Copying everything to your own plugin should work fine, provided there are no conflicting ID numbers.
@avi-kerensky, on 16 August 2011 - 06:08 PM, said in Success!:
Another question (am I annoying yet?
Trust me here, you're not.
Also, as a second thought, Jalisurr, DarthKev, and David, for thanks in your helping me understand how this thing works, if you approve, I am going to put the three of you guys in my plug as people flying around, with a special ship (which you can choose if you like). Let me know what you think.
Sure, you can put me in there if you want, though I don't feel I've done enough to earn it...
I'll put together a plug of my own, making sure it doesn't conflict with Jalisurr's and post it here. Standby.
Edit: Okay, finished.
DarthKev's (4.12K)
Number of downloads: 3This post has been edited by DarthKev : 17 August 2011 - 07:02 PM
@darthkev, on 17 August 2011 - 05:54 PM, said in Success!:
Trust me here, you're not.
Sure, you can put me in there if you want, though I don't feel I've done enough to earn it...
I'll put together a plug of my own, making sure it doesn't conflict with Jalisurr's and post it here. Standby.
Sounds good.
My plug has destabilized. I tried pulling the plug, and starting again, still crashed. I reinstalled, and it worked fine, then I put the plug in, and it crashed. Still crashes without the plug.
I'm not sure what caused this (It was working fine last night). Any ideas? The asterisk is that little circle doodad. I don't know the ALT function to create it.
Resource ID: Error Loading sp*n resource from PICT
Code: 425
Resource not foundFailure: sprite.c 1623
I have included my plug for your viewing pleasure: -
@jalisurr, on 17 August 2011 - 07:08 PM, said in Success!:
I am again away from my computer, but that error is usually caused by trying to load a ship without the correct shan. If it was working fine last night, it must be something you did between then and now. (My own and Darthkev's plugs included. We aren't infallable.)
I already took out everything I did between last time it ran and now (Your plug was the first I thought of) and it still crashes. I even looked through all the different parts, and can't find any reference to a sprite matching that number. Grrr Just when I thought I was alright. lol
Edit: CORRECTION! The game itself is crashing. Not my plug. I just reinstalled the game, and I went through the search function (in the start menu) and erased everything labaelled with 'EV Nova.' I ran the installer again. The 'Run EV Nova' checkbox ran the game without problems. When I clicked the new shortcut (that I just installed) it gave me the crash. So it's not my plug. WTF?
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 17 August 2011 - 08:00 PM
This is strange. That error, if I'm remembering correctly, means shän ID 425 is pointing to an rlëD that doesn't exist. However, you don't have a shän ID 425 in the plug, so that shouldn't be a problem. Curious...
Also, I've attached my përs above. It slightly alters STR# ID 7100 and 7101, but otherwise uses completely unique resources.
There's an off chance that I know what's wrong. What version of Windows are you on?
@krugeruwsp, on 17 August 2011 - 08:48 PM, said in Success!:
There's an off chance that I know what's wrong. What version of Windows are you on?
Keep in mind, this crash came out of nowhere. It was fine when I shut down last night.
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 17 August 2011 - 09:14 PM
Both Vista and Win7 have a tendency to try to protect system files, like things in the Program Files folder. I have had issues, apparently at complete random, with plugs where if the file name is the same, it reverts back to the last file with the same name in the system folder. So, say I make a plug called "Defiant." I make some changes to the plug, and try to save it. Nothing changes. I take the plug out somewhere not in the system folder and make changes, they save. I put "Defiant" back into the EV Nova folder. It reverts back to the previous one, even if I delete the old file and replace it. I think it's supposed to be a malware protection thing, which makes sense, but it's a pain in the butt sometimes. It seems to be okay if you set EVNEW or Mission Computer to run as an administrator, which you can do by right-clicking and opening the Properties, then selecting "run as administrator," under the Compatibility tab.
That said, I think the problem is that you have your spob pointing to a spin resource that doesn't exist. You need to create spin resource 1016, which itself needs to point to an rleD graphic resource. If Nova still does it without your plug-in in the folder, I recommend uninstalling Nova from the actual uninstaller or from the Programs and Features control panel, then reinstalling.
Okay. What I did was uninstall, and then I reinstalled EV Nova into a different location. Works fine now, even with my plug.
Okay new problem, but this time it's my plug. As you know, I have made several ships for my plug, but I can't buy any outfits from other planets. Any idea why?
Nevermind figured it out. The 'Contribute' field needs to have a 1 at the end. lmao
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 18 August 2011 - 01:08 PM
@avi-kerensky, on 18 August 2011 - 12:28 PM, said in Success!:
As you know, I have made several ships for my plug, but I can't buy any outfits from other planets. ... The 'Contribute' field needs to have a 1 at the end.
Yes, this is how the game keeps you from installing physical outfits on a Vell-os ship.
@david-arthur, on 18 August 2011 - 01:55 PM, said in Success!:
Yes, this is how the game keeps you from installing physical outfits on a Vell-os ship.
Good to know.
Now, I want to make my ships available for purchase ONLY on my planet, and I want to have licenses for various reasons. Also, my planet is selling missiles without a need for licenses from the Feds, and while I enjoy this, it isn't what I want.
In the end, I want several CamSti Licenses, and I want my planet to sell ONLY my stuff, and none of the others. Is that possible?
@avi-kerensky, on 18 August 2011 - 02:02 PM, said in Success!:
I want my planet to sell ONLY my stuff, and none of the others.
Give your planet a TechLevel of zero, but set one of the SpecialTech fields to something outlandishly high. Set the TechLevel of each of your ships and outfits to that same number. Unlike the regular TechLevel, a SpecialTech only causes the planet to sell items of that exact level — not all lower ones — so only your own items should appear. (I believe TechLevel zero should work, but if not, you can make it 1, and only the most generic technology will be available.)
As for licences, you’ve already discovered Contribute/Require bits. Choose one con-req bit that isn’t used by the existing game, and check it under ‘Require’ for all of your new technology. Then, create a new outfit which has that same bit checked under ‘Contribute’, but no other effects: that’s your licence.
@david-arthur, on 18 August 2011 - 02:12 PM, said in Success!:
Give your planet a TechLevel of zero, but set one of the SpecialTech fields to something outlandishly high. Set the TechLevel of each of your ships and outfits to that same number. Unlike the regular TechLevel, a SpecialTech only causes the planet to sell items of that exact level — not all lower ones — so only your own items should appear. (I believe TechLevel zero should work, but if not, you can make it 1, and only the most generic technology will be available.)
As for licences, you’ve already discovered Contribute/Require bits. Choose one con-req bit that isn’t used by the existing game, and check it under ‘Require’ for all of your new technology. Then, create a new outfit which has that same bit checked under ‘Contribute’, but no other effects: that’s your licence.
(0 works, just FYI)
Do I have to go through the individual 'require/contribute' bits one by one, in order to figure out which number(s) to use, or is there a way to make it faster?
And also, I was testing out my system, and I attacked someone, and a Fed Reinf. Fleet jumped in. Ho do I make my own Fleet come instead?
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 18 August 2011 - 10:06 PM
@avi-kerensky, on 18 August 2011 - 05:11 PM, said in Success!:
(0 works, just FYI)
Do I have to go through the individual 'require/contribute' bits one by one, in order to figure out which number(s) to use, or is there a way to make it faster?
If it's not listed in the Nova bit bible, you're stuck.
And also, I was testing out my system, and I attacked someone, and a Fed Reinf. Fleet jumped in. Ho do I make my own Fleet come instead?
First, design a FLET resource. For reinforcement fleets, this amounts to little more than designating a GOVT, selecting a SHIP resource as the flagship, then selecting additional SHIP resources as escorts.
Then, go into the SYST resource and alter the value for the reinforcement fleet to the ID of your new FLET resource.
@starsword, on 20 August 2011 - 10:02 PM, said in Success!:
If it's not listed in the Nova bit bible, you're stuck.
First, design a FLET resource. For reinforcement fleets, this amounts to little more than designating a GOVT, selecting a SHIP resource as the flagship, then selecting additional SHIP resources as escorts.
Then, go into the SYST resource and alter the value for the reinforcement fleet to the ID of your new FLET resource.
Thanks. I figured it out about ten minutes after I posted the question. I saw it referred to somewhere (I forget where) and I fixed it. Just slipped my mind about correcting my post here.