certain hull class, a bit is set in the Nova engine that affects exactly which upgrades appear. If you purchase a shuttle, you will NEVER have a Nichron Cannon appear for installation. At the same time, a Dominant is designed to carry heavy weapons and use Electromags for turreted defence, so the forward-cannon varieties of light weapons will disappear in favor of specialized turrets in various calibers. Some weapons may even have what appear to be identical twins above and below a certain hull class (multiple outfits) but gain or lose abilities according to the ship they're installed on. For instance, a missile frigate designed specifically for such will have a firing rate bonus for all missiles, and better anti-jamming by default. Also, it means that a missile emplacement on a shuttle or fighter will be lighter but suffer from reduced capacity (close to 20, let's say), while something like a destroyer can carry 200 but it takes more space for the launcher. Again, it didn't make sense to me that a shuttle carrying one Raven launcher could still carry more than 100 rockets, and that a Fed. Carrier with one had the same capacity.
This greatly simplifies upgrades for larger ships, because it means that a ship isn't so much about the total space within, but rather how it uses the hardware installed. It would be easy enough to strap a graviton cannon to every surface on a Monolith, but if the computer can't handle it, you simply can't do it, even if you have converted the entire cargo bay to weapons space. Also, it means that the Atlas freighter, while having lots of space to convert, can't be turned into a battleship without the proper integrated systems upgrade. After all, a big empty cavity in the hull is only that unless you run power and electronics to the weapons you intend to fill it with. There will now be deeper strategy in how you build your outfitter lists, and it will be particular to the type ship you are flying.
The final culmination of all this is the existence of expensive, rare, and valuable system upgrade modules in various ship outfitters, sort of like the Sigma upgrades you see in Nova. These will be far more difficult to acquire though, because the implication will be that your whole ship has to have some very major work done on it, just like if you were stripping the processor out of a computer and rebuilding the whole thing. For the aspiring outfitter, you will still be able to purchase small memory modules to increase the capabilities of your ship one unit at a time for a moderate price. Getting one of these major overhauls mentioned above will increase the number of modules you can install. For example, a shuttle and other vehicles in its class may be able to fit 5 upgrade units (not a final figure), but you can expand it by an additional five. By having the whole system upgraded, the new baseline could become 8 with a potential additional 8 units added to it. Up the chain, larger vessels use larger modules which represent whole computing clusters of perhaps 10 modules at once in one package.
What I'm hoping to do through this complex but simplifying system is to bring down the currently exorbitant mass requirements of systems like the Nichron Cannon, while also preventing people from unbalancing small ships just by cutting out their cargo space. In an ideal world, the average shuttle can measure its available systems/slots/memory/modules in 20 units or less, while a bigger ship can do it in 50, despite being twenty times larger physically. Since certain weapons are flat-out filtered to not show up for certain vehicles, it will be more about using basic or complicated "systems" for your particular hull class.
The last cool thing is that there will be a software difference between the NDC and the Enclave, meaning only certain technologies can be used by both factions. Of course, that doesn't rule out the possibility of software emulation for certain weapons and upgrades through the use of illicit mods; it just means they might not behave exactly as predicted, and you might have to hunt around to find a hacker capable of making that Graviton Cannon work on your NDC destroyer.