and it's done.
As you may remember, Martin Turner came up with a challenge to create the "smallest possible TC". He may not have meant it as a challenge, but that's how I chose to interpret it.
So, without further ado, I present to you Teacup TC, probably the smallest total conversion ever to be released for any Escape Velocity game.
The challenge of the plug is fairly simple. You need to make a profit. However, as there is only one planet in the universe, and only one commodity, this simple-seeming requirement becomes a bit harder. You will know when you have won.
However, more interesting than the scenario is that fact that I have managed to create a total conversion small enough to attach to a post. Four times over. Its total size when uncompressed is 350 kilobytes, outdoing even a large number of standard plug-ins, and from some tests I've done, it looks like you could add a decently-sized scenario to the basic underpinnings without pushing it over the 100K compressed mark.
Now, I have not done very extensive testing of this plug, but it does run on both Mac and WinNova, and I have beaten it on MacNova (WinNova running at 11fps is not condusive to long test sessions). There are a few graphical errors on WinNova, but they do not affect gameplay.
So, any comments?
(EDIT) New install instructions:
To install, rename your current "Nova Files" folder to "Nova Files Original". Then move the Teacup TC folder into your Nova folder, and rename it "Nova Files". Also remove any plug-ins from your plug-ins folder. If you are on Windows, you will need to convert the plug.
(EDIT) New version! - Jan 19, 2006
I have added a new version of the TC to this post, so you should now download the first attached file (TCTC_Version_2). I am keeping the previous version attached because there may be some critical error in it, and I will be unable to provide support for the next week or two. If you experience problems with the new version, download the old version. ( Note: I have since uploaded a new version, so this edit no longer applies. I am leaving it in the post for historical purposes, however. )
(EDIT) New version! - Aug 28, 2006
Given that I never did upload the version I fixed to run on OS9, and that this thread is the official source for this TC, I've decided to finally put up the latest version. For those who are keeping track, the old version had 131 downloads.
Also, you should check out Qaanol's Qold Fusion plug for TCTC, which you can find attached to this post.
Attached File(s) (43.46K)
Number of downloads: 122
This post has been edited by Edwards : 28 August 2006 - 07:47 PM