Recently, I got it into my head to try to get Nova to play music at some point while the player was flying around in space; not a program running in the background, but for Nova itself to suddenly start playing music.
It didn't seem extremely hard: using the Nova Command Pxxx, a sound could be played at an appropriate time, say, after a Qxxx command, or when a mission 'OnShipDone' command runs.
I picked out the piece (One of the combat music tunes from "Master of Orion 3"), programmed a mission so that it succeeded after a particular ship is scanned (A large, angry battleship of my own design), and had P10051 in the 'OnShipDone' field.
At first, the music didn't play. It turns out that I needed to convert the sound using Quicktime Player to a particular format; it wasn't enough to be a System 7 Sound, it specifically had to be 8 bit Mono.
After doing that, the sound played properly; the entire minute-and-ten-seconds of it. It was a little quiet for my liking, though, and the sound was almost two megabytes in size. So, don't expect any "80's Greatest Hits" plugs out of me. I did this mostly for kicks, just to see if it could be done with the Nova Engine.
That, and at two to three megabytes a tune, anybody with a dial-up connection would scream bloody murder...
"... Of course, I could be wrong..." - Me.