@reclusiveone, on 06 August 2013 - 01:11 PM, said in New Star Map:
Your first suggestion is pretty good, but I'd need the derelict ships to hold something other than fighters However, I could do what Anubis did in Polycon and make it so that derelict ships have a chance to carry a rare super weapon. Your second idea is also pretty good. Thanks, I'll have to get on this right away. 
There was once a disabled ship in a Empire plug-in (that's what the five plug-ins created by Tim Isles are called) that had 14 Nuclear Rockets that you could get. Since Nuclear Rockets 135,000 per rocket, you could get more than a million by selling them. Maybe you could put weapon ammo on a derelict to get? That would then show when you board a derelict and you are shown what ammo
the ship has. That I know a ship can contain when derelict, because I have seen it myself in the original game. However, I also know you can give a player a outfit when boarding a ship in Nova. That could mean you could give a player a weapon when boarding a ship. One more note: The ammo you give to players when boarding a derelict must be so costly you get more than a million when you sell the ammunition. Even if you don't get a lot of ammunition, like 14. Otherwise it's not really a reward to players.
However: Ammunition isn't too exciting. And I like your super weapon thing more anyway. And it's not only super- it's rare. Only one thing: if I only get a chance to get it, the chances of getting it must be high enough that I actually can get it, like a 50% chance. DrRalphs pers in Nova gives you a Dr Ralphs Exploration Map when boarded, but not with a 100% chance. The outfit explores all systems that are tens jumps away. Nothing happened when I boarded though. I didn't get the map, I think. Though I didn't look at the list of outfits. I had the whole galaxy explored though, so I think I wouldn't have had any use of it even if I had gotten the outfit.
I like that you liked my idea. I'll get on this means I will get this feature- ships that give you missions that pay you millions when done. And I got even a thanks!
Question: In which systems will those ships that give you missions that pay millions when finished be in?
Here is a another idea: A uninhabited planet that actually has a outfitter and a shipyard. This planet then has a powerful ship and powerful outfit. In the F-25 plug-in the armor and turret offered on a Tryakk planet are more powerful than anything else in the plug-in. Though that planet is inhabitated- by the Tryakk. If the outfits offered on this planet were to be more powerful than anywhere else in your plug-in, it would be the ultimate reward for exploring. It seems a uninhabited system with more than a Leave button is possible - I remember one system in the F-25 plug-in that was uninhabitated, yet had a Spaceport Bar. Here is how good the armor was: it weighed only 20 tons yet gave you 750 armor if I remember right. You could only have 2 turrets, but they would be good both against armor and shields, whereas the two other turrets avaible only would be good against shields or against armor.
I think a uninhabitated planet with a outfitter and a shipyard should be possible- just press the checkbox next to can land/ dock here. Leave is inhabitated (has spaceport, refuelling) Then press the checkbox on has has outfitter and has shipyard.`
Though I don't know how much a uninhabitated system with a outfitter and a shipyard makes. Maybe the system should be inhabitated after all?
This post has been edited by General Cade Smart : 08 August 2013 - 12:36 PM