I made an interesting discovery that'll be useful in the documentation the other day. You see, I don't use Microsoft Office at home; I use OpenOffice. I discovered that OpenOffice can export documents to PDF format. Didn't know I could do that.
@zapp, on Sep 21 2007, 03:18 PM, said in EV Nova: United Galactic Federation:
Colosseum is past beta; it's just waiting for graphics. As far as I know, AG just entered beta.
The graphics are being worked on.
@lnsu, on Oct 19 2007, 11:22 AM, said in EV Nova: United Galactic Federation:
For biotanium, why not make green armor that has a varying color? make it look like a sheet of green algae.
Biotanium? What? :huh:
@lnsu, on Oct 19 2007, 08:22 AM, said in EV Nova: United Galactic Federation:
For biotanium, why not make green armor that has a varying color? make it look like a sheet of green algae.
The biotitanium is done already, sorry.
@0101181920, on Oct 19 2007, 05:45 PM, said in EV Nova: United Galactic Federation:
The biotitanium is done already, sorry.
What the **** is biotanium? I never mentioned biotanium; neither did anyone else until you brought it up.
If it's for armor, I've got that angle covered in every faction. Here they are, sorted first by faction and then by strength (ascending):
UGF: stealth armor (weak, but adds some radar jamming), durasteel, Quadanium, kanium composite
Varellavites: obralite matrix (woven, not forged, from a mineral native to the planet Obrala)
Protoss: diradium lattice (built using a nonradioactive isotope of radium)
Ganba: iridium tritonite plating, Galor composite plating
Balcrusians: structural reinforcement (can only have one, but it also adds some free mass and mounting points for weapons)
Chiss: Chiss plating
It's from Collesium, which we somehow got onto. Now, how did he know that biotanium existed? That's what I'm wondering. Josh, have you told the general public about this?
He's a beta tester. He knows more than you do.
I wasn't responding since this isn't the right thread, trying to avoid hijacking it.
The next few posts will describe the ships I've come up with for the various factions. The Protoss have already been listed here.
The United Galactic Armed Forces are divided into four main branches: The Navy (UGN), Army (UGA), Marine Corps (UGMC), and Fighter Corps (UGFC). However, only the UGN and UGFC have ship designs that will be visible in EVN:UGF, though the others' may be mentioned in mission dialog.
Here they are, listed in order of resource ID.
UGN Command Ship: The most powerful warship class in the Galactic armed forces. Two classes are featured in the plug: the Apache -class (new) and the Aegis -class (newer); a third, the Valhalla -class, is mentioned in passing, though it was taken out of service about twenty years before the start. Command ships are the flagships for the UGN's thirty Expeditionary Battle Groups, which are dedicated to protecting the UGF from external threats, whereas the Sector Defense Fleets provide internal security. They're also the largest ships in the plug: the Aegis is nearly eight kilometers long, has a wingspan of five kilometers, and carries 30,000 crew, five divisions of ground troops, and two prefabricated outpost bases that simply drop out of the ventral wing surfaces.
UGN Destroyer: Fast for a capital ship, it doesn't stint on its defenses or guns either (though it doesn't hold a candle to the command ships). Standard mission profile for the Anaconda -class destroyer includes blockade duty, search-and-destroy missions, and escort duty. It also carries a small number of Black Knights.
UGN Battlecruiser: A flying fortress built for slugging matches between capital ships, the O'Brien - and O'Brien II -class battlecruisers are slow and unmaneuverable, but have loads of firepower and plenty of expansion room.
UGN Frigate: The Ryloth -class frigate is a fast light capital that has a mission role something like a Polaran Dragon or Arachnid. It responds first to threats, holding the enemy at bay while the slower capitals maneuver into position. After command ships, Galactic frigates are the most sought-after postings for UGN personnel; however, they also suffer the highest attrition rate.
UGN Medical Frigate: A variant of the Ryloth , the Thyferra -class medical frigate provides emergency medical care in war zones. Typical mission profiles involve relief efforts for civilians, and treatment for severely injured military personnel. (My intention is to have purchasing a med frigate activate a bit that makes these kinds of missions available.) However, they're by no means combat-capable warships.
UGN Training Frigate: A variant of the Ryloth , the Kandahar -class training frigate isn't a combat vessel either. It provides post-boot camp specialty training for officers. (Again, special missions will be available to the owner of a training frigate.)
UGN Gunboat: Exactly what it sounds like. The Prominence -class gunboat comes in a normal variant and a heavy weapons variant, and is designed along a similar role to the Abomination, Fed Patrol Boat, etc.
UGFC Black Knight: The first-tier starfighter of the Galactic military, it was described here.
UGFC Scallopshell: The second-tier starfighter of the Galactic military, the Scallopshell is a two-man heavy bomber. It trades speed and agility for heavy armament and a hull that is practically impenetrable to fighter-grade armament. It has both a missile variant (the purchaseable type), which is armed with heavy missiles, and a bomb variant that carries lighter missiles and C7 freefall bombs. Both come with a dorsal laser turret as well.
UGN Fleet Tender: A variant of the venerable Argosy light freighter from Escape Velocity Classic , it supports Navy battle groups on long deployments, and can be reconfigured on the fly for other mission profiles. The classic example of this came at the end of the war with the Varellavite Imperium thirty years before the start. Immediately after the Varellavite surrender, the Fourth Fleet reconfigured some of its tenders as firefighting ships to put out the forest fire started by the crash of a Galactic destroyer during the fighting. (Purchase activates specialty missions.)
This post has been edited by StarSword : 04 November 2007 - 06:36 PM
Next up: Varellan vessels.
As previously mentioned, the Varellavites aren't as technologically advanced as the UGF, and their ships are, therefore, inferior to the UGN's in most respects. Nevertheless, they do their job, though not as efficiently, and with less finesse.
VIN Kraken: Previously described here. The Mvleng-Ulngaas Guakkren (that's the transliteration into Basic; Galactics call them Krakens) battleship fills a niche equivalent to the UGN command ship. Two classes are currently in use: the venerable Obrala -class, which was named for one of the most important worlds in the Imperium; and the brand-new Emperor -class.
VIN Grendel: Again, this is a corruption of its Varellan name, "Gondorl." The Imperium's second-tier warship mounts a small E-Wing bay underneath its stern. It is somewhat faster than the Kraken, but doesn't hold a candle to its Galactic counterparts.
(Grendel -->samurai.gif (17.26K)
Number of downloads: 10 <-- UGN Battlecruiser) -
VIN E-Wing: The Mvleng Ulngaas "E-Wing" Space Superiority Fighter is the first-tier fighter of the Varellavite Imperial Navy. The role of an E-Wing is much like that of the old Auroran Firebirds: it keeps enemy fighters away from the Theta-Wing bombers. Compared to the newer Black Knight the E-Wing is obsolete, but a good E-Wing pilot with a well-maintained bird can still be a serious threat.
VIN Theta-Wing: Put simply, the Mvleng-Ulngaas "Theta-Wing" Ordnance Deployment Platform is a joke. Now, in its heyday the Theta-Wing was an extremely dangerous vessel; however its heyday was about 150 years ago. If you plan to join the Varellavites, my advice is to dump your Kraken's Theta-Wings in favor of Starhawk heavy fighters, a civilian craft which is available at advanced Galactic outfitters.
VIN Starfish: The most advanced craft in the Varellan arsenal is the Mvleng-Ulngaas "Starfish" Gunship. "Starfish" isn't even close to the Varellan name; it's purely a description of its shape. Designed using technologies acquired from the far more advanced Ganbar Empire, the Starfish can challenge Galactic gunboats on an equal footing, and Black Knight pilots give them a wide berth. Scallopshells, however, will plow right through a 'fish's gunfire.
Mermaid: The Ygnarvlia Mermaid is a civilian light freighter that, in terms of combat strength, makes the Pegasus look like Frandall's Raven. It's stupidly slow, and it doesn't even have enough cargo space for a decent mass mod. After seeing the effectiveness of the UGN Fleet Tender during the war, the VIN started using a modified version of the Mermaid as a fleet tender, but they would've done better to build a fleet tender from scratch.
Cuttlefish: The Ygnarvlia Cuttlefish is the Varellan bulk freighter, and though it maneuvers about as well as an unmodified Cambrian, it is no slouch in combat. It is well armed (for a civilian vessel), can carry 4,000 metric tons of cargo, and costs 500 fewer credits per ton of cargo than its Galactic counterpart.
Oh, and by the way...
@shlimazel, on Oct 27 2007, 01:28 PM, said in EV Nova: United Galactic Federation:
Neat! Looks like you've put a lot of thought into these ships.
Oh, and where'd you get that ship that is in your member profile? It's awesome. You said before that you couldn't make graphics so I was just wondering.
... I got it off of 3drt.com. I've gotten their permission to use some of their ship designs in the plug; currently I'm only using two. The one you're talking about is going to be the Ganba Light Interceptor.
This post has been edited by StarSword : 28 October 2007 - 04:09 PM
@shlimazel, on Oct 28 2007, 01:20 PM, said in EV Nova: United Galactic Federation:
Heh, that kind of stuff would be fun to do.
By the way, if that ship is in your TC then I'm looking forward to flying it!
It's not in the TC yet, no. I'm just thinking
out loudonline.{edit}
Wait a minute--did you mean the one on my personal photo or the jack'o'lantern? The profile one is my inspiration for the Ganba Light Interceptor, so yeah, you will get to fly it. If I put the jack'o'lantern in, it won't be purchaseable.
This post has been edited by StarSword : 28 October 2007 - 04:12 PM
Okay, and this really is going back a long way, but do the protoss. Please. I've always wanted to fly a carrier. They are so awsome. Everybody else, why does it matter what he does? Raise your hand if you are spending about 5000 man hours working on a tc, and I don't already know about it.
Next up, the Ganba. Technologically they are on an even footing with the UGF, but the UGF can field much more firepower, which is solely due to its much larger size and population. Nevertheless, in a one-on-one battle between a United Galactic Navy warship and a Ganbar Imperial Fleet warship of the equivalent class, it's basically a toss-up.
The interesting thing about the Ganba is that their fighters don't use energy weapons, but mass drivers. (You don't have to buy additional ammo, however.)
Ganba Command Cruiser: The functional equivalent of the Galactic command ship, it is smaller and more maneuverable, but less heavily defended. Three classes are in use: the Verlodra -class ('verlodra' translates to Basic as 'invincible'), the venerable Mozugoda -class (which is the equal of the Apache -class command ship), and the missile-centric Furka -class.
Ganba Escort Carrier: This is a ship class that is unique to the Ganba. The Krogon -class escort carrier doesn't carry as many fighters as the command ship, and is dependent on them for maximum effectiveness in combat. However, it is fast and agile, and fills a role similar to a light cruiser. Three variants are in use. The basic Krogon -class, or Type I, is an all-purpose mid-range capital. The Type II ("Extra Fighters Detected") has no missiles at all and is entirely dependent on its fighter. The Type III ("Heavy Fighter Version") has had its Ganba Light Interceptors (GLIs) removed in favor of fewer, but better-armed Ganba Heavy Interceptors.
Ganba Destroyer: The Ganvor -class destroyer is a boxy light capital ship that carries no fighters at all. In fact, in terms of armament and defenses, it's actually closer to a heavy gunboat or frigate. It's fast and agile, however.
Ganba Heavy Interceptor: Previously described here.
Ganba Light Interceptor: Previously described here and here.
Ganba Heavy Transport: It isn't much in combat, and hauls less cargo per credit than the Superstar bulk freighter favored by the UGF. Nevertheless, it forms the backbone of the Ganba economy.
Ganba Light Transport: Though it can carry only 100 metric tons of cargo, it is fast and agile, and can jump into hyperspace without slowing. (This is due to the processor speed of its navicomputer more than anything else.)
@0101181920, on Oct 28 2007, 02:32 PM, said in EV Nova: United Galactic Federation:
Everybody else, why does it matter what he does?
Imagine what EV would be like if Matt Burch had that mind set.