Several more SPOB DESCs. I'm feeling talkative today, so forgive the Wall o' Text
I wrote this one for Luna. I couldn't understand why they brought Jupiter and Europa into Nova, but left Luna out (especially since it was present in both EVO and EVC), so I added Luna to the Sol System.
DESC 258:'Luna' said:
Earth's single moon was the first extraterrestrial body colonized, almost two centuries before the development of the first generation of the hyperdrive. Luna is too small to hold an atmosphere of its own, so lunar cities (of which there are relatively few) tend to be mostly underground. Nevertheless, Luna has booming mining and manufacturing industries; many of the structural components of UGN warships are fabricated here. The moon's low gravity is great fun for tourists from Earth and elsewhere, but for those who have to work here it can be a pain, so the cities and manufacturing complexes feature Earth-normal artificial gravity.
Next up is Houseless, the former base of the Houseless Aurorans located in the Kipa System. I say "former" because after Tekel was destroyed during the United Powers War (1225-1236 NC), the Dani had no one to argue with them about the fate of the Houseless, so...
DESC 318:'Houseless' said:
Located deep in the Rochak Dust Field, this asteroid was formerly home to a supply base for the Houseless, Auroran warriors who were cast out of their families for dishonorable deeds. Until the United Powers War, they could operate with impunity because the two Auroran Great Houses in proximity, Dani and Tekel, each wanted the honor of stamping out the menace (or wanted the other to do it; reports vary). But with Family Tekel having been obliterated by the Anz'kalarads in the United Powers War, there was nothing left to argue about, and so in 8 GSD, Family Dani attacked this station and all but demolished it. In retrospect this was a poor strategic move: the surviving Houseless scattered to the four winds and now simply raid at will all over the southern Milky Way, with no central base to attack. Over the centuries, what valuables survived the explosive decompression have been picked clean.
And then there's Abralok, a marginally Class M world inhabited by a pre-space civilization. I say "marginally" because it is cold enough to straddle the boundary between Class M and Class L, which are basically giant snowballs. I'm using the planetary classing system from Star Trek for EVN:UGF, since it's useful and effective, and I don't have time to come up with my own.
DESC 263:'Abralok' said:
Discovered and named by the Orions, chilly Abralok is home to a humanoid mammalian race with a Level IV civilization on the Blenn-Strelling Scale, equivalent to early 20th-century Earth. They have acheived powered atmospheric flight, and have heavy industry and a modern, peer-reviewed scientific community. The Abraloki civilization has been declared a Galactic protectorate under the terms of the federal Evolutionary Noninterference Act, and a spacer who makes any contact with the planet's denizens may be sentenced to up to 20 years' imprisonment. The few scientists allowed to study the Abraloki up close do so from holographically concealed camps, and reported recently that the Abraloki have discovered radioactivity.
The UGF's Evolutionary Noninterference Act is similar to Star Trek's Prime Directive in that spacers aren't allowed to make contact with races below Level VII (manned travel to other celestial bodies in their system), barring extreme circumstances. Even a Level VII First Contact is iffy (and only allowed because of the chances that a manned spacecraft may spot a starship passing through the system), and the UGF prefers to wait until they reach Level IX by developing hyperdrive.
Next, waladil's handiwork on three of the Galactic stations on the edge of the Polaris Rift.
Rift Station Golf is on the northwest edge of the Rift, bordering Wraith space (five jumps to either Hot'A'Tanius or Hel'A'Forius, the two systems inhabited year-round by the Wraith). The UGF has had little diplomatic contact with the Wraith, mainly since neither side possesses anything of value to the other. They don't fight either, for much the same reason.
DESC 227:'Rift Station Golf' said:
On the edge of Wraith space, Rift Station Golf has an air of mystery around it. The space outside the windows seems ... blacker than most space, as impossible as that is. Something about the Wraith makes this region far more terrifying than anything logical tells us it should be. The people walking are subdued and morose on the boardwalk, yet in the bars people are almost ritualistically partying, trying to keep the darkness at bay. Thankfully, stints on this station are short, which is easier on the people assigned to live and work here.
Rift Station Mike is on the northeast edge of the Rift, and its only real value is because ships pass it on the trade route between Betelgeuse and Marathon Sectors.
DESC 228:'Rift Station Mike' said:
There's a reason Rift Station Mike got nicknamed "Misfit Station." After being considered an easy posting due to having little strategic or scientific importance, it became the perfect place to put any professionals who were incapable of holding a regular posting, but not abnormal enough to get thrown into an institution. FLETCOM considers it the perfect post for a lieutenant who only became an officer because his uncle is the leader of some minor race, or a scientist who insists on all of his meals being served with exactly three sprigs of parsley per side, with one extra in case of extra unobservable dimensions. For some reason, one Old Earth "Corporal Klinger" character has become an unofficial mascot. Showings in the bar every evening.
Finally, Rift Station Sierra, on the eastern side of the Rift, is a major regional base of the UGN, partly because it is only three jumps from the Balcrusian People's Republic, and thus sometimes has to send forces in two directions: west into the Rift to fight pirates, or east into Marathon Sector to fight the Balcrusians.
DESC 243:'Rift Station Sierra' said:
As a nearby chief petty officer informs a squad of raw recruits as you debark your ship, "Rift Station Sierra is here to put some <expletive> hurt on some <expletive> pirates and <expletive> Balcrusians who get in our <expletive> way. And it's my job to turn you <expletive> maggots into real <expletive> fighting machines!" Immediately following that, there was dropping and the giving of twenties.
You later learn that watching boot camp is pretty much normal disembarking procedure. Rift Station Sierra is the home of seven battlecruiser squadrons, and is the cornerstone of combat efforts around the Rift. It's been the stated goal of Sierra's CO to ferret out the pirates deep in the nebulae, but all the various anomalies have made that impossible to date.
I'm currently placing SPOBs in the Orion Nebula (mainly governed by the Orion League).
This post has been edited by StarSword : 09 October 2011 - 05:23 PM