Using the EVE New App to mod EVN Game and put cpt hector back in but im having a hard time???
Welcome to the boards!
Plug-in development is a complex task, so you're right to start with something small. Are you just making Cap'n Hector continue to appear after the player has registered, or are you also trying to replicate some of his/her behaviour from the previous games?
Im trying to put CPTN Hector Back in the game and wondering if anyone has experience with the EVNew Application down loadable on the plugins page of EVN official Website. If you do you do if you dont you dont ive messed around with it for a while but im having a hard time inputting him back in to the game...
If you want to get a feel for the basics of EV plug-ins, make a copy of Nova Data 4 and open it for editing. Just look at the resources and see what aspects are available for you to change. When you’re ready to start making changes, create a new plug-in and either copy existing resources into it, or make new resources.
As for bringing back Captain Hector…
<cryptic grin>
This post has been edited by Qaanol : 16 March 2011 - 02:03 PM
@david-arthur, on 16 March 2011 - 01:08 PM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
Welcome to the boards!
Plug-in development is a complex task, so you're right to start with something small. Are you just making Cap'n Hector continue to appear after the player has registered, or are you also trying to replicate some of his/her behaviour from the previous games?
ive already registered im trying to put him back in to the registered version >:)
@qaanol, on 16 March 2011 - 01:57 PM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
If you want to get a feel for the basics of EV plug-ins, make a copy of Nova Data 4 and open it for editing. Just look at the resources and see what aspects are available for you to change. When you’re ready to start making changes, create a new plug-in and either copy existing resources into it, or make new resources.
As for bringing back Captain Hector…
<cryptic grin>
how do i create new .rez 4 and where do i type <cryptic grin>
@ptgm89, on 16 March 2011 - 02:08 PM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
ive already registered im trying to put him back in to the registered version >:)
The simplest way would be to create a new resource of the 'përs' type; these are the individually named ships that you see from time to time and that sometime hail you with advice or a mission. You can name it Cap'n Hector, and give it a similar ship to the one he uses in the unregistered game. It's even possible to make përs ships invulnerable.
@ptgm89, on 16 March 2011 - 02:08 PM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
how do i create new .rez 4 and where do i type <cryptic grin>
You don't type <cryptic grin> at all. Qaanol typed that to convey the fact that if this were a face-to-face conversation he would grin cryptically at this point.
This post has been edited by Rickton : 16 March 2011 - 03:10 PM
@david-arthur, on 16 March 2011 - 02:47 PM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
The simplest way would be to create a new resource of the 'përs' type; these are the individually named ships that you see from time to time and that sometime hail you with advice or a mission. You can name it Cap'n Hector, and give it a similar ship to the one he uses in the unregistered game. It's even possible to make përs ships invulnerable.
I already tried that but i cant get him to hail me and i cant get him to use weapons?? i want it to be just as bad a$$ as the old cpt hector....any advice?
Why don't you post a screenshot of your resource, so that we can see what you've done so far?
@darthkev, on 16 March 2011 - 04:53 PM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
The above thumbnail shows no resources. All it shows is the window for navigating through the resource types. If we go by that thumbnail, then all we can tell is you appear to have not done a single thing.
I gave up yesterday and deleted the file ill create it agin and post it tomorrow
@david-arthur, on 16 March 2011 - 02:47 PM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
You can name it
Cap'nCaptain Hector, and give it a similar ship totheoneheshe uses in the unregistered game. It's even possible to make përs ships invulnerable.
It’s misconception that Captain Hector uses only one ship (or even that she uses only one type of ship) in EV Nova. She has been observed in everything from a Starbridge to a Raven (perhaps depending on what the player is flying—no one has definitively settled how Hector chooses her ship.)
One might also find it important that whatever weapons the real Captain Hector decides to use, each projectile will deal five times more damage than normal.
This post has been edited by Qaanol : 16 March 2011 - 11:56 PM
You'll notice that I said 'his/her' in the first post — it's (absurdly) a topic of contention whether the Cap'n Hector that appears in the game is simply a representation of the actual parrot, or a fictional character who is not retroactively altered by the revelation of her femininity. And yes, the ship is dynamically generated in EV Nova , but that technology isn't available to a plug-in creator. Theoretically Hector would be given an appropriate ship even in a plug-in that replaced the entire scenario, although this point became moot when they decided that unregistered users were no longer allowed plug-ins.
And anyway, everyone knows that the real Cap'n Hector flies a Rapier.
@david-arthur, on 17 March 2011 - 08:10 AM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
Theoretically Hector would be given an appropriate ship even in a plug-in that replaced the entire scenario, although this point became moot when they decided that unregistered users were no longer allowed plug-ins.
<cryptic grin>
@david-arthur, on 17 March 2011 - 08:10 AM, said in CPT Hector's Back?:
And anyway, everyone knows that the real Cap'n Hector flies a Rapier.
Yes, the original Cap'n Hector flew a Rapier. And the most recent Cap'n Hector flew a Helian.
I thought the good Captain flew a Rapier then a Helian and most recently a Starbridge.
This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 18 March 2011 - 02:30 PM