An inhabited but unlandable spob will also appear as uninhabited on the radar, and will give no response to hails. Furthermore, on the hyperspace map the spob will not be listed as a port in that system, nor will it be considered when tallying the commodities and services available in that system for display on the map, nor will the spob count as inhabited for purposes of coloring the system on the map, nor will it be possible to select the spob by pressing the Land key. Overall, in-game the spob flagged as inhabited but unlandable will be indistinguishable from one flagged as uninhabited and unlandable.
And now for something completely different.
There is a way to make a spob count toward the commodities, services, and inhabitedness of the system, able to be selected by the Land key, appear colored as inhabited on radar, and show up in the list of ports in the system, all while still giving the âInhospitableâ landing message and not letting the player land. Along with that, the planet cannot be selected by a number key (meaning only by the Land key) and never displays its graphic in the system. That last point can be adjusted by putting a regular unlandable spob in the same spot, to show its graphic. However, the real killer on this is that when you try to hail the planet, the game crashes with the following message:

For reference, this all happens when a spöb is put in a system that has a higher resource ID than another system that also contains that spöb, and both systems are visible.
This post has been edited by Qaanol : 02 August 2011 - 12:20 PM