Navigational map of the Orion Core and the Ulysses Rift star clusters.
The Ulysses Rift is a unique electromagnetically-active nebular star cluster famous for its mineral-rich worlds and heavy navigational interference. The NDC core world of Tirach is found in the cluster's western front, a planet responsible for almost 20% of the mineral excavation in the central Orion region. Athens is the capital world of the Ulysses Rift, though the majority of trade is processed through the commercial spaceports of Darkstar, simply because of reduced EM interference in the Darkstar system.
The worlds of the Orion Core star cluster, including Earth, are relatively mineral-poor, and as a result the entire region is suited better for scientific research centers and residential populace. Though billions of people live in the Orion Core, only a few worlds boast commercial centers worthy of note to traders and military personnel, and as a result, the remainder have been truncated from the map.
Interlaced between the two clusters are the "void" systems: regions of space generally devoid of stars, planets, or even strategic interest. However, the occasional inhospitable planet can be found in the reaches of void space, and such hidden locales are often the choice destination of lawbreakers and the equally-unlicensed adventurers hunting them. Travel through void space is generally discouraged; civilians and military alike are expected to better make use of the impeller projection stations established within each star cluster.
Basically speaking, this is a demonstration image from Mission Computer showing two of the many star clusters I'll be using in the new galactic map, each with its own unique environment (asteroids, interference, etc.), culture, and adventures to be found. People doing a lot of mining will likely find themselves hanging around the Ulysses Rift with great frequency, simply because of the excellent mining goods and services available there. Just to even better distribute the game universe, I'm going to make certain outfits unique to certain regions; for instance, a high-powered mining laser will be available from shops within the Ulysses Rift, whereas the regular mining laser will be available in other mining-oriented clusters, and certain regions like the Orion Core simply won't sell the item. Conversely though, the Orion Core will become useful for diplomatic missions and scientific endeavors. Between star clusters: well, thar be pirates and booty to be plundered, yarr! Void space will be very dangerous for early players; expect powerful pirate ships at random, some even armed with stolen military tech from both NDC and Enclave alike.
Don't worry, I'm not going to specialize EVERY cluster. There will be at least a few regions with general merchandise at all of their stores, but not so many unique upgrades. The Capellan Atoll is one such multipurpose cluster, located north-northwest of the two pictured above.

(I haven't mapped any stars into the Atoll yet.)