OK, so I've used MissionComputer for Windows and here's what I think.
It's a far easier to understand editor than EVNEW but I think it's incomplete enough to not be always better.
If you just want to view ships, there is no possiblity of viewing the most interesting part: the ship description.
For example, the IDA Frigate is shown as having no description (!). Except the IDA Frigate does have one, I've viewed it.
The same continues with the weapon list. The name field just says not found even if the ships came with Nova itself. That means I have to open Nova Data 4 and find the weapon name based on the ID.
Same goes for outfits, they will also say not found in the name field.
You can't view the description of outfits, even if it does exist. The Hellhound Missile does have a description, you just can't view it. The description is blank, if you press edit description.
This means I don't know if you can actually use MissionComputer for Windows Alpha 1 to actually make outfits (because they need descriptions) or ships (they also need descriptions). You can probably just type in the field where you can make a description, but why can't I view description that exist? Even descriptions that come with the game? For example, the description of the Mod Starbridge? Does MissionComputer keep descriptions I've already typed?
Can I use MissionComputer to make a system change government? Well, it seems the NCB features work fully though.
MissionComputer is a wonderful editor. It's much easier to understand than EVNEW. However, the high standard means I want MissionComputer to work more fully than I care about EVNEW working. I want at least the most interesting features to work. I would like- if this is possible- all select field graphically buttons to work. Many of those, when pressed, just give you a blank box with nothing inside. You can select - and choose that, but nothing happens. It seems specifically all select field graphically ones, except the fields that are for NCBs. The ship resources field where it lists the weapons a ship has has a button that you can't even press. Again, I can only wonder what I could see if the button worked- and I actually got to see the graphical editor for a ships weapons.
The Cron editor has a find resource feature which lets me select resources but which does nothing when I do select a resource. I mean the NCB test field, when you press the magnifying glass. I can only wonder if the feature is good.
The oöps resource, pers resource and junk resource can't be opened at all. I get a error message. The pers resource is important enough to be able to view and edit. Every plug-in I've ever played has perses. Why can't we view these resources, the pers one being the most interesting? Bööms and röids can be viewed for some reason, even if I consider these far more uninteresting.
I want a new version, and I want the following things to be added to it: a ability to view and edit ship descriptions, a ability to view and edit descriptions of outfits, the ability to see the name of a weapon in the field which shows which weapons a ship has, the ability to view the names of outfits which a ship comes with in the field which shows outfits a ship has, and a ability to use the graphical editor (magnifying glass) next to the field that lists what weapons a ship has. That's the very minimum needed to make MissionComputer work at all in editing plug-ins, and fully in viewing plug-ins.
I would like if all select the value for this field graphically (magnifying glass) buttons worked, meaning you get a editor that works fully when you press those. The cron editors find resource feature working would perhaps be good, even if I never use crons.
When can we have a new version of the Windows version?